February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014

Present: John Allen, Steve Barkan, Jason Bolton, Richard Borgman, Dick Brucher, Micheal Montgomery for George Criner, Mauricio da Cunha, Scott Dunning, Gordon Hamilton, Dennis King, Judy Kuhns-Hastings, James McClymer, Robert Milardo, Harlan Onsrud, Michael Peterson, Andrew Reeve, Brian Robinson, Jonathan Rubin, Thomas Sandford, Michael Scott, Howard Segal, Gail Werrbach, Susan Wheaton, Clayton Wheeler, David Yarborough, Bob Rice, Kathryn Slott, William Dee Nichols, Paul W. Ferguson, Jeff Hecker, Janet Waldron, Peter C. Altmann, Linsay Nutter (Stud. Gov), Abilgail Jones (Grad Stud Gov).

Absent: Emmanuel Boss, Ian Bricknell, Stephen Coghlan, William Congleton, Benildo de los Reyes, Charlsye Diaz, Marcia Douglas, Dylan Dryer, Janet Fairman, Thane Fremouw, Michael Grillo, Robert Gundersen, Ramesh Gupta, Steven Kimball, Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Mary Ellin Logue, Paul Myer, Martha Novy-Broderick, Ray Pelletier, Jay Rasaiah, David Townsend, Mark Wells, Carol Kim, Melvin Johnson, Charles Rote

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm

I.          Welcome and Announcements:

Invited Guest: Vice President Janet Waldron for March 19
Elected Members Meeting
Invited Guest: Chancellor James Page for April 2 full Senate Meeting.

II.        Approval of January 29, 2014 Minutes
Vote: Motion carried.

III.       Committee Reports

BOT Rep – Robert Rice 
The Finance and Facilities Committee met on February 14, 2014, the Sightlines report on space and building condition was discussed. A lawsuit involving UMaine refuge land has been settled. There was land in the middle of the UMaine land, UMaine is now buying the plot. Tuition for out-of-state veterans will now be charged in-state tuition. The Outcome Based funding model for 2015 was on the docket again. Productivity has changed some, the weighting at issue; Associates and Bachelor hours weighted at 1; Graduate level 1.5; Law Student 2.9. Pell grants will factor in to the weighting and there is a collaboration section.

Credit Transfer, the discussion regarding 120 credit hour limit Engineering discussing as well as Nursing, there’s a smooth transition between campuses. Distance Ed and Online Ed numbers are:

Traditional hours: 238,319
Distance Educ:       61,935 or approximately 21%
Students coming from the Community Colleges to the UMaine System in the last year and a half:
Spr 14   218 Maine Community College transfers
3 from out-of-state Community Colleges.

Is Sightline paid annually or was it a one-time payment?
Annual payment, but not positive about that.

Janet Waldron stated she wasn’t sure but thought it was annual. The process started about three years ago and they’re evaluating all campuses. They worked hard and did a good job.  Evaluating how buildings are funded and help leverage better funds.

Were there only 218 Community College transfers system-wide?

What does it mean that Business is a priority field?
That was agreed on by all campuses to be the regional priority field.

Academic Affairs –Richard Borgman & Judy Kuhns-Hastings
No report today. At the next senate meeting there will be an Ethics Policy presented regarding authored material, discussion of M, T, W, Th classes, and Faculty Handbook section will be ready for discussion.

Constitution & Bylaws – Mick Peterson
There are two motions coming up today.

Research & Scholarship – Emmanuel Boss & Mauricio de Cunha
Motion coming up today. Meeting with Janet Waldron on March 21. The first TEDx Conference coming up April 5, 2014 in Hauck Auditorium focusing on Undergraduates and Graduate Students. Encourage students to apply to present ideas, apply by March 16.

Finance & Institutional Planning – James McClymer & Tom Sandford
Met today, discussed academic departments reporting income and how to present that data, report will be source of conversation, hope to be done by the end of the year and one year schedule with reports done in early spring.

