
Beware of Job Scams

This is a reminder to be aware of potential job scams. Here are some common ways/ tips to detect a potential job scam: Someone could be posing as a legitimate company. However, the contact name/ email is fraudulent and they do not actually work for the company; The contact uses a free personal email; such […]

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Etiquette Tip of the Week: Favorite Graduation-Lesson Story

It’s graduation season, and one of my favorite lesson-stories to new graduates came from Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother author Amy Chua, who was contributing, along with other leaders, to a piece in the Wall Street Journal. (“Hang In There Graduates and Don’t Make Excuses,” Wall Street Journal, 4/30/2020.) In her first year teaching […]

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GoinGlobal – Jobs here, there and everywhere!

GoinGlobal offers access to international career resources including world-wide job openings, internship listings, industry profiles, and country-specific career information. Students and alumni may access GoinGlobal through CareerLink!

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What is a micro-credential? A micro-credential showcases your competency in skills that are needed in today’s workforce. A verified micro-credential is earned when learners are able to demonstrate what they know and what they are able to do, related to a specific topic. Additionally, it is a verified credential earned when learners demonstrate what they […]

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The Maine Flagship Internship Program

An opportunity to prepare graduates for meaningful careers and civic responsibilities through experiences both inside and outside of the classroom, while also enhancing their educational outcomes.  For further information, please go The Maine Flagship Internship Program website.

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The Educational Opportunity Tax Credit

The Educational Opportunity Tax Credit reimburses Maine workers for student loan payments for those who earn a degree at a Maine school and continue to live and work here after graduation. Find out more here:

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Federal Government Career Information Tools

Here are two tools to discover jobs that college graduates can apply for with the federal government. The first is the USA Jobs YouTube video on “Finding and Applying for Jobs in the Federal Government” and the second is a student favorite, Federal Jobs by College Major. The last job aid basically gives you the […]

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