Successful Completion of Internship, Evaluation, and Competencies
Successful Completion of Internship
- To successfully complete the internship interns must complete their 12-month appointment, meet the minimum level of achievement on all Profession-Wide Competencies (PWC), attend required seminars and meetings, provide the deliverables indicted on the Internship Map / Expectations form (to see an example, click here), and be in good standing as a university employee.
- Interns are evaluated on the nine Profession-Wide Competencies required under the APA Standards of Accreditation. Evaluation is based on an intern’s ability to demonstrate or provide each element (i.e., knowledge, awareness, or skill) that comprises each competency. The criteria used to determine the rating level on each element are effectiveness, extent of integration of element into intern’s practice, and the degree to which the intern can function independently. In order to successfully complete internship, interns must obtain a minimum level of achievement rating of three (3) on all elements of the Profession-Wide Competencies. A specific level of competence is not required on Secondary Competencies to successfully complete internship. However, when assigned activities in which they can develop skill in such competencies, interns are expected to make a good faith effort to do so. Such effort is evaluated as an element in required PWC, Competency IV: Professional Values and Standards.
- Failure to meet the minimum required level of achievement on any PWC by the end of internship will constitute a failure of that Competency and would lead an unsuccessful completion of internship. This will be reported back to the home school at end of the year, though remediation plans would be created to address these deficits well before that time.
Profession-Wide Competencies
UMaine Secondary Competencies
Intern Evaluation
As indicated above, interns are evaluated on the 9 Profession-Wide Competencies as well as on UMaine program specific Secondary Competencies. Each competency is comprised of a number of constituent elements. To view these elements please review our Evaluation of Intern form. The following scale describes the levels of achievement used in evaluation of each element. Please note that in the near future a table showing what training activities pertain to each competency, will be added to this page.
Evaluation Scale
Level 5 – Proficient: The intern has a well-established competence in the element (knowledge, awareness, or skill) being evaluated. The use of the element is consistently incorporated into the intern’s work as an emerging psychologist and is evident in their daily professional practice. Intern is able to reflect on their experience of the element and knows when to consult. The intern functions in this element at a level that could allow them to work independently. This level characterizes the competency of an experienced post-doctoral resident.
Level 4 -Competent: The intern is aware of the element and frequently applies it in their work without need for assistance. The intern seeks greater learning about and understanding of the element as a form of ongoing development. Supervision focuses on further refining and developing advanced performance of this element. Intern is ready for post-internship supervised experience.
Level 3 – Maturing Competence: The intern is aware of the element and can utilize this awareness to inform their work in the internship setting, though the intern may still need assistance didactically or experientially in order to regularly utilize the element in their direct service. The application of learning to practice may be inconsistent. Ongoing supervision and monitoring is focused on continued advancement, integration, and consistency. Intern is ready for post-doctoral supervised experience and will need further attention on this element to be able to fully function independently. This is the minimal level of competence needed for successful completion of the training program.
Level 2 – Emerging Competence: The intern has a basic foundation in the element and moves toward acquiring competence in it. The intern may have cognitive understanding or experiential skill with the element, but those may not be well integrated. Significant supervision and monitoring are required to support the skill level needed for competence in professional entry-level practice.
Level 1 – Insufficient Competence: The intern does not understand or is unable to effectively demonstrate the element that is expected at this time in the training experience OR the intern exhibits behaviors indicating lack of readiness for the work that will be required in the internship setting. A doctoral intern evaluated at this level will require immediate augmented supervision or structured training opportunities. No confidence in ability to functioning independently at this time.
N/O Not Observable / Applicable
Evaluation Process
To ensure the success and growth of our interns, formal and informal evaluation occurs at several points prior to and during internship
- Training Director mails to new interns and their DCTs the Pre-Internship Intern Self-Evaluation and Internship Goals form.
- Intern and home school DCT or most recent clinical supervisor completes, signs, and sends Form A to Training Director by Aug. 1
During Internship
Fall Semester
Late August
- Training Director distributes Form A to Primary Supervisors after supervisors have been assigned.
Early September
- Intern and Primary Supervisor review and clarify goals.
- As needed, senior staff discuss impressions or concerns at any weekly senior staff meeting throughout the year.
Early-Mid October
- Intern and Primary complete and sign Form B (Initial Collaborative Review of Interns Self-Evaluation and Goals) with strengths, areas for improvement or changes in skill ratings noted. This is given to Training Director.
- This new, signed goal version (Form B) is stapled together with Form A. Original is maintained by TD in intern’s file. Copies given to Supervisor and Intern.
Mid October
- Senior staff review impressions of interns, goals and any other relevant issues in designated Senior Staff Meeting.
- Primary Supervisor meets with intern as soon as possible after staff review and gives feedback. Individual staff may also give direct feedback if they choose or interns request it.
Early December
- Prior to first formal end of semester written evaluation, TD distributes Evaluation of Intern forms to all staff to complete.
Mid December
- Forms are returned to TD
- Senior Staff meet at extended Senior Staff meeting to review impressions of interns, determine current level at which they are accomplishing Objectives, discuss goals for interns in the coming semester and assign Primary Supervisors.
- Primary Supervisor and Intern meet to review feedback
Late December-Early January
- 1st and 2nd Semester Supervisors, Interns and TD have formal transition meeting. Evaluation of Intern forms and Evaluation of Supervisor forms are signed. Copies of evaluations are provided to the Intern and Incoming Supervisor. Original is maintained in TD files.
Spring Semester
Mid January
- Training Director sends mid-year letter to home school. Letter includes ratings of Objectives as well as interns goals for the rest of internship.
Early March
- Senior staff meet at designated senior staff meeting to discuss interns.
Late May
- Spring evaluations. This is a repeat of Formal Fall Evaluation sequence.
Mid July-August
- Summer supervisors write short narrative review of their contact with interns. Any changes in numerical ratings are noted. These notes are given to TD. TD Reviews these with Intern in individual meeting.
Late July-Early August
- On designated day all staff and interns meet for and celebration of Internship completion.
- Training Director meets with Intern to review Intern’s accomplishments, discuss intern’s experience and receive any feedback about the experience the intern wishes to share.
Post Internship
Late August
- Training Director sends final evaluation letter with ratings of Objectives to home school.
- Training Director sends Certificate of Completion and letter to Intern.