January 27, 2010
JANUARY 27, 2010
Present: Edward Ashworth, Dan Belknap, Douglas Bousfield, Sarah Breau, Rodney Bushway, Joe Carr, Fei Chai, Steve Cohn, Robert Dana, Rebecca Dyer, Catherine Elliott, Cynthia Erdley, Susan Erich, Todd Gabe, Per Garder, John Gregory, Michael Grillo, William Halteman, Michael Hastings, Sue Hunter, Kirsten Jacobson, Blake James, Cary Jenson, Mel Johnson, Robert Kennedy, Deborah Killam, Dennis King, Michael Kinnison, Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Irv Kornfield, Karl Kreutz, Judy Kuhns-Hastings, Stuart Marrs, Craig Mason, James McClymer, Sidney Mitchell, Harlan Onsrud, Tina Passman, Paul Rawson, Robert Rice, Joyce Rumery, Steven Sader, Dan Sandweiss, Michael Scott, Evelyn Silver, Kathryn Slott, Claire Strickland, Shihfen Tu, Janet Waldron, Stephanie Welcomer, Mark Wells, Huijie Xue.
Special Guests, Members of the UMaine Board of Visitors.
Absent: Andrei Alyokhin, Thomas Brann, Chris Campbell, William Congleton, Raphael DiLuzio, Janet Fairman, Robert Franzosa, Duane Hanselman, Larry Latour, David Morrison, Howard Patterson, Justin Poland, Phillip Silver, Susan Lambrecht Smith, Touradj Solouki, Roy Turner, James Warhola, Vivian Wu.
The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm.
President Kennedy introduced members of the Board of Visitors to the senate. James Goff, Vice Chair of the BOV, gave a small introduction to the senators about what the BOV does and what its mission is. Dr. Kennedy added that when the New Challenges, New Directions plan was presented to each campus, members of the BOV went to each campus to see these presentations. He also informed the members that Jim Goff had put in many hours working on the NEASC review process.
Mr. Goff was asked if the BOV advocates for our campus with the Board of Trustees. He replied that they meet with the BOT once a year. He added that 90% of the people he speaks with support the UMaine campus.
Michael Grillo asked if he had any major advice in light of the issues we are currently facing. Mr. Goff said that we should continue to tell our story. This campus is an economic engine for this state. He spoke of the size, scope and professionalism of our employees. The BOV works to make sure that UMaine gets a fair share of resources from the system.
Jim McClymer asked what the most important thing UMaine is doing or not doing adequately. Mr. Goff replied that he doesn’t think the people of the state realize how good we are at what we’re doing. He said we should continue to spread the word about the important work we do here on campus, the extraordinary stories that should be told. He shared that when his son was looking at colleges, he was told he should attend UNH.
There have been ongoing meetings regarding a common academic calendar for all campuses. Fall 2010 will be unaffected. During the Spring 2011 the two week spring break may not come when it normally does. It is still early in the discussion, and no changes have yet been made. There are several issues
regarding add/drop period and financial aid. A comment was made that system wide transfers would be affected and that often there are different deadlines for add/drop campus to campus.
Shihfen Tu asked if there are statistics of how many students are registered as multi-campus students.
Provost Hunter said that 6% of the total system enrollment registers as multi campus.
The Minutes from November and December 2009 were approved.
Board of Trustees Report – Dr. Robert Rice
The Board of Trustees met on January 11. There was an update on the objectives of the New Challenges/New Directions. The School of Policy and International Affairs’ MA on Global Policy was approved.
The Strategic Investment Fund will withhold 1 million dollars this year, 1.72 million next year, 3.2 million for 2011-2012, and 5.2 million for 2013-2014. Budget allocations will be announced in May. There has been a group formed for the Public Agenda, which will look at priorities to assist the state. There will be a UMaine/USM summit on graduate programs. The BOT has preapproved the new AFUM contract, which has not yet been ratified. They would like to double the number of distance education courses and students. The System has decided to slow down the purchase of the new portal that was discussed. 8.6% of the total credit hours at UMaine are on-line courses.
Discussion with Administrators:
Senate President Kuhns-Hastings asked Provost Hunter how APPWG was progressing.
Provost Hunter answered that the criteria are out. The Deans are to submit more information. This will set the stage for conversations between the Deans and the Provost. It is too early right now to predict what will happen.
Craig Mason asked when the faculty will be able to provide input. Dr. Hunter said that there are a lot of programs being looked at.
