Viscous Flow Environments in Oceans and Inland Waters by Peter Jumars
Viscous Flow Environments in Oceans and Inland Waters
Author(s):Peter A. Jumars
Contributors:Peter Jumars;
Book Description
Date of Publication:01/02/2019
Pages / Size:184 / A5
Peter A. Jumars is Professor Emeritus of Oceanography at the School of Marine Sciences and the Darling Marine Center of the University of Maine. He has also worked at the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington and as a program officer with the US Office of Naval Research. He is author of more than 140 journal articles and book chapters and one previous book, Concepts in Biological Oceanography: An Interdisciplinary Primer. His past elective offices include presidency of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography and chairmanship of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents.
This text targets advanced undergraduate students, graduate students and practicing aquatic scientists who seek to understand effects of flow on aquatic processes but have had little prior exposure to fluid dynamics. It provides a self-contained introduction to flows at small scales within oceans and fresh waters in ubiquitous settings, such as boundary layers and dissipative vortices, wherein viscosity suppresses inertial forces. Diagrams, graphs and equations enable reader calculations of viscous flow effects. Detailed derivations include drag forces, solute fluxes and particle encounter rates. Applications described include the effects of shape and orientation on drag in steady and unsteady flows, nutrient uptake by bacteria and phytoplankton, quorum sensing, particle coagulation and suspension feeding.
Teachers of biological fluid dynamics will find this book to be a rich, student-tested source of examples and applications of low Reynolds number flows. Its coverage of both bounded and unbounded flows carefully specifies the limits of low Reynolds number behaviors as flow velocities increase, and indicates the consequences when those limits are approached and exceeded.