October 17, 2018

October 17, 2018

Present: Erik Blomberg, Mauricio da Cunha, Paula Drewniany, Phil Dunn, Nuri Emanetoglu, Mark Haggerty, Sam Hanes, Leonard Kass, Anil Raj Kizha, Colt Knight, Margo Lukens, Robson Machado, Molly MacLean, William Nichols, Christopher Nightingale, Deborah Saber, Michael Scott, Howard Segal, Kathryn Slott, Sean Smith, David Townsend, Clayton Wheeler, President Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Provost Jeff Hecker, Jen Bonnet (PEAC), Jaqulin Wallace (Grad Stud Gov) Carmel Blankenship-Livi (CEAC) 

Absent: Seanna Annis, Emmanuel Boss, Alice Bruce, Dick Brucher, Stephanie Burnett, Sandy Butler, Julie DellaMattera, Scott Dunning, Per Garder, Torsten Hahmann, Nancy Hall, Valerie Herbert, Margaret Killinger, Peter Koons, Robert Meulenberg, Grant Miles, Patti Miles, Renae Moran, Nigel Pitt, Laura Rickard, Deborah Rogers, John Singer, Mona Therrien, Andrew Thomas, Phil Trostel, Stephanie Welcomer, Mark Wells, Xudong Zheng, VP Research Kody Varahramyan, Harrison Ransley (Undergrad Rep),

The meeting was called to order at 3:20 pm

I.  President’s Comments
David Townsend stated President Ferrini-Mundy would be giving updates early due to a meeting conflict.

President Ferrini-Mundy said she’s eager to hear from faculty, staff, and students. Those wishing to contact her can do so via email at joan.ferrinimundy@maine.edu There are three upcoming events: a joint Town Hall with her and Faculty Senate on October 30, 3:30 – 4:30, Chancellors Open Forum on Wednesday November 7, 1:00 – 2:15 and a Strategic Vision Forum November 15, 3:00 – 4:00. She thanked those getting the Daycare Working Group started. Susan Gardner will be chair; the first meeting is next week.

Q.  How do you like it here?
A.  “Love it and that there is autumn here.” She likes that people are open and friendly.

II.  Welcome, Announcements and Comments:
William “Dee” Nichols commented there is improvement this year when there’s an issue with a classroom, calling the number in the room gets a quick response. He also noticed IT checking equipment in a classroom after hours. There was a conversation with Vice President for Research to learn about things happening in that office.

III.  Approval of Minutes
September 19, 2018

IV.  Committee Reports
BOT – Patti Miles
No report.

Academic Affairs – William “Dee” Nichols
The committee is still working on Infosilem but nothing new to report. There will be meetings on November 2, and December 11. The electronic SET will be discussed more once someone is hired. Provost Hecker said he’d spoken to a faculty member that has expressed interest in the position. It has taken a little long but things are moving forward. Fall semester evaluations will continue as is, aiming for expansion in spring.

The committee is still working with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to strengthen faculty guidelines. Senators are asked to share the information handed out with their units.

Academic Affairs Committee will meet October 24, 3:00 pm in 222 Merrill Hall. The University Environment committee will join the meeting at 3:30 along with Susan Gardner from Rising Tide. One goal is to discuss inclusive language.

Academic Affairs subcommittee – General Education – Sam Hanes
The committee sent notes from their meeting to Jane Smith regarding a Modern Languages proposal.

Q.  What is the Gen Ed intention with Modern Language?
A.  That a student can substitute 3-cr hr of quantitative literacy for 3 in languages. Currently, 6 cr. hr. of math are required. This is in the exploration process currently.

Q.  Will there be open meetings?
A.  Yes

Q.  At the last meeting it was stated that checking peer institutions would be done, have they been checked?
A.  Some checking has been done but the process isn’t complete.

Constitution & Bylaws – William “Dee” Nichols
No report.

Research & Scholarship – Deborah Saber & Nuri Emanetoglu
There is handout today regarding self-plagiarism, stating the current policy and what self-plagiarism is. The committee looked at a couple areas and proposed language for the Faculty Handbook. Also looking at what other universities have done and professional societies. The committee is looking for feedback on the document.

Comments: This seems broad. For previous works, it needs to be cited that the work was previously published. “Substantial” means word for word in articles published previously with different results. It needs to be noted that the information has been published before. Who determines “standard practices in their field”? Refers to the society, i.e., chemistry or physics, their practices take precedence.

