November 11, 2007
Faculty Senate Minutes
NOVEMBER 14, 2007
Present: Andrei Alyokhin, Edward Ashworth, Daniel Belknap, Richard Blanke, Tony Brinkley, Emmanuel Boss, Rodney Bushway, Hsiang-Tai Cheng, Steve Cohn, Dorothy Croall, Robert Dana, Marcia Davidson, Patrick Devanney, Raphael DiLuzio, Michael Eckardt, Sue Estler, Alaric Faulkner, Jacques Ferland, Per Garden, Gail Garthwait, James Gilbert, William Halteman, Brandon Hartt, Christine Hockensmith, Dianne Hoff, Karen Horton, Susan Hunter, Blake James, Cary Jenson, Mel Johnson, Robert Kennedy, Deborah Killam, Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Irving Kornfield, Larry Latour, Molly MacLean, Kathleen March, James McClymer, Tina Passman, Howard Patterson, Mick Peterson, William Pomerleau, Robert Rice, Dan Sandweiss, Evelyn Silver, Kathryn Slott, Touradj Solouki, Claire Strickland, Edna Mora Szymanski, Shihfen Tu, Roy Turner, Janet Waldron, Stephanie Welcomer, Beth Wiemann, David Wihry, Vivian Wu.
Absent: Carla Billitteri, Douglas Bousfield, Thomas Brann, Fei Chai, Alan Cobo-Lewis, Scott Collins, William Congleton, Saundra Gardner, Duane Hanselman, Scott Johnson, Michael Kinnison, Karl Kreutz, David Lambert, Roger Merchant, Ngo Vinh Long, Harlan Onsrud, Gregory Porter, Allan Smith.
Dr. Thomas Longin presented a talk on Shared Governance. His power point presentation can be accessed in the Shared Governance sub-folder in the Faculty Senate folder on First Class. Prior to the presentation he was welcomed by President Gilbert and Senator Rice gave a brief explanation regarding shared governance (through discussions within the Board of Trustees) and mentioned how Dr. Longin had been invited to campus as well as his credentials for this consultant work. A question and answer period followed for about 20 minutes.
President Jim Gilbert opened the meeting at 4:30 pm.
The minutes from the October 17 faculty senate meeting were approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:33 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen March, Secretary