Kara shares her science at Loreto Bay national park celebration
The waters and islands of Loreto Bay were designated a National Park in 1996, and in 2005, the area became a World Heritage Site. For the 20th Anniversary of Loreto Bay National Park, Loreto held a week-long celebration in July 2016.
As part of the festivities, UMaine graduate student Kara Pellowe was invited to give a public talk on Mexican chocolate clam biology and conservation. Government biologists and officials, NGO scientists, local political leaders, restaurant owners, fishermen, and community members attended the talk and learned about the importance of chocolate clams to Loreto Bay ecosystems and communities and about Kara’s studies of chocolate clams in Loreto Bay. The talk sparked a community discussion about the importance of science to species and ecosystem management, and many questioned why it isn’t easier to incorporate scientific knowledge into policy. The audience was very encouraging of the continuation of Kara’s work, and stressed the need for additional public talks and forums to disseminate knowledge and discuss as a community ways in which to conserve important local species.