Blog Posts

Weekly Newsletter Issue 3

Our third weekly newsletter of the semester is up! Check out what programming we have going on this week, along with upcoming events and support services 🙂

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Group Informed Consent

If you wish to participate in a virtual support group or a virtual workshop offered by the Counseling Center, please complete this informed consent and email it to the group’s facilitator.  Download the informed consent form here.

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Catarina Alves

About me Hello there!  I come to the University of Maine on my journey to completing my doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology at the Southern Illinois University – Carbondale. I am originally from Brazil, and have been living in Illinois for the past five years. I love traveling, reading, swimming, and trying new things! I love […]

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Weekly Newsletter Issue 1

The first issue of the Counseling Center’s weekly outreach newsletter is here! Please email if you would like to be added to our email list for weekly updates on the Counseling Center and Mind Spa.

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Thank You Marc!

Today we say goodbye to Dr. Marc Mytar who is retiring after having served the students, staff, and faculty of UMaine for 37 years as a psychologist, professor, supervisor, and colleague.  As a supervisor he has shepherded over 100 psychologists-in-training as well as many social work and counselor education students into the professional practice of […]

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