Drones and Imagery Data

Weeks 10 – 13: OPTION 3



Primary tutorial materials
CoDrone: http://www.robolink.com/codrone/
CoDrone Lessons: http://www.robolink.com/learn-codrone/
Robolink Inc on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/robolinkinc/videos

During this module you will read through all of the following materials. Those marked with * indicate a lesson with activities that should be completed in order to prepare you to complete the two-week team project assignments. Notice that you may choose between options A or B for the second two-week period.

First Two Weeks: Drone Exercises
Step 0: CoDrone Overview
Step 1: Building the Remote (remote will already be assembled)
Step 2: Installing Software *
Step 3: Uploading Code
– Updating Your CoDrone
– Basics of CoDrone Control
– CoDrone Maintenance
– Restoring the Default Program

Lesson 0: Uploading *
Lesson 1: Setup
Lesson 2: Pairing *
Lesson 3: Flight Commands *
Lesson 4: Throttle, Yaw, Pitch and Roll *
Lesson 5: Variables
Lesson 6: If-Statements and Digital IR Sensors *
Lesson 7: If, else if, and else statements *
Lesson 8: Buzzers
Lesson 9: Analog Read and Controller Flight *
Lesson 10: Using Flags Part I
Lesson 11: Using Flags Part II *
Lesson 12: Putting It All Together *

Second Two Weeks – Option A: Intermediate Drone Exercises
Intermediate 1: Using the Serial Monitor and Pin Initialization *
Intermediate 2: Timers Part I *
Intermediate 3: Timers Part II *
Intermediate 4: On-Board LEDs
Intermediate 5: Digital Write and Controller LEDs
Intermediate 6: Void Functions
Intermediate 7: While-Loops and Do While-Loops *
Intermediate 8: For Loops *
Intermediate 9: Arrays *
Intermediate 10: Advanced Functions
Intermediate 11: Arduino Functions and Random Numbers
Intermediate 12: Putting it All Together *

Mission 1: Pin-Point
Mission 2: Trigger Finger
Mission 3: Roulette
Mission 4: Joyride
Mission 5: Battle

Second Two Weeks – Option B: Raster Image Processing Exercises
In this set of exercises you will assume you have acquired a photo graphic image using a drone and now want to process it for mapping purposes. You will be supplied with a student version of ArcGIS for Desktop.  This is a complete version of the software, but it is a limited time license.  You will also be provided with a series of ArcGIS exercises and the necessary data files.

Exercise 1: Introduction to ArcGIS (Exercise 1 Data)
Exercise 2: Working with Projections (Exercise 2 Data)
Exercise 3: Creating a Geodatabase (Exercise 3 Data)
Exercise 4: Working with Images in ArcGIS (Exercise 4 Data)
Exercise 5: Digital Elevation Models (Exercise 5 Data)


Week 10 Tuesday4/4/17 Introduction to CoDrone.

  • Introduce yourself to your project partner for the the first 2-week portion of the module and check out a drone from the Learning Assistant.
  • Download, install, and set up the drone development environment by accomplishing the “Getting Started” Steps 0-3 obtaining support from the CLAs and Instructor as needed.
  • Review with your project partner Drone Project Assignment 1 on Flight Controls which is due at the end of two weeks.
Week 10 Thursday4/6/17
  • Accomplish Lessons 0-6 with CLAs and Instructor support as needed in class  and on your own.
  • Blog Assignment: (1) Go to https://www.ted.com/playlists/17/how_to_live_with_robots Select a minimum of two videos to watch. Name the videos you watched and provide your reflections on those videos. (2) Comment on what worked well this week, what didn’t, and what you learned. (3) Download the Team Project Peer Assessments handout, read it, click the url at the end of the handout, and rate a minimum of two of your past project partners. We encourage you to rate all four. (Due Sunday evening by 8:00 pm)
Week 11 Tuesday4/11/17
  • Accomplish Lessons 7-12.
Week 11 Thursday4/13/17
 Second Two Weeks – Option A: Intermediate Drone Challenge
Week 12 Tuesday4/18/17
  • Accomplish Intermediate 1-6 in class and on your own with CLA and Instructor support as needed.
Week 12 Thursday4/20/17
  • Accomplish Intermediate 7-12 in class and on your own with CLA and Instructor support as needed.
  • Blog Assignment: (1) Go to https://www.ted.com/playlists/135/will_drones_save_us_or_destroy Select a minimum of two videos to watch. Name the videos you watched and provide your reflections on those videos. (2) Comment on what worked well this week, what didn’t, and what you learned. (Due Sunday evening by 8:00 pm)
Week 13 Tuesday4/25/17
  • Accomplish Missions 1-4 in class and on your own with CLA and Instructor support as needed.
Week 13 Thursday4/27/17
Second Two Weeks – Option B: Raster Image Processing
Week 12 Tuesday4/18/17
  • xxx << Connie complete this section>>
Week 12 Thursday4/20/17
  • xxx
  • Blog Assignment: (1) Go to https://www.ted.com/playlists/135/will_drones_save_us_or_destroy Select a minimum of two videos to watch. Name the videos you watched and provide your reflections on those videos. (2) Comment on what worked well this week, what didn’t, and what you learned. (Due Sunday evening by 8:00 pm)
Week 13 Tuesday4/25/17
  • xxx
Week 13 Thursday4/27/17

As with all university courses, you should expect to spend 2 to 3 hours outside of class for every hour you spend in class.


