Cammie Pierce

About Me:
Hi everyone! My name is Cammie Peirce and I am a second year MSW student and intern here at the University of Maine Counseling Center. I graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Maine in 2022, where I was a member of the UMaine cheerleading team, and graduate from the Honors College, through which I conducted my thesis: Eating and Exercise Habits Among College Students. In my spare time, I love staying active through weightlifting and Pilates, as well as hiking in the fall and summer in Acadia National Park. I also love spending time with friends and family, cooking, and baking.

What has been your most embarrassing moment (that you are willing to share)?:
During my freshman year of college, there was one day a week that I had classes from 9:00 am until 5:30 pm with minimal time for breaks. At the end of one of these tumultuous Wednesdays, I returned to my dorm and trudged up the stairs. I put my card in the door and turned the handle, but it wouldn’t budge. I reentered my card several times, confused as to why I couldn’t get into my dorm room. After about the third try of getting into the room, the handle began to twist from the other side. Finally! My roommate must have been inside and was letting me in, or so I thought. A girl my age opened the door, “Hey! What’s going on?” This young woman was not my roommate nor someone I had ever met. I peered up at the number on the door. It read ‘222’. I lived in 322 and had been inadvertently attempting to break into this stranger’s dorm room with her inside. However, we got to know each other fairly well over the rest of the semester and even ended up having some classes together. In fact, we are still friends to this day.

What is your favorite food?:
I’m always in the mood for pasta, but I also love tacos, any and all fruit, and dark
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, were would you go?:
Italy is probably at the top of my list right now, but there are so many places I would love
to visit, including Greece, England, and Scotland.

Professional Credentials and Interests?:

B.S. of Psychology, University of Maine, 2022
As a current MSW student, I am learning and interested in a variety of theoretical orientations, including but certainly not limited to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and mindfulness and mediation based therapy.