There will be two open meetings on March 28, College meetings scheduled after spring break. April 7 the budget is presented to the System. Working on the Faculty Handbook chapter. Finance Committee wants to take on a draft letter concerning the 2.9 weighting for Law students in contrast to a PhD student being weighted at 1.5.

University Environment –Mike Scott & OPEN
Motion upcoming. Vice President Waldron has pulled together a Classroom Committee to meet over break.

Library Advisory – Robert Rice & Howard Segal
The committee met last week, upcoming motion today. Digital Commons is still growing but some faculty concerns with the load time and that it should be easier. The Library staff will be reviewing procedures.

Is the committee working on the Faculty Handbook section?

Service & Outreach – Martha Broderick & David Yarborough
The Carnegie application is coming along, met last week to address finalizing things. Claire plans on bringing the proposal to Faculty Senate.

Committee on Committees – OPEN
Only one committee being filled currently.

Program Creation & Reorganization Review – Brian Robinson & Mick Peterson
Met Friday to discuss the elimination of Latin and German and the handbook section.

What is the protocol to deal with opposition to eliminations of programs when a decision has already been made?
At the moment things are discussed with the committee, discuss if there are alternatives but both of these programs are currently suspended which is different than eliminated. PCRRC makes a recommendation to Faculty Senate.

General Education  — Harlan Onsrud
The committee is meeting every two weeks. Looking at block transfers, Gen Ed outcomes from all campuses, being compared across campuses. May provide a framework for Community College transfer if things work out.

Gen Ed requirements changing?
Not at this point.

Ad Hoc IT – Michael Scott & OPEN
Met today with the IT Strategic Council and the discussion was security. A lot of good information presented but some things that came out was communication is not working. There was also an issue with people still using Windows XP, it’s being eliminated April 8 by Microsoft. The Executive Committee discussed an email circulated on computer vendors that wasn’t articulated particularly well.

There are 100-300 computers using XP, a letter is being worked on so the information can be circulated. Microsoft discontinued XP 5 years ago but have continued support. If people are using XP let the administration know so issues can be resolved

When faculty looked at companies, why no Toshiba etc., why were some vendors left out?
Specifications were looked through and vendors chosen from that process. The message that went out to faculty was very unclear and raised several questions.

How can we interact with IT to better get information, i.e., like password programs IT could suggest what to use or avoid? Seems like sentences would work better as passwords than a word 6 to 8 characters with caps/numbers. Just seems like a more up to date method.

If traveling, is Starbucks secure, is VPN enough, or don’t work while we’re away? That type of information needs to be presented.

A. Mike Scott said things like that are being discussed.

Signing up for the Cutler Health Biometrics is impossible, what was going on? Some people stated they waited two hours and still couldn’t get through, they were told IT was working on it. Can’t information be conveyed?

It was a combination of issues, Janet Waldron stated she’d check into it.

Dick Thompson said it was a complete surprise that it was impossible to get an appointment. Appointments were available, IT will work on it.

Comment: The XP issue may be a problem with research intensive faculty. Equipment is not easy to update. Address the research intensive faculty and they need to be engaged in the discussion.

Where does the online teaching evaluation stand, is it in the hands of UMaine campus now?
The University Teaching Council is taking that up now and will come up with a set of recommendations.

Committee of the Administration

IV.       Open Comments from the Administration

The UMS outcomes based formula appears to be completely divorced from reality. Our perception is that if you are a traditional student (under age 30 when you graduate) who is attending the University of Maine from start to finish (first through senior years), your attendance and degree are worth less to the University of Maine System Board of Trustees than the degree of a non-traditional transfer student. The non-traditional student’s degree is worth 40% more.  If you are a graduating law student, your degree is valued at almost three times that of a graduating STEM bachelors degree student and almost twice that of PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering. If you are graduating with a two-year associates degree your degree is valued the same as a student graduating with a four-year bachelors degree.

(a) Do these statements accurately reflect the current formula? If so, how do you suggest that the outcomes based approach as implemented by UMS be fought and avoided?

