Capstone Team 9
This webpage is dedicated to capstone team 9’s project updates, expect to see updates posted every Thursday.
About the team:
Mike Perry: I’m from Bow NH and live in a military family, I have a great love of tinkering and hands on work, and a great fascination with swords and medieval armory
Devin Jolicoeur: I am from Etna, ME and I have always had an interest in pretty much anything mechanical. I enjoy working on old cars and bringing them back to life.
Devin Perkins: I’m from Windham ME, and I enjoy working with computers. I love the Star Wars universe and Marvel universe.
Andrew Keithley: I am a senior student in the MET program from Chelsea Maine, besides my school work my free time is mostly spent skiing, camping, and playing hockey.
Update 1 (11/12/20): The team has found a suitable candidate for the scooter’s deck design and are now designing a joining system for the decks sections. Once this is done the team will print a model of the design and begin testing on the design in a bending senario.
Update 2 (11/19/20): The team’s deck design is now completed and is getting prepared to be printed. Once this is complete the team will begin to test the deck design. This will also allow the team to begin the drive system and test it with the Arduino throttle controller.