CCAR joins the 3rd annual Maine Science Festival!
CCAR celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with lots of green– green sea urchins that is!

This year we spent our St. Patrick’s Day in Bangor at the 3rd annual Maine Science Festival with 1,200 5th-8th graders who were eager to learn all about sea urchin aquaculture. Festivalgoers were able to take part in a variety of hands-on activities, including a touch tank brimming with sea life presented by EPSCoR and UMaine’s Aquaculture Research Institute, a virtual reality experience provided by UMaine’s Immersive Mathematics in Rendered Environments lab, and a sea urchin development lab presented by CCAR.

CCAR has been involved in the research and development of spawning and rearing techniques of the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) for over a decade! Learn more about our research findings by clicking here.