(b) What is the current effect in Fiscal Year 2014 of the current “outcomes based” funding formula on the Orono campus?

(c) What is the anticipated effect in Fiscal Year 2015 on the Orono campus if the current proposed formula is supported by the Board of Trustees?

It started out as performance based but finally admitted it was not performance. It does not favor UMaine, it appears to be geared to move money to other campuses. Some discussion is how do we work with that? The model is geared at 5%, there’s a proposed increase at 5% each year after.  Need to address how the model is working and maximize the ceiling. Secondly, realizing that the goal was to move money to campuses that cost less for a degree. UMaine realizes that it cost more to come to this campus but need money due to this being a Land Grant University. Hoping to equalize through research.

How much are we losing?

It’s very complicated to figure or explain. There are four areas; completion, productivity, credit accumulation (number of students who make milestones, completion), and R&D. At stake, the model can increase to 30% by FY19 or $4.5 million less. Only one other campus would receive less and that’s Machias. It’s complicated and the model doesn’t really allow for UMaine to do well. If UMaine improves 10% on each of the four areas and no other campus improves at all UMaine would still end up with $1 million less and other campuses end up with more except two would get less like UMaine. It’s very difficult to do well with the model.

Other states that do well with a similar model are those with new appropriations. There needs to be a cap put on this.

Where does the model come from?
The model comes from NCHEMS, a national consulting firm in Boulder.

It seems like a lot of spinning of wheels for something that doesn’t pass the straight face test. When a law student rates so much higher than a PhD student.
It has been successful with other systems that get additional appropriations. This model is not quite appropriate to the UMaine System and particularly UMaine.

Are there any discussions at the BOT on what happens when a campus is no longer viable and what happens at that point?
The Structural Gap discussion has become the motivator to take a whole look at things. It should require a visionary discussion on where UMaine fits and how to address the gap.

Can you please provide an update on the numbers of ongoing or completed faculty searches that are likely to be filled in Fall 2014 and the units in which those personnel will be hired? Please provide an update on the numbers of searches and their units that, officially, never began despite their prior approvals and despite the retirements of those who were told they would be replaced. Have the numbers changed since our last full Faculty Senate meeting?
Provost Hecker is working with Deans because of the unique budget issues this year. He asked Deans for updates based on budget issues and what their strategy will be. There are open searches:

Educaton and Human Development: 1 search (3 request to fills won’t be filled this year).

Engineering: 3 open searches, anticipate filling.

CLAS: 2 completed searches, 1 completed and filled, 5 ongoing and1 or 2 may need to be cancelled

Maine Business School: no searches ongoing

NSFA 4 open, the Dean may cancel 1 and 4 others can’t be done now.

Cooperative Extension: anticipate filling one position.

So, two positions filled, 14 ongoing, and 2 or 3 cancelled.

Can you please provide an update on new hires by the System in IT and other areas that are going ahead despite delayed or abandoned faculty hires on the campuses?
Dick Thompson stated that 10.5 positions were eliminated, eight of those were full-time, added two positions, also froze twelve positions as of today. Anticipate additional cuts over the next year. There is one additional position hoping to add but that is on hold.

In previous full Faculty Senate meetings, members of the Administration have alluded to the use of “financial and economic models” that make projections and predictions regarding present and future budgets under various enrollment scenarios, and help drive Administrative priorities and policies affecting the well-being of students and faculty. However, the performance and utility of these models depend on a priori assumptions built into the modeling structure, and internally-consistent models based on unrealistic assumptions are dangerous because they can give reassuring but incorrect results. Please briefly describe the assumptions and mechanisms of these models so that Faculty can better understand the strengths and limitations of model predictions?
Janet Waldron commented that she assumed this was about the Blue Sky plan. A model was put together to look ahead, the sub model takes faculty/staff, facilities, endowment, etc. This gets us in to the future and out of the Structural Gap. It looks like we’re close to filling the gap and on track after this FY.

