Committees of the Administration

Committees of the Administration

(Version: March 27, 2009)

Athletic Advisory Board


The purpose of the Board is to serve in an advisory capacity to the President and the Athletic Director in matters pertaining to athletics at the University, to recommend policy on such matters to the President, and to recommend policy implementation to the Director of Athletics.


Ex officio and non-voting: The Director of Athletics, the Senior Woman Administrator in the Athletic Department, the Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance. Ex officio and voting: The Campus Title IX Coordinator, the Director of Campus Recreation or a designee, the Director of Academic Support Services for Student Athletes, an administrative representative from the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, and the NCAA Faculty Representative, and the Director of Alcohol and Drug Education or designee. Voting Members: one coach of a women’s varsity team and one coach of a men’s varsity team, elected by their peers for such terms as they determine; and the chief diversity officer of the Athletic Department as designated by the Director of Athletics. One administrative member representing the President for a 3-year renewable term without hiatus; five faculty members nominated by the Faculty Senate for three-year terms (no more than two consecutive terms may be served without hiatus); four employees of the University (from the Professional and Classified rank nominated by their constituencies with at least one from each group) for three-year terms (no more than two consecutive terms may be served without hiatus); four students, two of whom will be nominated by Student Government for a one-year term; two other students nominated by the Student Athlete Advisory Board, will represent the male and female varsity teams for one year terms; four community members (three of whom must be alumni; one must be a Board member of the MClub) selected by the President and Athletic Director in consultation with the Alumni Association for three year terms. Two members will be selected from the Alumni nominees, one from the Athletic Director nominees and one from the Presidential nominees (no more than two consecutive terms may be served without hiatus of one year). The Chair is elected by the Board at the first meeting of the spring semester from among its voting members. The Chair serves a one-year, renewable term.


Blake James, Director of Athletics, 581-1052

Academic Policy Planning and Implementation Committee


  • To bring to the attention of the Associate Provost for Undergraduate
    Education, the Provost’s Council, the Provost, and/or the Faculty
    Senate recommended changes in academic policy.
  • To recommend procedures to implement academic policies.
  • To coordinate and exchange information among major academic
    units of the University.


Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education as chair; Associate Dean of each College and/or student academic services coordinator; Dean of the Honors College; Directors of the Schools of Nursing and Engineering Technology; Associate Dean of the Graduate School; Directors of Explorations, the College Success Programs and Academic Services for Student Athletes; Director of the Hutchinson Center and/or Associate Director; Dean, Division of Lifelong Learning/CED/Summer Session, or designee; Director of Admissions; Director of Student Financial Aid; Director and/or Associate Director of the Office of Student Records or designee; University of Maine Bursar; Director of the Career Center; Director of Recruitment Communications; Director, New Student Programs; Chair, Undergraduate Program Development and Curriculum Committee (UPCC) or designee; Director of Information Technologies; Director or designee of Institutional Studies; Director, Office of International Programs; Director of Center for Teaching Excellence and/or Program Coordinator; Chair, Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate or designee; Director of Student Auxiliary Services or designee; and Associate Director of Residence Life and Programs or designee. All members are appointed ex officio by the President and serve without term.


Chris Hockensmith, Administrative Assistant II, 581-1547

Academic Standing Committee


  • To determine at the end of each semester which University of
    Maine students are not making satisfactory progress. Those students
    who are not making satisfactory progress are placed on probation,
    suspended, or dismissed.
  • To advise and assist the Associate Provost for Undergraduate
    Education on various matters related to undergraduate academic


Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education as chair; Associate Dean of each College and/or student academic services coordinator; Dean of Honors College and/or Student Academic Services Coordinator; Directors of the Schools of Nursing and Engineering Technology; Dean, Division of Lifelong Learning/CED/Summer Session, or designee; Directors of Explorations, the College Success Programs and Academic Services for Student Athletes; Director of Admissions; Director and/or Associate Director of the Office of Student Records or designee; Director of Information Technologies; Director of Office of International Programs; and Dean of Students or designee. All members are appointed ex officio by the President and serve without term.


Chris Hockensmith, Administrative Assistant II, 581-1547

President’s Council on Women


The President’s Council on Women reports to the President. Responsibilities include: establishing a study agenda each year to define and focus on change and evolving issues affecting women; reviewing data and reports produced regularly by offices such as Equal Opportunity and Human Resources; recommending additional strategies to enhance the representation, participation and recognition of women at the University; and, providing information to the University community and the public.


Broad representation of 22 members consisting of one representative of the Management Group, nominated by the Executive Vice President/Provost; three members of the faculty; one representative of Human Resources; three professional employees; three classified employees; two graduate students; and two undergraduate students. All are appointed by the President, normally for three-year terms; students are appointed for two-year terms. The president also appoints the Chair, normally from the existing membership, for a two-year term. The Director of Equal Opportunity, the Director of the Women’s Resource Center, and the Director of the Women in the Curriculum Program all serve as resources to the Council and meet with the Council at least once each semester.


Evelyn Silver, Senior Advisor to the President, 581-1512

Commencement Committee


The responsibility for planning and coordinating the graduation ceremony is charged to the Commencement Committee. Coordination and direction must be flawless so that the final product — the commencement ceremony — is always perceived by the graduates and their families as a success.


Provost or designee, Chair; Senior Assistant to the Provost; Associate Director of Student Records; Director of Graduate School, Dean of Students or designee; President of Alumni Association or designee, Director of Disabilities Services; all ex officio; two faculty representatives nominated by the Office of Student Records and approved by the Faculty Senate shall serve as marshals; two faculty members from different colleges than marshals nominated by the Faculty Senate. All faculty will be appointed by the President for three-year terms. Five Students (3 seniors — 1 year term, 2 juniors — 2 year terms) nominated by Student Government and appointed by the President; and one graduate student nominated by the Association of Graduate Students for 1 year term.


Chris Hockensmith, Administrative Assistant I, 581-1547

Honorary Degree Committee


The Honorary Degree Committee reviews nominations for honorary degrees submitted by the University community on a schedule set by the President’s Office in relation to Board of Trustees’ deadlines. The Department of University Relations will distribute a request for nominations and nomination form to all employees in the Fall of each year. Following review and discussion of all nominations, the Committee will make recommendations to the President. Nominations received in the fall are for degrees to be awarded at the Commencement ceremonies of the following academic year.


Director of University Relations, ex officio; Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education or designee, ex officio; six faculty members (two selected annually from those serving on the Commencement Committee and four nominated for three-year terms by the Provost); one undergraduate student selected annually from those serving on the Commencement Committee; the graduate student serving on the Commencement committee.


Carrie Bulduc, Administrative Associate 581-3743

Undergraduate Program Curriculum Committee


To advise the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education (APUE) and the Provost on all matters relating to the development and/or review of academic programs, the general education curriculum, and initiation of new courses. The committee will not be limited to reacting to program and/or course initiatives submitted by existing units, but will advise the APUE and the Provost on possible new programs, on interdisciplinary programs, on joint programs with other campuses of the UMS, and on other programs that the APUE or Provost may propose.


The Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, ex officio; Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, ex officio; Division Head of the Collections Department of Fogler Library, ex officio; Associate Director of Student Records, ex officio; Faculty Senate representative, ex officio. Also, one ex officio representative is chosen from the Division of Lifelong Learning for a three-year term. One representative from each of the five colleges, nominated by the Dean of the College and appointed by the Provost for two-three year staggered terms fills out the committee. To the extent possible, regular members of the UPCC should be selected from among the membership of the curriculum committees or equivalent bodies of their respective colleges. The Committee Chair is either selected from the current membership for a one — three year term or can be an additional member of the faculty. The Senior Assistant to the Provost or designee assists the Committee. The voting membership of this Committee will not include more than two representatives from any one college. Only the faculty members of the Committee have voting authority. For the sole purpose of reviewing proposals for new academic programs, the UPCC may, at its discretion, expand its membership temporarily by two seats to add special expertise not represented among its regular members.


Chris Hockensmith, Administrative Assistant I, 581-1547

Student Employment Advisory Committee


To make recommendations to the President regarding student wages and other matters related to student employment.


Director of Student Employment, Chair (ex officio); representatives from Athletics, Business and Finance, Student Auxiliary Services, Facilities Management, Library, Human Resources; two faculty members nominated by Faculty Senate; one classified employee nominated by the Classified Employees Advisory Council; two students (one nominated by Student Government and one nominated by Association of Grad. Students). All appointments are three-year terms and except students who are appointed for one- or two- year terms. All appointments are made by the President of the University of Maine.


Andrea Gifford, Assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs,

Student Conduct Code Committee


The purpose of this committee is to interpret and administer the University’s conduct code and provide a student the opportunity to appeal to the Committee any finding or action of the Conduct Officer in determining responsibility for an alleged student conduct code violation.


The Committee shall consist of at least three, but no more than seven, members at least one of whom shall be a student and one a Presidential designee. Members are nominated by representative boards: Student Government, Association of Graduate Students, Professional Employees Advisory Council, Classified Employees Advisory Council, and Faculty Senate. Individual review committees are selected based on availability from the membership for each case brought before the Student Conduct Code Committee. All members are required to attend training on due process and hearing procedures prior to serving on the SCCC


Andrea Gifford, Assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs, 581-4031

Student Administrative Appeal Board


The function of this Board is to provide an avenue for UMaine students to appeal an action or decision made by a University administrator. The intent is to assure a fair and equal adjudication of student grievances.

NOTE:#math51##tex2html_wrap_inline356# The Administrative Appeal Policy cannot be used for appeals which are covered under other policies and procedures, such as appeals of parking tickets, student conduct cases, or faculty actions/decisions, i.e., grading policy or attendance policy.#math52##tex2html_wrap_inline358# Also, student employees in Residence Life and Programs should follow the appeal process outlined in the Residence Life and Programs’ Staff Guide.


The Board shall consist of seven members; five members shall constitute a quorum: two students appointed by the Student Government for a one-year term; one student appointed by the Association of Graduate Students for a one-year term; two student services professionals appointed by Professional Employees Advisory Council (PEAC) for a three-year term; one non-student services professional appointed by PEAC for a three-year term; one classified employee appointed by the Classified Employees Advisory Council (CEAC); one teaching faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate for a three-year term.


Andrea Gifford, Assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs, 581-4031

ROTC Committee


Advise the Provost; oversee the curriculum and other academic aspects of the ROTC program; make recommendations regarding the Military Science faculty; and participate in ROTC scholarship selections.


Senior Professors of Military Science, ex officio; the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering, ex officio; the student brigade commanders, ex officio; and seven faculty members nominated by the Faculty Senate representing at least four different colleges. Members are appointed for three-year terms by the President upon recommendation of the Provost.


Paulette Ferland, Administrative Assistant I, 581-1121

Radiation Safety Committee


Serve the campus community as follows:

  • Advising the Administration on all radiological and regulatory issues.
  • Evaluating and approving or disapproving all applications for “Authorized User” of radioisotopes or radiation producing equipment.
  • Evaluating the Radiation Safety Program on an annual basis, and forwarding findings to the VPAF.
  • Investigating all instances of unsafe condition or practices.
  • Reviewing Laboratory inspection results, and producing corrective recommendations when appropriate.
  • Investigating all instances of regulatory non-compliance, producing corrective or remedial recommendations when appropriate.
  • Reviewing the Radiation Safety Officer’s bi-monthly reports and forwarding reports (with any corrections, revisions, or recommendations) to the VPAF.
  • Evaluating significant radiological issues and developing recommendations for the administration.
  • Present an annual summary to SEM Committee.


Five faculty members with professional expertise in radiological issues, nominated by Faculty Senate. At least one member should have experience with radiation producing equipment.


Janet Waldron, Vice President for Administration and Finance, 581-1541

President’s Council on Disabilities


To advise the President and the Director of Equal Opportunity on concerns and priorities related to the establishment of a University environment free of physical, programmatic and attitudinal barriers for persons with disabilities. To promote communication across programs and individuals with responsibilities directly affecting or concerned with disability access and/or with students and employees with disabilities. To encourage, through greater communication, a more coordinated effort in meeting the needs of students and employees with disabilities.


A broadly representative council of up to 19 administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The chair is elected by the committee to a three-year term. Ex officio members will include: Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities, Director of Equal Opportunity, Director of Employee Assistance Program, representative from Human Resources, representative of the Dean of Students, Associate Provost or designee. Other members include three faculty members nominated by the Faculty Senate; one Associate Dean nominated by the Provost; two undergraduate students nominated by Student Government; one graduate student nominated by the Association of Graduate Students. Administrative representatives include four from: The Center for Community Inclusion, Facilities Management, Student Auxiliary Services, and Information Technology. Faculty and staff members are appointed by the President for three-year terms; students are appointed for two-year terms. The choice of members should include persons with disabilities to assure a direct voice for disability needs.


Ann Smith, Director of Disability Support Services, 581-2319


Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human
Subjects (IRB)


Students, employees, and agents of the University who conduct research involving human subjects must comply with the University Policy and Procedures for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research. These procedures exist for the rights and welfare of the people who participate in UMaine research. No systematic investigation of information obtained by observing or interacting with people, or by collecting and examining any form of identifiable private information about people, may be conducted until: 1) A unit review committee has reviewed the research protocol and determined that the project is exempt from further review, or, 2) the Protection of Human Subjects Review Board has approved the research protocol.


The President appoints one member to serve as Chair for a term of two years. At the beginning of the Chair’s second year of service, the President appoints a Chair-elect to succeed the current Chair. The chair is normally a member of the University’s tenured faculty who engages in research with human subjects and who has substantial experience in the review of research with human subjects. The Board shall have no more than nine and no fewer than five members, with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of activities commonly conducted by the University. In addition to possessing the professional competence necessary to review specific research activities, the Board shall be able to ascertain the acceptability of proposed research in terms of institutional commitments and regulation, applicable law and standards of professional conduct and practice. The Board shall therefore include persons knowledgeable in these areas, or have access to the counsel of such persons. The Board shall include one or more members who are primarily concerned with the welfare of children and youth. The Board may NOT consist entirely of members of one gender or of one profession. The Board shall always include at least one member whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas, such as lawyer, ethicist, or member of the clergy. The Board shall always include at least one community member who is not otherwise affiliated with the University and who is not part of the immediate family of a person affiliated with the University.


Gayle Anderson, Special Assistant for Research Administration, 581-1498

Institutional Biosafety Committee


To insure that facilities, procedures, practices and training of research personnel are in compliance with the requirements of the National Institute of Health Guidelines and to oversee recombinant DNA research.


No fewer than five faculty and community members that have experience and expertise in recombinant DNA technology and the capability to assess the safety of recombinant DNA research. At least two members shall not be affiliated with the University of Maine. Appointments are made by the President. The chairperson is also appointed by the President. Committee membership is subject to approval by NIH prior to the initiation of recombinant DNA research.


Gayle Anderson, Special Assistant for Research Administration, 581-1498

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee



Vertebrate animals are sentient beings and may share in varying degree many sensory, emotional, and cognitive responses with humankind. It is essential that we assume responsibility for their welfare and that animal use for research or teaching purposes be conducted in a humane compassionate manner. To justify the ethical costs of using live animals in research, teaching, or testing, there must be reasonable expectation that such usage will contribute to the advancement of knowledge, which may eventually benefit humankind and/or animals. No research, teaching, or testing activities using live vertebrate animals shall be initiated until the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) has approved a protocol for such use.


The Director for Research Sponsored Programs forwards the names of individuals to be appointed by the President for a three-year term. The chairperson is appointed annually by the President. The IACUC shall include at least: one Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, with training or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine, who has direct or delegated program responsibility for activities involving animals at the University; one practicing scientist experienced in research involving animals; one member whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area, such as an ethicist, a lawyer, or a member of the clergy; one individual who is not affiliated with the University in any way other than as a member of the IACUC, and is not a member of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the University.

An individual who meets the requirements of more than one of these categories may fulfill more than one requirement. However, the IACUC may not consist of fewer than seven members.


Gayle Anderson, Special Assistant for Research Administration, 581-1498

Honors Council


The Honors Council is the policy advisory body of the Honors College. The Council meets twice per semester to review the current activities of the college (recruitment, retention, enrollment, etc.), consider curricular matters, review requirements and policies, and advise the Dean on issues of policy and guidelines.


Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, ex officio; Dean of the Honors College, Chair, ex officio; Honors Program Coordinator of Student Academic Services and Budget, ex officio; the college Honors secretaries appointed by the college deans, ex officio; the Fogler Library liaison to the Honors College appointed by the Dean of Libraries for a three year term; three faculty members nominated by the Faculty Senate and appointed by the President for three-year terms; and four students recommended by the Student Advisory Board and the Dean and appointed by the President for one or two-year terms.


