Greg Porter Receives NSFA Agriculture Award—2015

Greg Porter’s service to Maine agriculture encompasses the tripartite mission of the University of Maine: research, teaching, and service. His research on crop rotation, soil management, and supplemental irrigation in potatoes has helped Maine farmers to optimize their use of inputs and achieve maximum yield, while maintaining crop storability and quality. In addition, Greg maintains an impressive potato-breeding program to develop potato varieties best suited to conditions in the eastern U.S. His program has recently released three new varieties: Sebec, Easton, and Caribou Russet. He further advances Maine agriculture through his teaching—a graduate-level course on experimental design and core sustainable agriculture class—and graduate student mentoring. Greg’s research is used every day by UMaine Cooperative Extension in its educational outreach to the Maine potato industry, while Greg himself responds to numerous requests for information from the public, speaks at industry conferences, and participates in agricultural trade shows and committees. Greg Porter’s efforts to increase the sustainability of Maine agriculture are impressive and the college is pleased to award him this year’s Agriculture Award.

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