Chapter 4: Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures

4.1  Travel Policies
4.2  Cancellation of Classes Because of Weather
4.3  Alcohol and Drug Policies; Smoking Policy
4.4  Nondiscrimination Policy
4.5  Affirmative Action Policy
4.6  Harassment Policies
4.7  Hazing Policy
4.8  Complaint Procedure
4.9  Weapons Policy
4.10  Violence in the Workplace Policy
4.11  Whistle blower Protection Act
4.12  AIDS Policy
4.13  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
4.14  Media Communications Policy
4.15  Pet Policy

4.1  Travel Policies

Travel may be desirable as part of a faculty member’s job for a variety of circumstances, e.g. attending professional conferences, performing public service activities, etc. The university may be able to provide funding or transportation assistance in a number of ways. Faculty members should begin travel plans with their colleges and departments. For in-state or local travel, units may have their own vehicles. Requests for the use of University Motor Pool vehicles go through the faculty member’s department. Requests for more distant travel proceed through the Office of Budget and Business

Services (581-1545), In order to be reimbursed for travel expenses, prior approval is essential.

It is possible that a faculty member may travel on grant money; this travel must also go through the Office of Budget and Business Services.

For more detailed information about travel, see Administrative Practice Letter # 26

Changes in the old policy include:

 Meal Reimbursements (See5.B) There are two ways of receiving meal reimbursements and departments may choose to restrict their travelers to a particular method and it must be consistent throughout the entire travel period.

• per diem rate $30.00, no receipts necessary

• actual expenses: up to $40 per day per person. Travelers must submit an original receipt for all meal expenses (In the rare instance that a receipt is not available, a Missing Receipt Formmust accompany the Travel Expense Voucher.)

• The University of Maine will not reimburse any alcohol purchase.

Lodging (See 8, C) Travelers will be expected to use the lowest cost lodging. The University requires itemized receipts.

Air Fare (8.D) The University will only reimburse economy coach fares.

Travel Advances (12.G) Should any travel money remain unspent, it must be returned with a completed Travel Expense Voucher within 5 business days of return. The University may deduct unsubstantiated or deemed substantiated amounts within 60 calendar days after the end of the trip.

4.2  Cancellation of Classes Because of Weather

Only the President of the University of Maine has authority to cancel classes due to bad weather. Cancellation announcements are made over various radio and television stations and over the telephone (581-SNOW).

4.3  Alcohol and Drug Policies; Smoking Policy

Smoking is not permitted in the interior of any University vehicle or building, with the exception of residence halls (the Housing Services Office may develop smoking policies for residence halls, in conformance with state and local laws). See Student Handbook:

University policy recognizes that substance abuse is a complex problem that is not easily resolved solely by personal effort and may require professional assistance and/or treatment. Students, faculty, and staff members with substance-abuse problems are encouraged to take advantage of available diagnostic, referral, counseling, and prevention services. However, employees and students availing themselves of these services will not be granted special privileges and exemptions from standard personnel practices applicable to job performance requirements and from standard academic and student conduct requirements. The University will not excuse acts of misconduct committed by employees and students whose judgment is impaired due to substance abuse. (University of Maine System, 1998). More information about the university policies with regard to substance abuse or other information may be found at the faculty senate and student handbook websites listed below. Further information and copy of the Alcohol and Drugs Brochure, may be obtained at the Office of Human Resources, 234 Corbett Hall. (581-1581).

4.4  Nondiscrimination Policy

The University of Maine does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or citizenship status, age, disability, or veteran status in employment, education, and all other areas of the University. The University provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. The Director of Equal Opportunity (581-1226) handles questions and complaints about discrimination in any area of the University of Maine. Further details are available online at

4.5  Affirmative Action Policy

Through its commitments to equal employment opportunity (EEO) and affirmative action (AA), the University benefits by developing and utilizing all available human resources. All employment practices of the University of Maine, including recruiting, hiring, training, promoting, and retaining persons in all jobs, comply with this policy. Affirmative action is taken to recruit qualified women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans for all job openings. Personnel actions such as compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, return from layoff, University-sponsored training, educational programs, leaves, tuition assistance, and social and recreational programs are administered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, or veteran status. Applicants and employees who are members of protected groups are invited to identify themselves so that the University of Maine can monitor all personnel actions to ensure it is able to meet its EEO/AA responsibilities. Full details are online at

4.6  Harassment Policies

Sexual Harassment. No member of the University of Maine community may sexually harass another. The University of Maine regards freedom from sexual harassment as an individual employee and student right. Violators of this policy are subject to disciplinary action.

Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

1. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education;

2. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic or employment decisions affecting that individual; or

3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment, educational or living environment.

Consenting relationships may constitute sexual harassment under this policy. When a professional power differential exists between members of the University of Maine System and a romantic or sexual relationship develops, there is potential for abuse of that power, even in relationships of apparent mutual consent. The University prohibits abuse of power in romantic or sexual relationships. A faculty or staff member should not engage in such relationships.

A faculty or staff member must eliminate a current or potential conflict of interest by removing himself or herself from decisions affecting the other person in the relationship. These decisions include grading, evaluating, supervising, or otherwise influencing that person’s education, employment, housing, participation in athletics, or any other University activity. A complete copy of the Sexual Harassment Policy is available online at

4.7  Hazing Policy. In accordance with the laws of the State of Maine, the Board of Trustees of the University of Maine System (UMS) prohibits the injurious hazing of any student enrolled at any institution of the University of Maine System. This policy includes any situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of a student enrolled at any institution of the System.

