Use the menus below to search the Aquaculture Research Portal by focus area, PI, funding source, timeline or key word.
- Biocompatibility of intraperitoneally implanted TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofiber hydrogels for antigen delivery in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) vaccines
- Effects of Fishmeal Substitution with Mealworm Meals (Tenebrio molitor and Alphitobius diaperinus) on the Growth, Physiobiochemical Response, Digesta Microbiome, and Immune Genes Expression of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
- Rapid differentiation of infectious salmon anemia virus avirulent (HPR0) from virulent (HPRΔ) variants using multiplex RT-qPCR
- A Farmer to Farmer Exchange Program to Support Innovation in Maine’s Aquaculture Sector
- Scallop Equipment
- Bringing Maine to the Mountains
- Highlighting Maine Fishermen as Leaders in Sustainable Aquaculture
- Touch Tank for Sea Farmers: Healthy Coastal Communities Through Sea Food, Sea Farms, and Education
- Expanding Market Opportunities for Maine Kelp Grown by Fishermen
- Developing Hatchery Methods to Consistently Produce Sea Scallops to Promote Scallop Aquaculture: Husbandry, broodstock, and nursery trials
- Reducing cost of biotoxin testing in scallop aquaculture
- Mussel farming trials in Downeast Maine: testing new opportunities to expand Maine’s mussel aquaculture industry
- Atlantic Sea Farms: Kelp Blancher
- Testing the efficiency of the net washing machine for intermediate culture of the Atlantic sea scallop
- Ocean Smart Farm: Mechanizing Biofouling Control in Oyster Farming
- Expanding green sea urchin production by removing key aquaculture challenges
- Domestication and Breeding of Northern Lumpfish to Accelerate Commercialization and Use for Sea Lice Biocontrol in the Northeast US
- Liposome-based microparticles for improved nutrition and production efficiency of marine fish larvae
- Development of oral vaccine delivery methods for prevention of disease in finfish culture.
- Sustainable Aquaculture Workforce and Innovation Center
- Developing new techniques to detect off-flavor in water and Atlantic salmon tissues
- Sustainable US cleaner fish production: developing a lumpfish broodstock program
- Fish, farms, and shared futures: Defining public perceptions of land-based aquaculture to support sustainable decision-making
- Use of Remote Setting to Enhance Opportunities for Razor Clams Culture
- USDA ARS Research Support Agreement for “Off flavor” research