Undergraduate Courses

CHY 104 – The Chemistry of Food and Cooking (4 credits)

A non-mathematical approach to basic chemistry and chemical principles using food and cooking as the common theme.  During the course of the semester, we will use different food and cooking topics to explore a variety of themes in chemistry. Emphasis will be placed on understanding why and how something works in a laboratory and the application to the “real world”, in this case, the kitchen. The lab will complement the course by providing hands-on experience with topics covered in lecture and by emphasizing the scientific method through examination of food and cooking.  This class does not count towards a chemistry major/minor.  It is an elective.

CHY 105 – Majoring in Chemistry (1 Credit)

Introduces students to the faculty, students, facilities and resources central to their major in chemistry. Topics covered include requirements and advising for the major, library resources, research laboratories and projects, and the special expertise of the faculty. Pass/Fail Only. First-year students only; Chemistry majors only. 

CHY 121 – General Chemistry I (3 Credits)

First semester of a two-semester sequence covering fundamental principles in chemical science presented in quantitative terms. Topics include matter, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, quantum theory, atomic structure, electronic configurations, periodic properties of elements, bonding theories, and molecular geometries. This course and CHY 123 (taken concurrently) provide the basis for further study of chemistry.
Prerequisite:  A minimum score of 61 on the math placement exam or a grade of C or better in MAT 111 or MAT 122 or MAT 116 or MAT 126.

CHY 122 – General Chemistry II (3 Credits)

Second semester of a two-semester sequence covering fundamental principles in chemical science presented in quantitative terms. Topics include gases, intermolecular forces, properties of solutions and solids, kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base chemistry, aqueous ionic equilibria, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. This course and CHY 124 (taken concurrently) provide the foundation for all further studies in chemistry.  Together with CHY 124, this course satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement.  Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 121 and CHY 123.  If CHY 102 was taken at UMM, credit cannot be earned for this course. Corequisite: CHY 124.

CHY 123 – General Chemistry Laboratory I (1 Credit)

Introduction to experimental techniques and the process of scientific inquiry in chemistry. Emphasis is placed on making connections between macroscopic experimental observations and chemistry occurring at the atomic scale. Laboratory investigations are designed to help strengthen chemical understanding of concepts such as conservation of mass, limiting reactants, heats of reaction, greenhouse gases, chemical redox reactions, chromatography, and spectroscopy. CHY 123 is taken concurrently with CHY 121. If CHY 101 was taken at UMM, credit cannot be earned for this course.  Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 111, 116, 122 or 126, or no grade in any of these and a passing score on the math placement exam.

CHY 124 – General Chemistry Laboratory II (1 Credit)

A continuation of CHY 123.  Emphasis is placed on making connections between macroscopic experimental observations and chemistry occurring at the atomic scale. Laboratory investigations are designed to help strengthen chemical understanding of concepts such as properties of gases, phases of water, freezing point depression, chemical kinetics, acids and bases, chemical equilibria, buffers, dissolved oxygen, and spectroscopy. CHY 124 is taken concurrently with CHY 122.  Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in both CHY 121 and CHY 123.  If CHY 102 was taken at UMM, credit cannot be earned for this course.

CHY  131 – Chemistry for Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (3 credits)

A one-semester course in general chemistry designed for civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering majors.  Topics in solution chemistry, aqueous equilibria, kinetics, modern materials, and electrochemistry are emphasized.  Enrollment is restricted to civil, electrical and mechanical engineering majors.  This course does not serve as a prerequisite for other chemistry courses.  Corequisite:  CHY 133.

CHY  133 – Chemistry for Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Lab (1 credit)

A one-semester laboratory course in general chemistry designed for civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering majors.  Topics in solution chemistry, aqueous equilibria, kinetics materials, and electrochemistry are emphasized.  Enrollment is restricted to civil, electrical and mechanical engineering majors.  This course does not serve as a prerequisite for other chemistry courses.  Corequisite:  CHY 131.