Any organization affiliated with any UMS campus that violates these rules loses the right to conduct activities on any campus and the right to receive any other benefit of affiliation with any UMS campus.

Any person associated with any UMS institution as a student, administrator, faculty member, or in any other capacity, who violates these rules is subject to suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate disciplinary action.

Any person not associated with the UMS who violates these rules will be ejected from, and thereafter be banned from reentering, any UMS campus.

Any disciplinary action, penalty, or sanction enforced against conduct violating these rules is in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other civil or criminal law process, procedure, or penalty arising from the conduct concerned.

4.8  Complaint Procedure. An Equal Opportunity Complaint Procedure is used to deal promptly and fairly with concerns and complaints about discrimination or harassment. Any employee or student who believes that discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or citizenship status, age, disability, or veteran status has occurred may use the procedure. Sex discrimination complaints alleging discrimination based on marital status, pregnancy, or parental status may also be raised through this procedure.

The Director of Equal Opportunity (581-1226) handles complaints and concerns about discrimination or harassment. The complainant and the accused have certain rights to representation during the complaint process, including the right to be accompanied by a grievance representative for an employee who is a bargaining unit member.

The Director of Equal Opportunity discusses informal and formal options for problem resolution. Complaints are handled as confidentially as possible to protect the rights of both the complainant and the accused. Complete details are available online at

4.9  Weapons Policy

Possession, use, or display of weapons or ammunition are prohibited on campus except as authorized by the Director of University Public Safety. A weapon is defined as: an instrument of offensive or defensive combat, something to fight with, and is generally any device capable of projecting a ball, pellet, arrow, bullet, missile, shell, or other material. Weapons include, but are not limited to, firearms, bows, rockets, and sling shots. Ammunition is any material capable of projection by a weapon and that makes the weapon operational. This policy does not apply to possession and/or use of disabling  chemical sprays used for self-defense. Persons wishing to bring firearms to campus must store the weapons with the Department of Public Safety. Any exceptions to the policy must be received in writing from the Director of Public Safety (581-4040). Details of the policy, including the description of what constitutes a weapon, are available online at .

4.10  Violence in the Workplace Policy

The University of Maine does not tolerate acts of violence in the workplace. Threats of violence or acts of violence by a University employee may serve as the basis for discipline up to and including termination of employment. Violence should be reported to the Department of Public Safety (581-4040) or by dialing 911 in an emergency. Complete details of the University of Maine Workplace Violence Policy are available online at .

4.11  Whistleblower Protection Act

The Whistleblower Protection Act allows employees to report violations of the law. The Act provides safeguards from retaliation against an employee who makes a report. Reports of violation of the law, unsafe conditions or practices, or illegal acts are made to the Director of Human Resources (581-1640). The Director of Equal Opportunity investigates complaints of retaliation under the Whistleblower Protection Act (581-1226).

4.12  AIDS Policy

Community members who have acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), or any evidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are not discriminated against in any way, and their personal right of privacy is respected.

Faculty members, employees, and students with AIDS or HIV are afforded the same unrestricted classroom attendance, working conditions, use of University facilities, and participation in University activities as any other community member. This open policy accords with current scientific information and knowledge that indicates that individuals with AIDS or HIV pose no risk to other individuals in the normal academic setting.

Furthermore, the University believes that the most viable and appropriate method of preventing the spread of AIDS is through a comprehensive, ongoing process of education designed to increase community awareness of high risk situations where the transmission of the AIDS virus is possible.

4.13  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives current University of Maine students, former students, and alumni certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:

1. The right to inspect and review their educational records within 45 days of the University receiving a request for access;

2. The right to request amendment of records that they believe are inaccurate or misleading;

3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

Complete details of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy act are available online at . Directory information (including name, address, phone number, major and degree, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of student athletes, most recent previous college or university attended, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, photographs, and full- or part-time enrollment status), may be publicly disclosed unless a student has taken formal steps to deny its release. Former students or alumni cannot deny release of directory information.

Faculty access to information about students, other than directory information, requires that the information is necessary only for official University purposes of the faculty member.

Faculty must not disclose student information within their knowledge to others; e.g., parents do not have a right to obtain academic information about their child from a faculty member.

Parents, prospective employees, fellow students, etc., have no right to information other than directory information without the student’s prior consent.

4.14  Media Communications Policy

The University of Maine encourages general collaboration with the media and the public. It is positive for the University when faculty members share their expertise with the public through press releases, television and newspaper stories, etc. The Public Affairs division provides news and promotional material to the public and assists all units of the University in their informational and promotional activities. Staff members of Public Affairs also assist faculty, administrators, and university staff contacted by the media for interviews or opinions on official University policies or activities. Services include writing, editing, and disseminating materials distributed to newspaper, magazines, and radio and television stations; scheduling press conferences; arranging media interviews,

Faculty are encouraged to consult the staff of PACS when they are asked to interpret or express an opinion on official University policy. They are also are encouraged to state that the opinions expressed are their own and that they do not necessarily reflect the official position of the University. (581-3744)

4.15  Pet Policy

Many pets are well behaved and are brought to the campus by responsible persons for safety or convenience. For an animal to be taken nto campus buildings, the building manager must be petitioned. Animals must be on a leash unless confined to an area such as the owner’s office. The complete details of this policy may be found at: