Tag: schools

Little children making circle with hands around each other

New guide highlights behavioral support networks in Maine

The 15-page “Resource Guide for Maine Families, Schools, and Communities: Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support” provides family-friendly descriptions of services, information on how to access them, and outlines how to navigate the various supports in Maine.

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The Maine Question: How have Maine schools dealt with the pandemic?

Last spring, when the coronavirus was causing major shifts in how schools educated children, associate professor of educational leadership Catharine Biddle and lecturer in educational leadership Maria Frankland, as well as students from the College of Education and Human Development did some research.

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Maine Schools in Focus: Improving Educator Effectiveness—Useful Feedback Key to Maine’s PEPG Initiative

In 2012, Maine joined the majority of states in the effort to upgrade professional quality through better performance evaluation of teachers and principals. The Legislature, in passing LD 1858, required all districts to develop Professional Evaluation and Professional Growth (PEPG) systems, part of the federal government’s Race to the Top. All districts were to create their own systems and pilot them in 2015-16. This year, some districts are implementing these systems while others are taking a second year of pilot-testing.

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