New Employees

Welcome to the University of Maine, a community of more than 11,200 undergraduate and graduate students, and 2,500 employees working on campus and throughout the state. We are excited you have decided to join us!

You will work within one of the most diverse communities in Maine, where students come from throughout the state and the U.S., and more than 65 other countries. 

As Maine’s flagship university, we take pride in service to students and in stewardship to the state. UMaine is the largest campus in the University of MaineSystem, yet students and employees describe our community as caring, close-knit and supportive. There is a sense of place here, not just because of UMaine’s location in one of the most naturally beautiful states in the country, but because of the widely held passion for — and commitment to — the university’s mission of teaching, research and public service.

As a new University of Maine employee, we appreciate your talents that will help us fulfill UMaine’s mission and ensure its future. You are part of a UMaine legacy that began in 1865, and we look forward to the difference you will make in our community.

To take a self-guided walking tour of UMaine, click on the following link: