Tag: Elizabeth Allan

Allan writes op-ed about hazing prevention for MSNBC

Elizabeth Allan, professor of higher education at the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development, wrote an opinion piece for MSNBC about sexual assault and hazing in light of recent allegations of both behaviors in the Northwestern University football and other athletics programs.

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A photo of Shibles Hall displaying the sign reading College of Education

COEHD faculty, students present at AERA annual meeting

The 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting will take place April 13–16 in Chicago. The conference is the world’s largest gathering of education researchers and practitioners, and a showcase for groundbreaking, innovative studies in a variety of areas. 

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Patriot-News highlights StopHazing’s involvement in school district anti-hazing efforts

In an article about efforts to combat hazing in the Middletown Area School District, the Patriot-News (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) noted a proposal in which StopHazing, an organization led by University of Maine Professor of Higher Education Elizabeth Allan, would work with the district for three years, collecting and assessing data on Middletown’s school culture through surveys and focus groups, then working with the district on a “culture shift process for hazing prevention” that would involve bystander intervention training, community outreach and other methods.

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Seattle TV station cites UMaine hazing study

KING-TV (Channel 5 in Seattle, Washington) cited a 2008 study led by University of Maine professor of higher education Elizabeth Allan, which found 47% of students have experienced hazing before college. The story focused on an investigation revealing a hazing incident at a Seattle area public high school.

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