Drone Team Project Assignment 1 (due at end of Week 11) – Flight Controls (pdf version)

Choose one of the following tasks to accomplish with your CoDrone, or create a comparable task of your own which must be pre-approved by the instructor:
1. Paperclip rescue – With a small magnet dangling from the drone, fly over to a paperclip and pick it up, then return.  Maybe some mechanism for removing the paperclip can be devised so the process can repeat to collect multiple paperclips.
2. Perform a trick or make the drone dance –  Fly up to about three to four feet off the ground, then have the drone perform a maneuver of your design – nothing too simple, but not too complicated either.

At the demonstration in class of Project 1, please:
i. Submit a very short written report that describes what your drone does, and  describes any challenges in getting the drone to perform as hoped for.
ii. Submit your code that should include a comment at the top stating your names and describing what the code is for or what it does. Make certain to include comments throughout your code telling the reader what each part is doing.

Grading: Late project submissions result in lowering of full grade per week. A program that is off topic will acquire at most a B-


Grade Performance
A Drone program performs flawlessly. All conditions of a B grade are met but in addition …
B Drone program performs flawlessly. Performance includes (a) … (b)… (c)… Written report is complete and code is well documented.
C Drone program meets most but not all of the requirements specified under a grade of B.
D Drone program meets some or few of the requirements specified under a grade of B.
F No project submitted meeting any of the above levels of performance within two weeks of the deadline.

Drone Team Project Assignment 2: Option A (due at end of Week 13)Interactive Flight (pdf version)

Choose one of the following tasks to accomplish with your CoDrone, or create a comparable task of your own which must be pre-approved by the instructor:
1. Hot and cold – Using “hot and cold” hints (given through the digital IR sensors on the controller) have a drone slowly wander and make its way toward some target landing pad.  For example, reversing direction if getting “cold” (moving away), wandering randomly if “warm” (neither toward or away), and continuing straight if “hot” (getting closer).  One of the other IR sensors can bring it to a landing onto the pad.
2. Light painting – Using a long exposure image (or merging images from a video), use the drone’s on-board LEDs along with a programmed flight path to “paint a picture” with light.  It can be a simple smiley face or something with a similar level of complexity.  This may be easier to accomplish if the camera is on the floor pointing up and the drone is flying over it.

At the demonstration in class of Project , please:
i. Submit a very short written report that describes what your drone does, and  describes any challenges in getting the drone to perform as hoped for.
ii. Submit your code that should include a comment at the top stating your names and describing what the code is for or what it does. Make certain to include comments throughout your code telling the reader what each part is doing.

Grading: Late project submissions result in lowering of full grade per week. A program that is off topic will acquire at most a B-


Grade Performance
A Drone program performs flawlessly. All conditions of a B grade are met but in addition …
B Drone program performs flawlessly. Performance includes (a) … (b)… (c)… Written report is complete and code is well documented.
C Drone program meets most but not all of the requirements specified under a grade of B.
D Drone program meets some or few of the requirements specified under a grade of B.
F No project submitted meeting any of the above levels of performance within two weeks of the deadline.

Drone Team Project Assignment 2: Option B (due at end of Week 13)Image Processing (pdf version) << Connie complete this section – I have left sample drone language below from one of the sections above for your use as a template if desired>>

Choose one of the following tasks to accomplish with your CoDrone, or create a comparable task of your own which must be pre-approved by the instructor:
1. Hot and cold – Using “hot and cold” hints (given through the digital IR sensors on the controller) have a drone slowly wander and make its way toward some target landing pad. For example, reversing direction if getting “cold” (moving away), wandering randomly if “warm” (neither toward or away), and continuing straight if “hot” (getting closer). One of the other IR sensors can bring it to a landing onto the pad.
2. Light painting – Using a long exposure image (or merging images from a video), use the drone’s on-board LEDs along with a programmed flight path to “paint a picture” with light. It can be a simple smiley face or something with a similar level of complexity. This may be easier to accomplish if the camera is on the floor pointing up and the drone is flying over it.

At the demonstration in class of Project , please:
i. Submit a very short written report that describes what your drone does, and describes any challenges in getting the drone to perform as hoped for.
ii. Submit your code that should include a comment at the top stating your names and describing what the code is for or what it does. Make certain to include comments throughout your code telling the reader what each part is doing.

Grading: Late project submissions result in lowering of full grade per week. A program that is off topic will acquire at most a B-


Grade Performance
A Drone program performs flawlessly. All conditions of a B grade are met but in addition …
B Drone program performs flawlessly. Performance includes (a) … (b)… (c)… Written report is complete and code is well documented.
C Drone program meets most but not all of the requirements specified under a grade of B.
D Drone program meets some or few of the requirements specified under a grade of B.
F No project submitted meeting any of the above levels of performance within two weeks of the deadline.

Creative Commons License
COS 120 Introduction to Programming by School of Computing and Information Science is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.