Resources for Stalking, Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence

Stalking, Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence is prevalent though it is NOT okay!

The Counseling Center has a multidisciplinary team of therapists dedicated to providing confidential care, support, and advocacy to victim/survivors. We understand how difficult it can be to know where to turn or even know how to move forward after this kind of experience. The culture of silence surrounding these type of issues on campus and within our society as a whole promotes stigma, deters reporting, isolates victim-survivors, and undermines the safety and public health of all members of a community.

While stalking, sexual assault and intimate partner violence is traumatic and life-altering, recovery is possible. A compassionate therapist can often help victim/survivors process their experiences in the after-math and help individuals embark on their healing journey. Self-care, access to resources and social support can also be vital to recovery. We understand that each person has a unique set of needs and that healing looks different for everyone. We can provide you with confidential support and offer guidance through your recovery and healing process.  Our therapists at the Counseling Center will assess how to best help you; whether it is a one time meeting to offer resources and support and/or individual therapy sessions. You can choose how you want to move forward.

A message from the Counseling Center on Healing after Sexual Assault & Intimate Partner Violence.