Robert Jarrett

Contact Information

Phone: 260-446-9426

CV: Jarrett CV


Address: Darling Marine Center, 193 Clarks Cove Road, Walpole, ME 04573

Advisor: Dr. Robert Steneck


Ph.D. Marine Biology, University of Maine, current
M.S. Marine Policy, University of Maine, current
B.S. Marine Sciences, Rutgers University, 2018
A.S. Mathematics/Science Program, Brookdale Community College, 2015


I completed my undergraduate work at Rutgers University, finding interests in marine biology, ecology, and fisheries. Following graduation, I took a year off, teaching sailing and working part time a the Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory. Then, I started my graduate education at UMaine with Dr. Bob Steneck as my advisor. I am now in the dual degree program working towards a M.S. degree in marine policy and a Ph.D. in marine biology.

For my marine policy program, I worked with the Maine Department of Marine Resources to draft a survey of gillnet fishers to understand their gear use and configuration to help inform the regulatory process to reduce risk to the North Atlantic Right Whale. My research for my marine biology program focuses on the behavior and habitat use of the American lobster. I am studying shifts in their demography using scuba diving and remotely operated vehicles as well as trying to identify the mechanisms that drive these changes. Changes in the environment due to climate change, such as low oxygen or shifts in the algal community, may indirectly impacting the lobster population and subsequently its fishery.

I hope to continue to work at the intersection of marine ecology and fisheries and for my research to inform marine resource and management questions.