CHY 251 – Organic Chemistry I (3 Credits)

Properties and reactivity of organic compounds with emphasis placed on functional groups, bonding, stereochemistry, reaction pathways, and curved-arrow mechanisms. The topics in this class will complement the organic chemistry covered in other courses including biology, chemical synthesis, engineering, and microbiology.  If CHY 221 was taken at UMM, credit cannot be earned for this course.  Course is taken concurrently with CHY 253.   Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in both CHY 122 and CHY 124.

CHY 252 – Organic Chemistry II (3 Credits)

Reactivity of organic compounds and applications to synthesis. Spectroscopy is discussed in relation to compound characterization and structure elucidation. The topics in this class will complement the organic chemistry covered in other courses including biology, chemical synthesis, engineering, and microbiology. Emphasis will be placed on understanding why and how a chemical reaction takes place and the application to the real-world. If CHY 222 was taken at UMM, credit cannot be earned for this course.  Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 251 and CHY 253.

CHY 253 – Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (2 Credits)

A laboratory course designed to complement the topics covered in CHY 251 by giving hands on experience with the concepts presented in class. Emphasis will be placed on introductory laboratory techniques, data analysis, and laboratory safety.   Prerequisites:  A grade of C- or better in both CHY 122 and CHY 124.

CHY 254 – Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (2 Credits)

A laboratory course designed to complement the topics covered in CHY 251 and CHY 252 by giving hands on experience with the concepts presented in class. Emphasis will be placed on reaction setup, data analysis (including spectroscopic methods), and laboratory safety. Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 251 and CHY 253.

CHY 261 –  Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry (3 credits)

The primary purpose of this course is to explore a significant portion of the sub-discipline of inorganic chemistry, with an emphasis on the transition elements. The arrangement of elements in the periodic table will guide understanding of trends in structure and reactivity. Applications of inorganic chemistry to medicine, materials and catalysis will be discussed.  Prerequisites:  C- or better in CHY 122.

CHY 298 – Introduction to Chemistry Research and the Chemistry Profession (1 credit)

Topics covered will include introduction to chemical literature databases; data analysis tools; careers in chemistry; laboratory safety; and information about choosing a research project.  For students in BS degree programs that require a semester of research (CHY 498) this course is expected to result in the initiation of a research project. Students in the BA degree program have the option to focus more on exploring career opportunities for chemists.  Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

CHY 342 – Principles of Quantitative Analysis and Solution Equilibria (5 Credits)

Topics covered include gravimetric and titrimetric methods of analysis and acid-base, complex formation, precipitation and oxidation-reduction equilibria. Spectrophotometric, potentiometric and chromatographic methods of analysis will be introduced. Laboratory determinations will provide examples of the above.  Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in both CHY 122 and CHY 124.

CHY 393 – Undergraduate Seminar in Chemistry (3 Credits)

Discussion of developments in chemistry and the chemical profession. Introduction to chemical literature and research methods. Oral presentations and written papers required. Satisfies the General Education Writing Intensive Requirement. Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 122 and CHY 298.

CHY 394 – Field Experience/Cooperative Education (1-9 Credits)

Supervised employment with relevance to the study of chemistry in the public or private sector. A proposed program of study, mutually agreed upon by the student, faculty adviser, and “co-op” sponsor may be carried out in the summertime or during the academic year. A written report is required. Pass/Fail Only. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing with a good academic record; by permission.

CHY 423 – Introductory Polymer Chemistry (3 Credits)

Fundamentals of polymer types, synthesis kinetics and mechanisms, characterization techniques, and molecular structure. Prerequisite: A grade of C- or better in CHY 252 and MAT 127, or equivalent(s); or permission.

CHY 425 – Physical Chemistry of Polymers (3 Credits)

Exploration and description of the underlying molecular scale structure, physical behavior, thermodynamics, flow properties, and chemical interactions of polymers and chain macromolecules with each other, matter, and light.  Prerequisite: A grade of C- or better in CHY 471, CHE 385, MEE 230, or
equivalent; or permission

CHY 431 – Structure and Mechanism in Biological Chemistry (3 Credits)

Examination of biosynthetic pathways, structure and function of enzymes (including metalloenzymes) and other important biomolecules, methods of structure determination and synthetic pathway elucidation and mechanisms of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 252, CHY 254.

