Sample Recommendation Request

Name and address of reference

Dear Dr. ____________:

I am beginning the process of applying to (medical school, dental school, optometry school, veterinary school etc.) and would like to request a letter of recommendation from you. Since taking your BIO xxxx course, I have completed my pre-med minor and have been working on a research project in the field of xxxxx.

In your letter, I would like you to focus on my academic abilities and leadership potential (include examples or other focus items). You may recall that I was the team leader for our project on xxxxx. Your letter will be included in my Health Professions file and become part of my composite letter of recommendation. Please make your letter as explicit and concrete as possible and give examples. You have my permission to include grades and/or class rank in your letter.

I have included a resume, which outlines my achievements, activities, and experiences. If you feel it would be helpful, I would be happy to meet with you to discuss this letter and my professional goals.

Please complete your letter by XXXX. Send an email copy of your letter to and send a signed copy of your letter directly to the Health Professions Committee at:

Career Center
5748 Memorial Union
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5748

Thank you for willingness to write this letter or recommendation.

Your Name

Sample e-mail

Dear Dr. ___________,

About a week ago, I sent you a request to write a letter of recommendation for me. I am hopeful that you will be able to support my candidacy for (medical school, dental school, optometry school, veterinary school etc). If you would find it helpful, to meet in person, I would be happy to do so. The deadline for submitting your letter is XXXX. If this is a problem, please let me know. Please send an email copy of your letter to and send a signed copy of your letter directly to the Health Professions Committee at:

Career Center
5748 Memorial Union
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5748

Thank you for writing this letter of recommendation for me.

Your name