November 18, 2009

NOVEMBER 18, 2009
Present: Edward Ashworth, Jason Bolton, Douglas Bousfield, Rodney Bushway, Joe Carr, Fei Chai, Steve Cohn, Ted Coladarci, Robert Dana, Michael Eckardt, Cynthia Erdley, Sue Erich, Janet Fairman, Robert Franzosa, Todd Gabe, Per Garder, John Gregory, Michael Grillo, William Halteman, Susan Hunter, Kirsten Jacobson, Blake James, Cary Jenson, Mel Johnson, Robert Kennedy, Al Kezis, Dennis King, Karl Kreutz, Judy Kuhns-Hastings, Pauleena MacDougall, Molly Maclean, Kathleen March, Stuart Marrs, Craig Mason, James McClymer, Sid Mitchell, Paul Rawson, Robert Rice, Dylan Riley, Joyce Rumery, Steven Sader, Dan Sandweiss, Phillip Silver, Kathryn Slott, Touradj Solouki, Claire Strickland, Shihfen Tu, Janet Waldron, James Warhola, Stephanie Welcomer, Nate Wildes, Vivian Wu, Huijie Xue.
Absent: Andrei Alyokhin, Daniel Belknap, Thomas Brann, Chris Campbell, William Congleton, Raphael DiLuzio, Catherine Elliott, Duane Hanselman, Deborah Killam, Michael Kinnison, Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Irv Kornfield, Larry Latour, David Morrison, Harlan Onsrud, Tina Passman, Howard Patterson, Justin Poland, Michael Scott, Susan Lambrecht Smith, Roy Turner, Mark Wells.
Open Forum with the Academic Program Prioritization Working Group (APPWG) will be held on December 2 from 3:30 to 5 pm in Room 100, Donald P. Corbett Hall. Provost Hunter will chair the meeting.
The Ad Hoc Rapid Response to the Task Force Committee has been disbanded.
Discussion and Questions with Administration:
President Kennedy was asked what his vision is for UMaine. Dr. Kennedy said that he has many goals. One is to become one of the top 50 public institutions in the country. He feels if we continue we will achieve this goal. He said UMaine is as good as, if not better, that most of the universities on this list. We are in the top 100 research universities and this has been achieved within the last 10 years. We are the best university in the state. He also said we are not alone with the budget issues. Every state in the U.S. and around the globe is facing the type of budget reductions that we have seen. California, Missouri, Illinois and other states are combining institutions.
Dr. Kennedy said he believe UMaine in the single most important institution in the State of Maine. We have 150 years of history built on a solid Liberal Arts education, but we also need to look at contemporary needs of the state. We have an aging population, lower per capita income, we have lost traditional industries. We have to continue to do this work with a declining public support. We have to being looking at new revenue sources, for example; Cutler Health Center merging with EMMC. We can’t survive without change. Private fundraising is going good. We have to reexamine our vision in light of the review process.
Jim McClymer pointed out that the legislature stated that there are two research institutions in the state. What is the scope and mission of all campuses? Is there no distinction between USM and UMaine? Dr. Kennedy replied that just in MEIF funding 20% goes to USM and 80% come to UMaine.
Craig Mason ask if a program is not offered here will the students then go to UMFK or another campus? Dr. Kennedy replied that they have a survey sent to students who applied here but decided not to attend in order to find answers to questions like this.
There was a discussion about how UMaine is perceived by high school students in the state. Many comments pertained to how little exposure we have in schools in the state. People stated that we need to get more of our people talking to high school guidance counselors and high school juniors and seniors to show then what we have to offer.
Michael Grillo asked what our perceived needs are, what are our preemminent research opportunities? Dr. Kennedy said that energy and environment is big. Job in healthcare are on people’s minds today. These weren’t issues when UMaine was founded.
A question was asked about the $400 million shortfall the state is facing and whether that number could go up. Janet Waldron said that they are waiting for the final figures. We are now facing a $7.5 million curtailment. UMS is waiting for final figures.
Bill Halteman commented that 45% of Maine high school seniors go to college out of state. Paul Rawson stated that his department/college hosts high school teachers every year and they are amazed as the work that is being done here on campus.
More discussion continued regarding marketing our campus to high schools in the state. Someone suggested forming an ad hoc committee to discuss strategies for including high schools in our mission.
Tina Passman asked about the recent decision to terminate Angel Loredo’s position considering the diversity initiatives on campus.
Bob Dana stated that he had already cut a third of his staff. Angel Loredo had originally been overseeing the diversity initiatives but much of his work was no longer in that area.
Nate Wildes commented that the students were surprised by this development but understand the reality of the situation.
Committee Reports:
BOT Rep: Robert Rice
Academic Affairs: Tina Passman
Constitution & Bylaws: Michael Grillo
Research & Scholarship: Touradj Solouki
University Environment: Daniel Belknap
Library Advisory: Howard Segal
Service & Outreach: Deborah Killam
Committee on Committees: Shihfen Tu
Program Creation, Review & Reorganization: Dr. James Warhola
General Education: Tina Passman
Finance & Institutional Planning: Craig Mason
Old Business:
No Old Business.
New Business:
No New Business