January 31, 2007
Faculty Senate Minutes
January 31, 2007
Bangor Room, Memorial Union
(The January 31, 2007 Faculty Senate meeting was an abbreviated meeting due to the visit by a candidate for the position of Chancellor of UMS. There were no committee reports.)
Present: Aria Amirbahman, Shari Baxter, Carla Billitteri, Richard, Blanke, Emmanuel Boss, Tony Brinkley, Rodney Bushway, Hsiang-Tai Cheng, Dorothy Croall, John Daigle, Marcia Davidson, Raphael DiLuzio, Sue Estler, Jacques Ferland, Gail Garthwait, James Gilbert, Michael Greenwood, William Halteman, Duane Hanselman, Dianne Hoff, Karen Horton, Leonard Kass, Irving Kornfield, David Kotecki, David Lambert, James McClymer, Jessica Miller, Henry Munson, Harlan Onsrud, Tina Passman, Michael Peterson, Gregory Porter, Paul Rawson, Ann Schonberger, Michael Scott, Denise Skonberg, Kathryn Slott, Allan Smith, Touradj Solouki, Shihfen Tu, Stephanie Welcomer, Beth Wiemann, David Wihry, Vivian Wu.
Absent: James Acheson, Alan Cobo-Lewis, Laura Cowan, Eugene DelVecchio, Cary Jenson, Scott Johnson, Deborah Killam, Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Roger Merchant, Henry Munson, Ngo Vinh Long, Howard Patterson, Alan Rosenwasser, Stellos Tavantzis.
Meeting began at 4:03. Both the minutes and agenda were missing, although they had been delivered by Ellen Woodhead well in advance.
President Kass asked if there were any opinions as to minutes sight unseen. Discussion ensued as to what to do. By acclamation, and because the minutes had been distributed via internet previously, they were approved.
President Kass thanked people for coming at an unusual time and under different circumstances, since the meeting was scheduled after the interviews with a Chancellor candidate just prior.
President Kass asked Vice President Gilbert to read the motion.
Proposed Amendment to Bylaws:
That the bylaws be amended to include, following Article IV, Section 7:
Article IV
Section 8. Program Creation and Reorganization Review Committee.
A. Function. The committee has the responsibility to receive and review proposals for the creation and reorganization of academic programs. Once the information is gathered and evaluated, the committee will present a recommendation to the faculty senate for its approval.
B. Membership. This committee will consist of a minimum of ten faculty senators, including two from each college. Members of this committee may be members of other standing senate committee.
Senator Gilbert said the only business was to change the by-laws to add another committee – the amendments to art. 4 sec. 7 and art. 4 sec. 8 – review committee with function of receiving and reviewing proposals for creation and reorganization of academic programs. Once evaluated, the committee would present that program to Faculty Senate for approval.
One senator asked for clarification on the number of 10 members for the committee. Vice President Gilbert said they would be 10 faculty senators.
Senator Hoff moved to approve the motion and it was put up for discussion.
Senator Wihry asked about status of proposal for reevaluation of programs.
Senator Gilbert said this relates directly – He and President Kass met with Provost Szymanski last Monday. As a result, he drafted minutes of our understanding of procedure – Len agreed w/Jim’s minutes. Len passed on to Provost. Admin does have some difficulties as it is now stated. Jim thinks it will happen, but question is how and when. Once Provost returns her response, Jim will share everything with Faculty Senate. The document is an understanding of what was discussed in the Monday meeting of the Provost, President Kass, and Vice President Gilbert.
President Kass said that at the next members only meeting this will be a topic of discussion. He wants to keep this short, but his impression is that the administration is earnest and wants a plan that is workable. Their thinking is that we should have a trial period of maybe 6 months. The interest is in seeing how it works in practice. President Kass says he and Senator Gilbert thought perhaps by January of 08 we could have a permanent document.
Senator McClymer commented that this started with no consultation w/senate. We were just told. We’re partly to blame because we’re letting it happen.
Senator Slott mentioned the trial period and the committee. If it’s just on trial period, how binding will the decision be? Point of order from Senator Halteman: Are we discussing motion on the floor?
President Kass: yes. The motion on floor is to create a special subcommittee to deal with these issues.
Senator Ferland –noted that whatever the negotiations, it is a good idea to create a committee that will fully inform FS of negotiations with the administration.
Senator Halteman said the committee could be formed almost immediately. Vice President Gilbert said the committee must report to all – and needs to be accountable to Faculty Senate.
President Kass asked if there were any further discussion. If not, we would bring the motion to a vote.
Senator Schonberger asked if we would start and staff the committee immediately. President Kass replied that we would do so as soon as legally possible – as soon as we enact it and it becomes part of by-laws. Schonberger said there are some fairly big changes in the works now so it is advantageous to have this.
The vote was: 25 yes 0 no 1 abstention
Senator Halteman reported that Janet Waldron will be presenting the current status of budget next Wednesday at 3 pm in Stodder. All are invited to attend.
Motion to adjourn: 4:18 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen March, Secretary