What is the reaction of the UMaine administration to US Rep Michaud’s proposal to waive tuition for all System sophomores?
Feel this is a political comment without any conversations with campuses at this time. Several states are trying this but not clear on the details of how this would be paid for. It’s a difficult idea when money is so tight and wonder where that money would come from, this campus doesn’t have funds for that.

Oregon started this last year but the students pay the money back at the end. It would be difficult for the State of Maine to do this at this point.

Is there an evaluation of Research and Sponsored programs update?
That is not done, it was just proposed and anticipate it will be summer.

Dean Dan Sandweiss is leaving the Graduate School, is there a plan for transition?
This is his last year, working on a possible restructure. The plan is to get faculty/campus input on the topic. An April 1 forum is being coordinated and the topic will be graduate education and research and to outline a model to restructure the Grad School.

Harlan stated that Dr. Sandweiss’ service to the campus and graduate students has been appreciated and he’s done a phenomenal job.

A comment was made that the Grad Board is concerned and would like to be part of the meetings.

What is the role of online evaluation, fix UMA issues. Will have a validated online evaluation in the future and a process to do this. Why UMaine administration not involved.
This is a topic that Provost Hecker is very concerned about but maybe there should be a conversation so things can get moving.

President Ferguson saying to the campus that the short-term plan is to fill positions with adjunct and short-term faculty. Does the Administration realize that adjunct faculty won’t sustain.
To point two, yes.

To point one, we realize not all positions can be filled with adjunct. That is why Deans were asked to put forth their requests for filling positions.

V.        Old Business

VI.       New Business


Motion to Modify the Preamble to the Faculty Handbook

From the Constitution and Bylaws Committee


The preamble for the faculty handbook that was adopted on April 16, 2003 is out of date and does not properly define the process for modifying the handbook. The modified text addresses these issues.


To modify the preamble of the faculty handbook to read:
This Handbook is an information guide for University of Maine faculty, and does not supersede any collective bargaining agreements made by the Associated Faculty of the University of Maine (AFUM). The goal of the handbook is to capture key elements of administrative policy and faculty responsibility in a single resource that can provide guidance for all faculty at the University of Maine
This document has been assembled by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee (CABC) of the Faculty Senate. It is our intent that this will be an electronic document and that it will be updated once per semester by the CABC. Minor changes, such as updating a URL associated with policy which does not significantly impact faculty responsibilities or independence will be made on an ad hoc basis. All substantive changes will be required to be brought to the attention of the Faculty Senate and will be subject to a vote on during regular faculty meetings.
Comments of any sort as well as additions or corrections are solicited. For simplicity, please clearly indicate what you wish to add or subtract including the current text and the proposed text. If substantive this information will be presented to the senate in the form of a motion and will be subject to a vote. All corrections should be directed to the chair of the CABC and copied to the president of the faculty senate.

Motion Passed


Motion to Modify the Research and Scholarship at UMaine section of the Faculty Handbook From the Research & Scholarship Committee Motion


To modify the Research and Scholarship section of the faculty handbook to read:

Research and Scholarship at UMaine

One of the three missions of the University of Maine is research, and faculty members are expected to conduct research and be involved in scholarly activities. This expectation is reflected in faculty evaluation and promotion procedures. The range of scholarly activities is wide and specific to the discipline; it may include, among others, exhibited artistic creations, book writing and scholarly papers in professional journals.

Faculty members are encouraged to involve both undergraduate and graduate students in research and scholarship activities. The center for undergraduate research (CUGR, http://cugr.umaine.edu/) provides research fellowships and organizes a yearly exhibit of undergraduate research at UMaine. Similarly, the Graduate School (http://www.umaine.edu/graduate/) provides research assistanceships and publishes news regarding research performed by graduate students at UMaine.


The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) assists faculty and staff in seeking and managing research grants, contracts, and other extramural funding. ORSP serves as applicant, contract negotiator, and signatory authority for the University in such matters, and provides grant accounting services once an award is made. A detailed guide to resources for faculty who are currently, or have an interest in, conducting research detailing the different steps associated with research and award applications and management are provided in this document: http://www.orsp.umesp.maine.edu/ORSPDocs/Info/ORSPTraining/ORSP_Resource_Guide.pdf.

