CAEP Annual Accreditation Report Measures

On this page you will find Important measures of initial teacher certification programs at the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development.

Programs accredited by CAEP




Measure 1: Completer effectiveness and impact on P-12 student learning.

The State of Maine does not collect unified measures of P-12 teacher effectiveness, or employment data tagged to the preparation program.

1) CAEP accredited EPPs in the University of Maine System, including the University of Maine’s (UMaine) EPP, are working with the Maine Department of Education to design a process for making employment data regarding candidates from all initial certification programs available. Until that State process is complete, the UM system has implemented NACE’s First-Destination Survey

FD survey of COEHD graduates for 22-23 – available here

Highlights below:

Completed at least one internship – 85% (*note all EPP completers DO complete an internship via student teaching, they just didn’t respond as such. This is likely because we have never used the internship terminology previously with our students.

Felt prepared for work or graduate study – 91%

Felt satisfied with the University – 82%

2) A case study approach to better measure completer effectiveness and impact on P-12 learning was conducted with focus groups of recent graduates in 2022. Comments from the previous (2022) focus groups can be found here, focus groups with PK-12 partner school districts

EPP worked with our Office of Institutional Research for 2023 to develop a plan for a more robust case study, involving multiple focus groups. This work was intended to complete in Spring 24. This was again postponed, however, due to lack of participants. It is hoped this will be concluded by the end of Fall 24.

Measure 2: Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement.

1) A culture of continuous communication. Our Educational Preparation Program ensures effective partnerships through a collaboration with the Penobscot River Educational Partnership (PREP) that includes Higher Education Partners and regional Public School partners. This collaboration meets to plan professional development opportunities for our pre-service teachers and in-service educators, support clinical experience placements opportunities and identify areas for improvement and growth within this partnership. 

Consistent communication with Mentor Teachers in Public Schools for our pre-service educators is vital to providing high quality clinical practice and experiences for our pre-service educators. This involves meetings prior to clinical experiences starting, multiple supervisions during clinical experiences and exit interviews upon completion of the experience. Reflection from pre-service educators, Mentor Teachers and University Supervisors are reviewed for continuous improvement within the clinical practice experiences for future pre-service educators. This process is essential to candidate preparation and continuous improvement for our Educational Preparation Program. We are extremely proud of this collaboration and the support structures between Higher Education partners and Public School partners.

2) EPP has attempted various methods to collect this data for many years. Surveys Of principals have been attempted, however the response rates have been extremely limited and the sample sizes have not been high enough to be meaningful. Surveys are sent in the spring of each year, requesting information on students who were certified in the past 3 years. This survey consists of a general employment survey, and an individual teacher survey.

In Spring 2021, a survey was conducted targeting every principal with response rates high enough to be reported (Principal survey Spring ’21). 440 surveyed, 38 responses.

Spring 2022, a survey was conducted targeting 165 principals in districts believed to have Teachers from our programs. (Principal survey Spring ’22). 165 surveyed, 7 general / 9 individual responses.

Spring 2023, a survey was conducted targeting 128 principals in districts believed to have Teachers from our programs. (Principal survey Spring ’23). 128 surveyed, 5 general / 3 individual responses.

Going forward, EPP is continuing to work with our Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, to develop plans for more robust case studies. Building on the work of our initial focus group process with recent graduates in 2022, OIRA awarded EPP a grant to further this work. The plan being, to enroll more recent graduates, and then later their employers. This grant was intended to help collect more data, by incentivizing participation from graduates. This work was intended to complete in Spring 24. The work was postponed, however, due to lack of participants. EPP is working to broaden the pool of participants before conducting this study. It is hoped this will be concluded by the end of Fall 24.

Measure 3: Candidate competency at program completion.

The final measure of candidate performance on Standards and dispositions is done in the Field Experience assessment at the end of their program. This field experience requires an internship student teaching in a partner school for 600 hours. The Field Experience assessment measures all 11 standards and substandards, and all the Educator Disposition standards. These assessments are done by the student and their mentor teacher(s), at the end of their 1st and 2nd placements. The university supervisor then conducts an exit interview/Portfolio review, examines all the available evidence, and enters the Final Field Experience Assessment scores for all standards and dispositions.

The “Field Experience Assessment” scores for all years and programs can be found here: For the 22-23 years all programs are sufficiently on or above target.

Key Assessment Master Data Table AY 21-22,22-23

Measure 4: Ability of completers to meet initial licensing and any additional state requirements.

According to the First-Destination Survey done for the 22-23 year:

Employment Related to Major – 95%

% of Employed Working Full-Time – 78%

According to the State of Maine.

Table 12017-2020 Employment Data: Teacher Certification College of Education and Human Development
Eligible for initial teacher certification85100%65100%85100%
Licensed, employed in Maine4047%4366.2%4957.7%
Licensed, NOT employed in Maine1922.4%1523%1922.4%
Did not apply for license1821.2%710.8%1416.4%
Incomplete data89.4%00%33.5%

Data, such as those presented in the table above have not been available for the past three years. CAEP-accredited EPPs in the University of Maine System are working with the Maine Department of Education to design a process for making employment data regarding candidates from all initial certification programs available. 

Using EPP data, For the (22-23) Year, 100% of the UMaine completers from all EPP initial teacher certification programs met all certification requirements upon graduation. This includes meeting EPP standards – Praxis Scores OR GPA, course work GPA, minimum grades in professional courses, Internship hours and exit interviews. EPP would also like to note that GPA requirements and standards at EPP, are higher than required by State, and higher than equivalent UM system programs at other campuses. 

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