Join us to discuss and learn about business in Maine, industry trends, job opportunities, alumni success, and more!
Do you want the chance to meet other business-minded folks in the community? Are you a MaineMBA student who wants to learn about job and industry trends? All are welcome to our third annual celebration in Portland. Join us for engaging conversation and networking with students, alumni, and business leaders. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thursday, March 28, 2024
5:30-7 pm – Doors open for networking at 4:30 pm
300 Fore Street
Portland, Maine
Keynote Speakers
The topic of our keynote presentation is Navigating Turbulence.
We are excited to welcome Amanda Rector, Maine State Economist, and Michael Bourque, President and CEO of MEMIC.

We will be honoring five MaineMBA alumni at this event.
The Dean’s Award
The Dean’s Award is given by the Dean of the Graduate School of Business to a recent graduate of the MaineMBA. Award decisions are based on the graduate’s academic and co-curricular record and their impact and contributions to the classroom environment.
U40 Alumni Award
The U40 Alumni Award is given by Maine Outdoor Brands and the Graduate School of Business to a graduate of the University of Maine System MBA who is under the age of 40 at the time of nomination. The award recipient will be chosen based on their contributions to their field.
Outstanding Accounting Award
The Outstanding Accounting Award is given by the CPA Society of Maine to any graduate of the University of Maine System MBA – Accounting or Master of Accounting degrees. Nominations are encouraged for mid and late-career accounting professionals who have displayed leadership and generosity within their field, their community, or their firm.
NEW in 2024: Engineering Alumni Leadership Award
The Engineering Alumni Leadership Award is given to any graduate of the University of Maine MBA who has made a significant contribution of leadership and/or innovation to the engineering field.
Distinguished Alumni Award
The Distinguished Alumni Award is given by the Advisory Board of the Maine Business School to any graduate of the University of Maine MBA (Class of 1965 – Class of 2021) who has significantly contributed to leadership or innovation in their field, community, or firm.
2023 Award Winners
Read the story
Distinguished Alumni Award
Greg Stremlaw, Class of 1995
UMaine MBA
President and CEO of Indy Sports & Entertainment and Eleven Professional Soccer
Outstanding Accounting MBA Alumni
Jane Rankin, CPA, Class of 2016
UMaine MBA with a Concentration in Accounting
Director of Finance, Verrill
U40 Award
Luke Horanski, Class of 2022
UMaine MBA
Investment Banker, Hyde Park Capital
Dean’s Award
Nicole Ann Pelletier, Class of 2022
UMaine MBA
Audit Staff, Baker Newman Noyes
2022 Award Winners
Read the story
Distinguished Alumni Award
Michael Kuhn, Class of 2014
UMaine MBA with a Concentration in Management
Manager, Global Strategic Marketing, Johnson & Johnson
Outstanding Accounting MBA Alumni
Ryan Curry, CPA, Class of 2012
UMaine MBA with a Concentration in Accounting
Financial Reporting Manager, IDEXX
U40 Award
Chris Treister, PMP Class of 2013
UMaine MBA with a Concentration in Management
Project Manager, THOST Project Management GmbH
Dean’s Award
Josh Rosen, Class of 2021 and 2022
UMaine MBA and Maine Law