Colby Johns

Contact Information

Phone: 860-377-3020


Address: 193 Clarks Cove Road, Walpole, ME 04573


B.S. Marine Biology, University of Maine, 2016
B.S. Physical Marine Sciences, University of Maine, 2016


I am the scientific diving assistant for the diving program. After obtaining my basic open water certification the spring of 2015, I jumped right into scientific diving during the summer of 2015 and became a Divemaster for the fall SBS 324 class. I completed my Divemaster in 2016 and graduated from UMaine with my bachelor’s in marine science. I rejoined the scientific diving program as a temporary employee in the spring of 2017 and served as the assistant during basic open water and scientific diving courses. In 2019 I obtained my Divers Alert Network (DAN) FA and CPR Instructor certification my PADI open water instructor certification in 2020. From there I began teaching basic scuba as the primary instructor for the program as a full-time employee. Currently I oversee the diving portion of the scientific diving class.

When I am not diving, I can be found in the Maine Water Quality Lab which is part of the Brady Lab at the Darling Marine Center. Here I work as a lab technician and conduct a variety of lab analyses and field work.