The History Department at the University of Maine offers both undergraduate and graduate programs leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy.

We offer a wide variety of chronological, geographical, and thematic courses that enhance individuals’ understanding of themselves and the contemporary world by expanding their experiences to include the experiences of other peoples, both past and present. These courses range from ancient times to the present, cover most geographical regions of the world, and allow topical specialties ranging from women’s or environmental history to the history of technology or labor history. History graduates find employment in a wide range of occupations. Traditionally they have gone into teaching and education careers in primary and secondary schools and, with appropriate graduate-level training, colleges and universities. More recently, increasing numbers of history graduates are finding their way into private and public non-profit organizations and agencies, such as museums, archives and libraries, research and service institutions, legislative bodies, and planning agencies. Others find career opportunities in the private sector, including publishing, journalism and broadcasting, and law firms; in fact, history is an ideal pre-law major.

The Department of History offers lower level baccalaureate courses (HTY 103-HTY 280), upper level baccalaureate courses (HTY 301-HTY 499), and graduate level courses (HTY 501-HTY 699). Senior history majors may take 500-level graduate courses. Other students may take graduate level courses by permission.