Deborah Small, Administrative Assistant, 581-3263

Environmental Heath and Safety Committee


To provide two-way communications between the Department of Environmental Health and Safety and the rest of the Campus in creating an atmosphere of safety consciousness, safe conditions and practices throughout the University of Maine campus. This will be an umbrella committee with responsibilities in ergonomically designed workstations and Water Safety; and Asbestos Control and Maintenance of Safe Air Quality Standards. This Committee, therefore, will supervise the following subcommittees: 1)Chemical Safety, 2) Emergency Response, 3) Industrial Hygiene, 4) Machine Shop Safety, 5) OFM Safety, and 6) Remote Site Safety. In addition, the Committee will monitor the activities of the Radiation Safety Committee and will work closely with Campus Living and Facilities Management Labor/Management Committees and other Labor/Management Committees that may be established.


Vice President for Administration, ex officio, initial Chair; Director of Environmental Health and Safety, ex officio; Designee of Vice President for Research, ex officio; Director or Assistant Director of Campus Living, ex officio; Director or Associate Director of Public Safety, ex officio, In addition, chairs of the Health and Safety subcommittees, if not already members, will be ex officio of this committee. Representatives from the offices of Public Affairs, Human Resources, Graduate School, and Facilities Management; Dean of a college engaged in laboratory research as nominated by the Deans’ Council; two faculty nominated by Faculty Senate; a total of two faculty or professional employees from UMCE, MAFE, and/or Organized Research Units nominated by Vice President for Research; one Department Chair from the College of Liberal ArtsSciences nominated by the Dean; one undergraduate student and one graduate student as nominated by the Student Gov. and AGS; one classified representative from the trades area nominated by Facilities Management, one classified representative nominated by Student Auxiliary Services; one non professional supervisor with safety responsibilities as nominated by CEAC; one clerical representative and one scientific technician representative from science or research unit nominated by the Dean of the College of Liberal ArtsSciences. All appointments are by the President and are for three-year terms.


Janet Waldron, Vice President for AdministrationFinance, 581-1541

Campus Planning Committee


The primary functions of the Campus Planning Committee (CPC) are as follows: to develop and maintain a master plan for the campus; to develop and recommend policies regarding campus planning, site selection and design for new facilities, maintenance and preservation of historic and natural resources of the campus, and assignment of space; to incorporate environmental protection issues into overall campus planning; to recommend priorities for capital construction and renovation; to develop and maintain an inventory of space needs; to maintain a plan for the use of university space and facilities; and to establish appropriate subcommittees to carry out functions. Meetings, which are open to the public, will be held once a month during the academic year and as needed during the summer months. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair as needed. The Committee shall hold pubblic forums at least once a semester to inform the campus community about current and future projects.


Ex Officio: Vice President for AdministrationFinance (or Associate VPAF), Provost or respective designee, Director of Facilities Management or respective designee, Assistant Vice President of Auxiliary Services or respective designee, Dean of Students or respective designee, Director of SafetyEnvironmental Management or respective designee, Equal OpportunityDiversity Office representative, Campus ArboretumBeautification Committee Chair, Parking and Transportation Committee Chair, and Faculty Senate University Environment Committee Chair. Appointed by President: Five faculty members nominated by Faculty Senate with professional expertise in one of the following areas: Historic preservation, Art and architectural history, Historical geography, Horticulture, Landscape architecture, Ecological sciences, Civil engineering, Environmental engineering; one employee experienced in cartography/design; one undergraduate student, nominated by Student Government; one graduate student, nominated by the Association of Graduate Students; one classified employee, nominated by the CEAC, one professional employee, nominated by the PEAC; one representative from the Athletics Department; and one representative from the Alumni Association. Each appointed student member will serve a one-year renewable term; other appointed members will serve a three-year renewable term. The committee chair shall be the Vice President for AdministrationFinance (or Associate); the committee secretary will be appointed by the committee chair and will provide meeting records to the University President, the Faculty Senate President, the CPC website, and CPC committee members following each meeting.


Janet Waldron, Vice President for Administration and Finance, 581-1541