Encased, 2020
Students of Intermedia Studio Critique
Encased is an artist kit born as a creative solution to social distancing practices mandated by the coronavirus pandemic as an alternative to a large, in-person, group exhibition. Each student from the Fall 2020 Intermedia Studio Critique course made an artistic contribution to the birth of this piece.
Participating Artists
Charles Adjaye, A Collection of Paintings and Wood Burnings
Adriana Cavalcanti, Living Organisms
Lia Davido, The Adventures of Fig
Armando Garma Fernandez, The Year of the Mask
Kate Fogler, Bonanza Jellybean Quilt
Kathleen Fraize, A Walk Through 2020
Walter Greenleaf, A Nicer Place (I’m Loving It)
Thomas Griffith, Invading Species
Katarina Hoeger, It Happened this Year
Rochelle Lawrence, Postal Project
Eric Ranco, Marshawn Lynch, The Man Made Earthquake