Lab News & Views

Recommendations for the new national ocean policy

A team of experts led by Brown University has a plan to advance President Obama’s directive to manage the nation’s waters better. In a paper in Conservation Letters, Leila Sievanen and Heather Leslie – along with a number of other natural and social scientists – offer several recommendations based on a two-year investigation of marine management efforts […]

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2005 Heat Stress to Caribbean Corals Worst on Record

Caribbean and Atlantic coral reefs suffered record losses due to extreme heat in 2005. In the most comprehensive assessment of regional coral bleaching, scientists from over 22 countries, including Brown’s Sheila Walsh, report that over 80% of corals bleached and 40% died. These losses are especially alarming because Caribbean corals are already in peril due […]

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Sarah Corman receives NPS funding!

Leslie lab member and Brown-MBL PhD student Sarah Corman was awarded the National Park Service’s George Melendez Wright Climate Change Fellowship this summer, to support her regional studies of productivity and phenology of the salt marsh foundation species Spatina alterniflora The goals of this student fellowship program are to support new and innovative research on […]

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