CHY 443 – Instrumental Analysis (3 Credits)

Modern tools for acquiring qualitative and quantitative data about the composition and structure of matter. A blend of theoretical and experimental/hands on approaches to investigate modern spectroscopic and separation techniques for solving “real world” bioanalytical and environmental problems. Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 242 and CHY 471.

CHY 461 – Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I (3 Credits)

Advanced theoretical and descriptive inorganic chemistry emphasizing covalent bonding and molecular orbital theory, transition metal complexes and coordination chemistry, symmetry and group theory, and applications to bioinorganic and materials chemistry.  Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 261 or permission.

CHY 462 – Organometallic Chemistry (3 Credits)

Principles and applications of organotransition metal chemistry. Topics include coordination chemistry, group theory, organometallic reaction mechanisms, electrochemistry, photochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, catalysis and applications to organic synthesis.  Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 252 and CHY 261.

CHY 471 – Physical Chemistry I (3 Credits)

Applications of classical thermodynamics to the study of chemical systems.  Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 122; MAT 127; and PHY 112 or PHY 122 or equivalent.

CHY 472 – Physical Chemistry II (3 Credits)

Covers electrochemistry, kinetic theory of gases, transport processes and reaction kinetics and an introduction to statistical thermodynamics. Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 122; MAT 228 and PHY 112 or PHY 122.

CHY 475 – Physical Chemistry III (3 Credits)

An introduction to quantum mechanics, spectroscopy and chemical bonding.  Prerequisites: PHY 122, MAT 228 and MAT 258 or equivalent.

CHY 477 – Nanoscience (3 Credits)

An introduction to nanoscience that details the basic principles and recent developments of nanoscale science and technology. Students will learn both the fundamental concepts of nanoscale science and its application to the development of new materials, processes technology and devices. Scientific explanations for the basis of nanoscale derived properties will be illustrated by specific research examples. Topics will include: nanoscale materials, micro/nano fabrication, nano instrumentation, atomic manipulations and nanorobotics. CHY 578 and ECE 457 are identical courses. Prerequisites: CHY 122 or CHY 131, and PHY 122 and MAT 258.

CHY 483 – Introductory Wood Chemistry (3 Credits)

Emphasis on the chemical and physical properties of cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin and extractives.  Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 252 or permission.

CHY 490 – Topics in Chemistry (3 Credits)

Advanced treatment of specialized topics in chemistry; topics vary; may be repeated for credit.  Prerequisites: Permission.

CHY 491 – Advanced Integrated Laboratory I (3 Credits)

An advanced laboratory environment integrating inorganic, instrumental and physical chemistry concepts. Synthetic techniques, instrumental methods, reaction kinetics, thermodynamics and spectroscopy will be included.  As a writing intensive course, an emphasis is placed on developing skill in writing formal laboratory reports. Prerequisites: A grade of C- or better in CHY 242, CHY 254, CHY 261, CHY 471, or concurrently.

CHY 492 – Advanced Integrated Laboratory II (3 Credits)

This course is the second semester of an advanced laboratory course that integrates inorganic, instrumental, and physical chemistry concepts. The purpose of the course is to build on and extend the laboratory and technical writing skills acquired in CHY 491, with an emphasis on more independent lab work. Students work collaboratively in teams and with faculty instructors to design and carry out an experimental plan that may be developed as a theme for CHY 491. Results will be presented using a combination of oral and written formats. Together with CHY 498, this course satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirement for the BS degree. Together with an upper level chemistry elective, this course satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirement for the BA degree.  Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in CHY 491. Chemistry majors only or permission.

CHY 498 – Undergraduate Research (1-2 Credits)

Students will conduct a research project under the supervision of faculty member. A total of three credit hours are required for the BS degree in Chemistry. It is recommended that students register for one credit hour in each of three different semesters to fulfill this requirement. Together with CHY 499, this course satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirement. Prerequisites: CHY 298.


CHY 499 – Undergraduate Thesis (3 Credits)

Written report of an original investigation carried out in the library and laboratory. Together with CHY 498, this course satisfies the General Education Capstone Experience Requirement. Prerequisites: CHY 498 and Senior Standing.

Undergrads can also take graduate courses in chemistry.