Research Programs


Soil and crop management for biologically based fertility systems

Biologically based soil fertility systems provide multiple ecosystem and crop production services. These systems rely on organic sources of nutrients (e.g., manure, compost, green manure, and plant and seed meals) to meet crop needs. They can replace some or all of the need for synthetic fertilizer, improve soil quality and productivity, and recycle nutrients that […]

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Factors affecting organic matter decomposition and stabilization in soils

Because soil organic matter stores both nutrients and water, it is a key to soil quality in both agricultural and forested ecosystems. The overall goal of this research is to help us to understand the factors that preserve organic matter in soils and also understand how soil organic matter levels may be affected by rising […]

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blueberry barren

Sustainable nutrient management for Maine fruit and vegetable crops

Maine’s agricultural economy is restricted to some extent by short seasons, extremely cold winters and soils that may be erodible, acidic, low in organic matter, underlain with compacted glacial till or with a sandy subsoil that promotes nutrient leaching. In spite of the challenges, Maine has a thriving agricultural sector that has adapted to soil […]

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potato breeding

Potato breeding and variety development activities to enhance farm sustainability in the eastern U.S.

Consumer demographics and food preferences present new challenges for farmers who seek to supply high quality, highly nutritional products to consumers, while maintaining economically and environmentally sustainable production practices. This multidisciplinary regional research project helps farmers address these needs. Specifically, we propose to provide farmers new potato varieties to solve production problems and meet consumers […]

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infected potato tuber

Epidemiology and management of potato diseases

Potato production plays an important role in the state of Maine and significantly contributes to the economy of the United States. Studies are urgently needed to address the management of both airborne and soilborne diseases in potato. This project will involve studying the principle of disease development with changing environments and agricultural production, updating the […]

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