Q.  If someone has 20 years of work, what is the chance they’d use parts of previous work.
A.  They’d reference their prior work.

Q.  Does this affect student articles for a thesis?
A.  No, talking about journal publication.

Comments: The key is to make sure citations are being used. In Cooperative Extension documents from research projects are then used for fact sheets, do those need citations? The Standard Practices in the field would be followed.

The committee will also be looking into student access to research equipment, allowing access. The committee has thought about looking at the visibility of UMaine research and will also continue discussions on tenure track positions and expected load.

Finance & Institutional Planning – Mauricio da Cunha
The document from the survey has been sent to Provost Hecker. The next meeting with the Provost will be to discuss how to be involved with long term planning. The Provost thanked the committee for the report and said it’s very helpful, overlapping with administration concerns and a template to mark progress of goals. The timing is good since the FY 20 budget is being worked on currently. He will meet with FIPCE next month.

University Environment – Erik Blomberg
The President mentioned the childcare initiative, chair of the committee Susan Gardner, would meet next week with the administration. The committee is being populated now. A combined meeting with Academic Affairs next week and also meeting with Kris Lindstrom, Vice President Human Resources, in November regarding the potential for faculty leave policy.

Service & Outreach – Colt Knight
No report.

Committee on Committees –
No report.

Program Creation & Reorganization Review – Clayton Wheeler
No report.

Library Committee – Howard Segal
No report.

IT Committee – Patti Miles
The committee has a survey, follow-up to the 2016 survey, on needed renovations and technology in classrooms. The survey takes about 7 minutes and asks specifically about classrooms faculty teach in. It also asks about software needed and a place for comments. Robin Sherman stated an update will be done this month to Campus Solutions Student Information System.

Q.  Upgrades are being done during registration?
A.  No, the process is starting with a projected update in June.

Comment: Dave learned that there is a suggestion box for those that use the system? It’s at east@maine.edu

Q.  Will faculty be solicited for input?
A.  Yes. Last spring input was solicited.

The upgrade is Campus Solutions, going live in June. Currently looking at what to use in the future and will need input from students and faculty.

Ad Hoc Shared Governance – Grant Miles
No report.

Reports of Faculty Members on Committees of the Administration
No report. 

V.  Announcements and Updates from the Administration
Committee on Committees sent names from previous requests, thank you. The committees are, Review Committee for Visiting Libra Professorship, First-Year Student Experience, Steering Group for Early Alert Student Success and Steering Group for accreditation Self-Study. There was a lot of interest in the First-year group.

President Ferrini-Mundy commented on the Strategic Vision, she has lead a leadership team in preliminary ideas on building UMaines next strategic plan, a presentation will be given on November 15. A lot is changing so being timely is key, there will be a way to give input. Looking at an end date of March 31. Would like to build on Blue Sky, working from what exists. Looking for a plan to be “nimble” to allow for change but has a direction. Also looking for balance among university leadership and then invite university community to “fill gaps.” 

VI.  Questions of the Administration
Q.  You mentioned the fast pace of the UMSystem.
A.  The BOT will be issuing another list of priority outcomes. The UMaine System is looking at how to use 3rd party providers to deliver online education. It’s best to be out ahead of those issues. There’s a partnership with UMaine Machias, what does that mean. Those are examples.

Q.  Will the System have the ability to modify any plan?
A.  The strategy is looking at what the board is looking at and come forward with a plan.

Q.  Regarding First Year Success and looking at Campus Solutions may be a good opportunity to flag students having problems. When looking at a student record there’s no place to add a note regarding issues.
A.  If you have an opportunity to attend the forum the Campus Solutions will be part of that. MaineStreet doesn’t always provide information needed in a timely fashion. In the Navigate system information can be input i.e., absences can be added and once three absences the student and advisor receive an email. There is a steering group and faculty are involved.

VII.      Old Business
       Dave stated Old Business should be used to discuss items passed at previous meetings or years; items voted on should be followed up. For instance, the daycare issue was a resolution passed last year and the committee is staying on top of that. He mentioned the free speech issue, it is still an issue he’s concerned with and should be looked in to more. A reporter from the Chronicle of Higher Education Dave spoke to stated other universities have policies but the UMaine System is the only one with self imposed restrictions on President’s.

William “Dee” Nichols also brought up the spring evaluation of Gen Ed. Jeff St. John said the new hire would work with the senate on the next wave of Gen Ed.

VIII. New Business
No report.

Adjourned 4:20 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Grant Miles

Prepared by Kim Junkins