MBA Program Course Offerings
Second Session, Spring 2023
Session 2: 3/13/23 – 5/5/23
Online: asynchronous online class
Online-Live: synchronous online class
Live: synchronous in-person class
MBA Core Courses
MBA 626 – Management of Contemporary Organizations
Explores analytical perspectives to understand how individuals organize themselves in accomplishing organizational goals. Topics include organizational structure, culture, teamwork and diversity, the organization and the global environment.
Offered: Spring Session 2 Online
Credits: 3
MBA 670 – Managerial Marketing
BUA 670 Managerial Marketing is designed to explore both the theory and application of marketing concepts from a managerial perspective. The course emphasizes marketing decision-making and marketing strategy development through case studies and marketing planning activities.
Offered: Spring Session 2 Online
Credits: 3
MBA 649 – Strategic Decision Making
This capstone course studies administrative practices at the strategic level of business management. Develops administrative competence in the formulation of business policy at the decision-making level though case study or practicums.
Prerequisites & Notes: MBA students only. Completion of all MBA core courses or permission.
Offered: Spring Session 2 Online
Credits: 3
MaineMBA Academy (MBA 649 – Strategic Decision Making)
The MaineMBA Academy version of MBA 649 will be a 7-week preparation that will be virtual and culminate in an intense in-person immersion in Portland during the 8th week of the course. This course is made possible by a generous gift from Mark and Evan Skinner, and will be co-taught by Professor Richard Bilodeau and Norm O’Reilly, Dean of the Graduate School of Business. Please contact your advisor for further details.
Prerequisites & Notes: MBA students only. Completion of all MBA core courses or permission.
Offered: Session 2, Hybrid Online and Live
Credits: 3
General Electives
MBA 695 – Internship
Field experience in business relevant to the student’s educational development and career goals. (Neither past work experience or field experience courses taken at other campuses or universities will be permitted as substitutes.) Only open to MBA students. Course may be repeated, but student may not earn more than 3 internship credits.
Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of Business School Graduate Director.
Credits: 1-3
MBA 698 – Independent Study
Provides an opportunity for well-qualified students to pursue a selected topic in great depth under the supervision of an individual faculty member. The topic is to be determined in consultation with the faculty instructor.
Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of Business School Graduate Director. Independent study
must be approved by the Business School Graduate Curriculum and Learning Committee.
Credits: 3
Concentration Electives
ACC 608 – Topics in Accounting
Topic: Accounting For Managerial Decision-Making
Course coverage varies. Recent courses have included readings in accounting history and theory, accounting research using the FASB’s Codification to answer complex accounting issues presented in case studies and discussions of contemporary national and international accounting issues.
Prerequisites & Notes: BUA 301 and BUA 302 or equivalents. Must be in a graduate degree or certificate program.
Offered: Session 2, Online
Credits: 3
ACC 697 – Field Experience in Accounting
Field experience in accounting relevant to the student’s educational development and career goals. Neither past work experience nor field experience courses taken at other campuses or universities will be permitted as substitutes. Course may be repeated, but student may not earn more than 3 internship credits.
Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of Business School Office of Graduate Programs; only open to students in the Accounting MBA.
Credits: 1-3
Business Analytics
BUA 684 – Business Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
This course introduces students to a variety of cutting-edge mining methods for the purposes of supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Students will apply these methods to analyze data in different business functional areas such as marketing, accounting/finance, operation, and management across industry sectors. The course emphasis is on learning valuable data information from the data analysis results and discovering interpret able and meaningful knowledge that can support better business decision making. Mainstream analytical software is used intensively to analyze real business datasets.
Prerequisites & Notes: BUA 680 or permission
Offered: Session 2 Online
Credits: 3
BUA 686 – Predictive and Business Forecasting
This course presents a set of topics in developing analytical methodologies that make prediction and forecasting about future events of interest to individual business and industry in general. Students are introduced to managerial techniques and analytical models that reveal valuable relationships in economic and business data for supporting short-term and long-term planning. Students will learn how to build the models, how to interpret the predictions and forecasts produced from the models, and how to evaluate the reliability of the model results.
Prerequisites & Notes: MBA student or permission from Business School Office of Graduate Programs. Must be in a graduate degree or certificate program. BUA 601 or equivalent or permission.
Offered: Session 2 Online
Credits: 3
MBA 545 – Topics in Business Administration
Topic: Market Microstructures
This course introduces students to market microstructure and advances in trading mechanisms. The content will examine the dynamics of limit order markets, transparency and transaction costs. Students will learn about measures of liquidity such as volume, bid-ask spreads, and depth along with market quality metrics such as volatility. In conjunction with market efficiency, the course will consider the regulation of exchanges along with the impact of trading halts, circuit breakers and flash crashes. The course will discuss the role of market makers including discussion of historical dealers and the advent of liquid suppliers. Students will learn about arbitrage and the trading strategies of algorithmic and high frequency traders.
Offered: Session 2, Online
Credits: 3