Brenda Rudnicky

Contact Information

Phone: 862.219.0009


Address: Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Portland, ME

Advisor: Dr. Walt Golet


PhD in Marine Biology, expected 2021
B.S. in Marine Science, University of New England, 2015


My research interests include life history characteristics (i.e. age, growth, movement) of commercially important and highly migratory species, including the tunas. For my Master’s Thesis, I’m working to reduce uncertainty in stock assessments for Atlantic bluefin tuna by increasing knowledge about their life history in the Gulf of Maine. More specifically, my main objectives are to: 1) estimate general age structure of bluefin by examining sagittal otoliths, 2) model general and sex specific growth using the von Bertalanffy growth function, 3) estimate stock mixing using otolith microchemistry, and 4) explore otolith shape as a predictor of stock origin and environmental history.