RiSE Center Colloquium – Examining the Impact of Professional Training on Science Teachers’ Learning

At this colloquium Dr. Marisa Castronova will discuss her current study, which examined how professional training, focused on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), impacted teacher learning.  In her research she focused on changes in pedagogical discontentment and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of modeling and argumentation as conceptual change models identify teacher dissatisfaction (discontentment) and teacher ability (PCK) as influential precursors in the process.  Data was collected and analyzed in two sequential phases examining conceptual change from a broad perspective.

This RiSE Center Colloquium will take place on Monday, April 1st at Hill Auditorium from 3-4 pm.  Refreshments will be served.


Bio: Dr. Castronova is a science teacher for the Montville Township public schools, a part-time instructor at Caldwell University, and an NGSS Teacher Leader facilitating professional development for teachers across New Jersey. Marisa earned a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Secondary Science Education from Lehigh University. In 2011, she earned a master’s degree in biology from Montclair State University and recently earned her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Caldwell University in 2018.  Dr. Castronova is the creator of several innovative, grant-funded programs including STEM PALS and the Lazar Honeybee Initiative.  As a researcher, Marisa is interested in understanding how teachers learn, especially in the midst of reform.  She is an active member of the New Jersey Science Teachers Association (NJSTA), and serves on the Executive board of the Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award Committee, a committee dedicated to providing professional training activities for science teachers.