May 2, 2007

Faculty Senate Minutes

May 2, 2007

Present: Aria Amirbahman, Shari Baxter, Carla Billitteri, Emmanuel Boss, Tony Brinkley, Marcia Davidson, Gail Garthwait, James Gilbert, William Halteman, Dianne Hoff, Karen Horton, Leonard Kass, David Lambert, Kathleen March, James McClymer, Harlan Onsrud, Mick Peterson, Linda Rottmann, Ann Schonberger, Kathryn Slott, Touradj Solouki, Edna Szymanski, Shihfen Tu, Janet Waldron, Beth Wiemann, David Wihry.

Absent: Jim Acheson, Richard Blanke, Rodney Bushway, Hsiang-Tai Cheng, Alan Cobo-Lewis, Laura Cowan, Dorothy Croall, John Daigle, Eugene DelVecchio, Raphael DiLuzio, Sue Estler, Alaric Faulkner, Jacques Ferland, Michael Greenwood, Duane Hanselman, Cary Jenson, Scott Johnson, Deborah Killam, Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Irv Kornfield, David Kotecki, Roger Merchang, Jessica Miller, Ngo Vinh Long, Tina Passman, Howard Patterson, Gregory Porter, Paul Rawson, Alan Rosenwasser, Michael Scott, Denise Skonberg, Allan Smith, Stellos, Tavantzis, Stephanie Welcomer, Vivian Wu.

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm.

Committee Reports:

Board of Trustees Representative – Dr. Robert Rice

Dr. Rice was unable to attend, no report.

Academic Affairs – Dr. Aria Amirbahman (Dr. Irving Kornfield was unable to attend)

The UTC has distributed the new Evaluation form to departments; they may use them if they so choose.

Constitution & Bylaws – Dr. James Gilbert

There is one amendment to the bylaws that will be presented in the fall, which is to drop the “Public Service” from the Research & Public Service committee, and create the new Service and Outreach committee. This will be coming up for a vote in the fall, following the 45 day wait as specified for changes to the senate constitution and by-laws.

University Environment – No Report.

Research & Public Service – Dr. Mick Peterson & Dr. Scott Johnson

One of the initiatives that R&PS will work on next year is the need to create a financial reporting system that supports research initiatives at the university and helps expand our research activities.

Finance & Institutional Planning – Dr. William Halteman

The committee met regularly throughout the year. Next year they plan on looking at metrics that will compare our financial strength to that of peer institutions.

Library Advisory Committee – Dr. Dianne Hoff

The committee met several times this year. Dr. Hoff thanked the members of the committee. They addressed items such as sponsored collections, with the possibility of getting support for journals from different members of the commercial community. They have also met with the Friends of Fogler Library to see if they could assist with the organization of some projects like the sponsored collections. The committee hopes that in the fall they can commence a pilot project to begin this process.

Service & Outreach Committee – Dr. Kathleen March

Dr. March thanked the members of the committee. The committee has produced a year-end report which has been sent to Provost Szymanski. The report included an executive summary and a plan of what the committee would like to do in the future.

Program Creation & Reorganization Review Committee – Dr. David Wihry

The committee has now been fully constituted, has met twice, and is in the process of preparing a document that will explain the procedures required for a review. He also clarified that the word “Program” in the title of the committee does not refer to degree programs, but rather structural entities that are either being considered for reorganization or creation. There is a separate process for creation of degree programs and elimination of degree programs. The Committee is composing a guideline/timeline for the process of review and reorganization, it should be ready soon. He gave a general outline of the review process. He also thanked the Provost for her cooperation and assistance with the committee.

Committee on Committees – Dr. Michael Greenwood

Dr. Greenwood was unable to attend the meeting.

The minutes from the April 4, 2007 meeting were approved.

Discussion with Administrators

Dr. Kass asked the Provost about the status of the search for the Dean of the College of Education & Human Development. Provost Szymanski said that at this point the faculty in the college are forming a plan for the future. She wants them to decide what they are looking for in a dean.

Another person asked how the Provost picked an interim dean. She stated she usually gets recommendations from various people and from the President.

The Provost was asked about the Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Committee (AABAC). She replied that this is a group that looks at the fiscal issues of academic affairs. The committee includes academic administrators, the director of the Office of Institutional Studies, and representatives from each college. It also advises on academic college and extension budget cuts and faculty position requests. The previous evening there was a presentation by the deans and Cooperative Extension on how budget issues will be addressed. Cuts are considerable. Dr. Halteman stated that this was an eye-opening experience for him, seeing how the cuts affect the entire campus and various units.