Research activities at the University of Maine are governed by federal and state regulations, and University policies which have been instituted to ensure scientific integrity, safeguard the welfare of animal and human subjects, and protect the health and safety of faculty and staff, students, and visitors to campus.

The University of Maine adheres to a strict policy of compliance. All members of the University community are responsible for familiarizing themselves, and complying with all applicable regulations and policies. Failure to do so places not only the University, but also the individual community member at risk for violations which could result in substantial administrative, civil and criminal fines and penalties. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) website (http://umaine.edu/orsp/compliance/about-compliance/) provides information on key research compliance topics concerning animal and human subjects, hazardous materials,
the responsible conduct of research, fiscal accountability, intellectual property, and export control regulations. ORSP also provides online training in compliance and sponsored project management which those engaged in research and/or pursuing extramural funding are strongly encouraged or are required to complete.

Some research endeavors require specialized equipment (e.g. hazardous materials, lasers) or activities (e.g. diving, human subjects) which are associated with significant risks. Such activities are monitored by UMaine’s Office of Safety and Environmental Management (SEM) and may require specialized training prior to engaging in such research activity. For policies and training requirements, consult the SEM web site (http://sem.umaine.edu/policies-guides-and-reports/).

Motion Passed


Motion to Regularly Assess Faculty Satisfaction at the University of Maine

From the UMaine Faculty Senate Environment Committee


Faculty members at the University of Maine have expressed a desire to have a regular and standardized assessment of faculty satisfaction. The Environment Committee would like this regular survey to allow for establishment of an initial standardized base line assessment of faculty satisfaction, provide a basis for national comparison with like institutions, and enable longitudinal comparisons over time at our own institution.

After reviewing the various standardized surveys discussed in the Hanover Research document titled Assessing

Faculty and Staff Satisfaction (Feb 2012) and the recent UMaine Rising Tide Survey of Faculty Satisfaction

(2011), we recommend that the survey administered by HERI (http://www.heri.ucla.edu/facoverview.php) be

regularly used to best meet the standardization and comparison goals sought by the faculty.

The Faculty Senate urges the Administration of the University of Maine to arrange for and fund participation by

University of Maine faculty at least once every three years in the core set of questions contained in the HERI

Faculty Survey Instrument. Further, we recommend the University’s participation in the Campus Climate

Module, the Academic Advising Module and the STEM Module. In addition, we recommend that the

University of Maine participate in one or more of the HERI student surveys.

Comments: What is the cost on this? $3500.

What’s done with the data? President Ferguson stated the national data base is a good benchmark.

It seems like having a national benchmark is a very good idea.

Motion Passed


Motion to Discard Certain Printed Periodicals

From the UMaine Faculty Senate Library Committee

Background and Rationale:

The Faculty Senate Library Advisory Committee recommends passage of the following motion, which allows Fogler library to discard journals that JSTOR has digitized and archived.

JSTOR (Journal Storage) is a not-for-profit shared digital library created in 1995 to help university and college libraries to free space on their shelves, save costs, and provide greater levels of access to content. By digitizing content to high standards and supporting its long-term preservation, JSTOR aids libraries and publishers of scholarly content transition their collections and publishing activities from print to digital operations.

JSTOR digital content is preserved in Portico (doorway to the resources), a digital repository supported by its publisher and library members, including the University of Maine. Print copies of the materials digitized in JSTOR are preserved in two official “dark archives,” one at Harvard, and one at the University of California.

JSTOR currently includes more than 2,000 academic journals. Fogler Library has print holdings in its collection for nearly half of all titles in JSTOR, and has had most of the bound volumes in storage for several years.


The Faculty Senate of the University of Maine approves library discard of those printed periodical volumes for which there is duplicate content in the JSTOR electronic archives purchased by the library.

Motion Passed (1 nay)

Adjourned at 5:05 pm

Respectfully submitted
Kathryn Slott