A questions was asked about on-line course fees. UMA does charge fees as well as USM. UMaine does not at this time. So far there has been no discussion on this topic.
Dr. Slott asked what avenue the faculty has to discuss items, such as our strengths, with the Board of Visitors. President Kennedy said that the BOV definitely wants to hear from faculty. Some colleges have their own BOV. Colleges could invite individual members of the BOV to visit their colleges. The more the BOV knows about our campus the better they can advocate for us with the BOT and citizens of the state.
Dr. Welcomer asked about the new policy to offer on-line courses or programs. Sue Hunter said that the plan for was programs, not courses. There have been new programs proposed to be offered on-line. There is a one-year time frame for any department to formulate an on-line program. Some have been opposed at this time. UM and USM wanted to put some graduate programs on-line. There are issues of quality and depth to an on-line program. One campus may have two faculty members whereas UMaine may have 15 faculty involved in a program.
A question was asked if a program is developed here and UMA delivers the program through distance learning, who has control over the program? Dr. Hunter said she thought that if it was our program, we have the control. Another question was asked about assessments and assurances that the student is assessing the program. Dr. Hunter said that there are some worries about this but that technology can provide security for things such as this.
Dr. Rice asked if a student takes as BIO100 course from another campus, would it be treated as equal to one from UMaine? Dr. Hunter said it was the department’s prerogative to determine equivalency.
Dr. Passman asked that if the System is supporting these on-line issues, are they providing funding for the development of these programs? CED is limited due to budget issues, not tech issues. Is the system putting anything behind this money-wise?
Dr. Kennedy said that perhaps some Strategic Investment money might be used, he wasn’t sure about it.
Dr. Passman stated that it is important for people to know before they begin to develop a course.
Committee Reports:
Academic Affairs – Dr. Tina Passman
The committee had a meeting to talk about the academic forgiveness policy. Our policy is somewhat antiquated and so language has been changed. No major policy changes, but language changes will be available in the catalog. The committee is going to meet about the final exam policy and is exploring grade inflation.
Committee on Committees – Dr. Shihfen Tu
The committee found a person to serve on the Dining Review Committee and hopes to find a nominee to serve on the President’s Council on Disabilities.
Constitution and Bylaws – Dr. Michael Grillo
Voting on the proposed change to the Senate President terms is going to begin next week.
Finance and Institutional Planning – Dr. Craig Mason
The committee has spent time discussing parameters that could/should be used, and continue to explore options.
General Education – Dr. Tina Passman
The committee is meeting on February 1 to talk about firming up outcomes of GenEd categories and the process for the NEASC report.
Library Advisory – Dr. Howard Segal
No report.
Program Creation, Review and Reorganization Committee – Dr. Harlan Onsrud
The committee has met twice and has looked at developing a process for developing new programs. It has met with proposers of the new Ph.D. in Anthropology.
Research & Scholarship – Dr. Touradj Solouki
See attached.
Service and Outreach – Dr. Deborah Killam
The committee will meet soon.
University Environment – Dr. Dan Belknap
There is a motion in new business. The committee plans to meet with the University’s Facilities group to discuss energy use on campus.
Student Senate
There is a new student president and vice-president. Student government plans to work more on advocacy to the legislature and is working with Faculty Senate on student learning.
Old Business
The mission state was discussed and passed by Faculty Senate.
New Business
The Role and Scope statement was discussed and a friendly amendment was suggested to add the words “undergraduate and graduate” after the phrase, “foundation for all students.”
Vote on the friendly amendment:
Accept: 17
Opposed: 0
Abstentions: 1
Vote to accept the role and scope statement:
Accept: 17
Opposed: 0
Abstentions: 1
The Environment Committee Recommendation regarding the Smoke-Free Campus
Dr. Belknap explained the committee’s concerns (detailed in its report), including enforcement feasibility as well as stigmatizing existing smokers. There was a question raised as to whether public
forums have been adequate for those affected to express their thoughts. Dr. Dana said that the Smoke-Free Committee has met with hundreds of people and various constituents.
The Senate voted on accepting the Environment Committee’s recommendation to delay the initiative until there is further discussion of the consequences of such a policy in a wider forum. The vote was:
Vote to accept Environment Committee’s recommendation:
Accept: 16
Opposed: 1
Abstentions: 1
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Stephanie Welcomer
Faculty Senate Secretary