Janet Waldron gave a review of the budget shortfall and what was being done to reduce the amount. She noted that transparency is needed, as well as working otgether to halt the dynamic. The Provost noted that the revenue picture is still not fully known at this time.

James McClymer asked about cuts. Provost Szymanski said there was a $15 million shortfall, reduced through a 12% tuition increase, and a freeze on positions. Waldron noted tht the tuition increase sends a message of an issue that needs resolving. Enrollment figures are still not clear at this moment. A question was asked regarding tuition increase rates in the past and whether an even greater increase would solce deficit. (Response: no.) Waldron cited lack of state support as a key factor.

There was discussion about grant money brought in to campus by 266 principal investigators ($7.5 million comes from indirect costs) and the inability of the Peoplesoft system to provide a program to assist them with their time and effort reports. There is a fix that can be used on our local system if the administration would be willing to commit to implementing it. However, PeopleSoft is not user-friendly and a system upgrade is also pending. Mick Peterson noted that a script can be written to get appropriate reports. Currently, people are trying to decide whether to write a proposal or to wait, which does not benefit the institution. He believes the program is simple and can be done at a local level. It was indicated that this will be discussed with VP Eckardt.

New Business:

A. Election of officers for 2007 – 2008:

Election was held. The results are as follows:

Dr. Dianne Hoff, Vice President/President Elect

Dr. Kathleen March, Secretary

Dr. Robert Rice, Board of Trustees Representative

Committee on Committee members:

Dr. Rodney Bushway, NSFA

Dr. Kathryn Slott, CLAS

Dr. Shihfen Tu, EDHD

Two more members, from the colleges of Engineering and Business, Public Policy & Health, are needed.

B. The motion to approve the “Rights and Responsibilities related to Academic Advising” was presented by Aria Amirbahman:


Academic advising is a shared responsibility between advisor and student. It is an educational process designed to facilitate effective navigation of programmatic requirements and instructional resources.


Help students clarify their academic values, goals and aspirations;

Lead students to understand better the nature and purpose of higher education;

Provide accurate information about educational requirements, policies, and procedures;

Develop an educational program consistent with the student’s interests and abilities;

Assist students in a continual monitoring and evaluation of their educational progress;

Integrate the many resources of the University of Maine to meet the student’s individual educational needs and aspirations.


Help the student define and develop realistic goals;

Understand student needs and match those needs with available campus resources, both academic and personal;

Assist students with planning an academic program consistent with their abilities and interests;

Monitor the student’s progress and provide accurate ongoing feedback information;

Discuss linkage between academic preparation and their future career path.


Take the initiative in arranging timely appointments with his/her advisor;

Participate fully as an active learner in the advising process;

Maintain a personal record of academic progress and achievements;

Accept responsibility for choices, decisions and actions that affect his/her academic success;

Gather all relevant information needed to make informed decisions;

Clarify personal values, goals and aspirations;

Become knowledgeable about the University of Maine’s programs, policies and procedures

Be well prepared for the advising session.


The Faculty Senate approves and recommends the adoption of the Rights and Responsibilities related to Academic Advising, including the stated goals and the expectations from the advisor and the student.

The motion passed.

Vice President/President Elect James Gilbert introduced the following motion:

Motion to thank Len Kass for His Outstanding Leadership of the University of Maine’s Faculty Senate for the 2006-2007 Academic Year

Whereas Len Kass has worked to foster open, productive communication between the faculty and the administration, and

Whereas Len Kass has led the development of procedures that ensure the faculty’s role in shared governance, especially related to program reorganizations, and

Whereas Len Kass has raised the level of discourse at Senate meetings by focusing the discussions on important issues that make a difference in the lives of students and faculty members, and

Whereas Len Kass has established a good working relationship between the Faculty Senate and the new Provost, and

Whereas, under his watch, the processes for annual reporting by faculty has been streamlined, and

Whereas, Len Kass has led an overhaul of the student evaluation instrument, and

Whereas, Len Kass has been a tireless worker on the behalf of the faculty, and

Whereas, it is with great admiration for his long and distinguished tenure of service to the Faculty Senate and University of Maine, therefore be it

Resolved by the Faculty Senate that we offer this expression of thanks to Len Kass for his outstanding leadership of the Senate, and be it further

Resolved that we present this tribute as evidence of our lasting respect for his legacy.

Dr. Kass thanked the senate, the administration, and his executive committee.

Kathleen March expressed gratitude to Ellen Woodhead for her excellent support behind the scenes.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:18 pm. and was followed by a reception hosted by President Kennedy.

Minutes respectfully submitted by

Kathleen March, Secretary