Lily Brown

Lily Brown, Psych ExternAbout Me:
I am originally from Southern California and moved to Maine two years ago to pursue my doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology. As an undergraduate, I attended the University of
California, Davis, and majored in Psychology with minors in Human Development and Music. In my free time, I enjoy playing the violin, listening to music, baking, spending time in nature, or hanging out with my cat, Kimchi, who road-tripped across the country with me from California to Maine! I feel so privileged to spend my practicum year at the Counseling Center supporting fellow students at the University of Maine.
What has been your most embarrassing moment (that you are willing to share)?:
As a Californian who had never experienced a real winter, I was initiated into my first Maine winter with a slip and fall on a patch of ice one morning. For the rest of the semester, when
questioned about the cast on my broken wrist, I was a bit embarrassed to have to explain that no, I hadn’t been up to any thrilling winter sports… just walking. I was so worried
about my clumsiness striking again that I didn’t go anywhere without my spiky non-slip chains attached to my boots for the rest of that winter (which was as stylish as it sounds). I’d like to think I’ve adjusted better to Maine winters since then, though I still remind myself to walk more slowly and carefully in the winter now!
What is your favorite food?:
A good burger has always been one of my favorite comfort foods!
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?:
There are so many places I’d like to travel to! At the top of my list currently are Scotland, Italy, or a second, longer trip back to Ireland. While I’m living in Maine, I’d also love to visit
Quebec City.
Professional Credentials:
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology (M.A.): University of Maine, 2023
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (B.A.): University of California, Davis, 2019
I am currently in the process of working toward my Ph.D. in clinical psychology. I am interested in a variety of theoretical orientations, including but not limited to cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness-based approaches.