Katie Ashley

Contact Info: katherine.ashley@maine.edu

Degree Program(s): Ph.D. in Plant Science

Home Town: Vero Beach, Florida

Role in Graduate Student Government: As the Board of Trustees Graduate Student Representative, I speak on behalf of graduate students and communicate our unique viewpoints, challenges, and successes at Board Meetings. I also relay the Board’s discussions and decisions to The Graduate Student Government and the graduate student population. It is important that graduate student voices are heard because The University of Maine is a member of the University of Maine System, composed of seven Universities across the state. Many policies and guidelines are constituted at the system level by The Board of Trustees, and I am responsible for advocating for the needs of graduate students at UMaine in this process.

Reason behind joining the GSG as an officer: I am excited to serve the graduate student community to ensure we have a voice in important decisions. I am passionate about our challenges and needs being communicated effectively to inform action.

As an officer in the GSG, how would you like to contribute in such a way that you improve the situation for graduate students?: I would like to ensure that the graduate student perspective is heard by the Board of Trustees. We make up a diverse and unique student experience and are critical to UMaine’s success. I would like to liaise our viewpoint so that our position is considered as policies are adjusted and created.

Long-Term Career Goals: Following my degree, I intend to continue working with Cooperative Extension as a specialist, which will allow me to focus on a particular area of agriculture, such as plant pathology or soil health and quality. My current role as the BOT Graduate Representative is similar to my career goals, as I will ensure the challenges of farmers and the community are communicated and used to inform applied agricultural research.

Involvement in clubs and other organizations: I am involved with the Wilson Center and enjoy volunteering with the Bodwell Center and the Orono Community Giving Garden.

 Research at Umaine: My research concerns improving soil health as a sustainable tool for suppressing soilborne plant diseases. I’m currently working on understanding the impacts of different organic soil amendments and agricultural practices on soil microbial communities. A better understanding of these relationships can result in decreased plant disease, increased yields, reduced environmental impact, and improved farmers’ economic outcomes.