February 23, 2005
Faculty Senate Minutes
February 30, 2005
Present: Jim Acheson, Dean Astumian, Richard Borgman, Mary Brakey, Rod Bushway, Sandy Caron, Laura Cowan, Marcia Douglas, Michael Eckhardt, Amy Fried, Todd Gabe, Jim Gilbert, Alexander Grab, Michael Greenwood, Nancy Hall, Ludlow Hallman, William Halteman, Marie Hayes, James Horan, Dana Humphrey, Daniel Innis, John Jemison, Scott Johnson, Leonard Kass, Dennis King, David Lambert, Michael Mack, John Mahon, Kathleen March, Stephen Marks, Brigham McNaughton, Harlan Onsrud, Howard Patterson, Paul Rawson, Alan Rosenwasser, Douglas Ruthven, Ann Schonberger, JulieAnn Scott, Michael Scott, Evelyn Silver, Denise Skonberg, Kathryn Slott, Touradj Solouki, Claire Strickland, Janet Waldron
Absent: Peggy Agouris, Aria Amirbahman, Eisso Atzema, Robert Bayer, Carla Billitteri, Robert Cashon, Nellie Cyr, John Daigle, Raphael DiLuzio, Mahmoud El-Begearmi, Stephen Gilson, Robert Gundersen, Dianne Hoff, David Kotecki, John Maddaus, Jessica Miller, Mick Peterson, Liam Riordan, Thomas Sandford, Stellos Tavantzis, Roy Turner, Bob Whelan, Gregory White
Meeting was called to order at 3:20
Welcome and Signing In
Minutes from February 23, 2005 meeting were approved.
Opening Remarks
Dr. Patterson had a few items to announce. The first presidential candidate is on campus today. He encouraged everyone to make an effort to see all the candidates and to fill out the comment sheets at these meetings. Dr. Patterson then read a statement from Dr. Kennedy regarding the senate meeting:
“I have decided its best that I not attend the faculty senate meeting this afternoon. This week and next the four candidates will be interviewed for the University of Maine presidency. I am pleased and gratified to be part of that group. During this period it is important that all candidates be treated similarly, particularly with different constituency groups on campus. For my part, I do not want to do anything that might impede the process of selecting a president. My participation in today’s meeting might be viewed by some as giving me an unfair advantage in the process. I look forward to joining you in April at the final meeting of the year.”
Dr. Patterson also said that he had a meeting with the Chancellor the week before and he had three things to report. The presidential search is in the hands of the Chancellor’s office. Dr. Patterson questioned the centralization issue; there is a committee working on this aspect of the strategic plan. Dr. Patterson also inquired about additional funding for graduate endeavors, as the strategic plan stresses that graduate education at UMaine is a top priority, and he received a positive response.
Bob Purcell from Maine Medical Center will be on campus speaking about the new Bio Medical proposal. We want to let the governor and legislature know that we are excited about this new collaborative effort.
Questions for Administrators
A question was asked of VP Janet Waldron about a study being done by an outside firm regarding student aid and whether this was going to result in monies being redistributed among campuses. VP Waldron said that this was not the case; she is very encouraged with the results of the study.
A question was asked who was responsible for coordinating and transmitting faculty and campus wide comments regarding the presidential search to the system. Dr. Patterson reiterated that the search is being run by the Chancellor’s office. He said that when he went to one of the candidates public forums the yellow comment forms were being collected by a person who works at the system office in Bangor. Laura Cowan, a member of the search committee agreed. She said the forms go to the Chancellor’s office in Bangor where they are reviewed and summarized.
Committee Reports:
Committee on Committees – Jim Horan
No Report.
Research & Public Service – Doug Ruthven
The second MAPI competition is underway, there are 22 proposals that have been submitted. The draft on evaluation of research has received about a dozen comments. The report is still under review, the committee has not met again.
University Environment – Scott Johnson
Dr. Johnson will be giving a report later in the meeting on Graduate Research.
Academic Affairs – Mick Peterson
Dr. Peterson was not able to attend, no report.
Constitution & Bylaws – Marie Hayes
The committee has met and is presenting a motion at today’s meeting. They are also studying some material on higher education faculty governance.
Interdisciplinary Programs – Kathleen March
The luncheon panel series hosted Elsa Núñez, Vice Chancellor, at their last gathering, which was on Latin American Studies. The next luncheon discussion is April 11.
Library Advisory Committee – Dianne Hoff
Dr. Hoff was not able to attend, no report.
Finance & Institutional Planning – Todd Gabe
He said a lot of the senators had attended the special budget meeting two weeks before, and that numerous questions had come up during the meeting. They are now waiting for answers to these questions.
Workload Committee – Thomas Sandford
Dr. Sandford was not able to attend, no report.
BOT Representative – Dana Humphrey
The BOT met for a condensed meeting on March 14. Eighteen names were put forward to the BOT for tenure from this campus. All 18 were approved. There were several items under the heading of facilities, all to be paid from revenue bonds: residence hall renovations, Alfond Arena construction to be paid for by athletic revenue, and tentative approval for a co-generation plant.
All Strategic Plan committees are busy with meetings. The THESIS group, related to centralization of services on this campus, is meeting. Please give any feedback to Dr. Humphrey. There is a committee being formed system wide to look at the issue of shared governance. This committee will give a report next fall. It will not make a recommendation, and is just fact-finding at this time. The BOT will be meeting on April 15 in Bangor for a half day meeting. Dr. Humphrey does not have an agenda for this meeting, but he said it is conceivable that they may be ready to name the next UMaine President.
Report on Graduate Research, Scholarship and Education at the University of Maine – Dr. Scott Johnson, Chair, University Environment Committee
A copy of the report is attached to these minutes in the Faculty Senate office. Copies were also handed out to everyone at the meeting. Dr. Johnson views the Strategic Plan as an opportunity for graduate education at this campus. He also pointed out that this is truly a Faculty Senate initiative as the core committee members are all chairs of various senate committees. He also mentioned the advisory members of the report, that these people are for the most part, faculty senators, a representative from the Associate of Graduate Students, JulieAnn Scott, faculty representatives from all colleges, and administrators.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
Tenure Clock Motion – University Environment Committee, Constitution & Bylaws Committee
* Approximately 45% of U.S. universities have policies that allow faculty to stop the tenure clock for the birth or adoption of a child. Many also allow for such extensions for eldercare.
* The American Association of University Professors’ model policy on Family Responsibilities and Academic Work includes a call for universities to adopt a standard policy and procedure, rather than ad hoc arrangements.
* Such policies are important in recruiting and retaining excellent faculty. As the Faculty Senate of the University of Florida put it, “peer institutions, other leading higher education institutions, and corporations, many of which compete with us for the best faculty, have instituted a variety of policies and programs to address the fit between family life and work.
* A wide range of universities – both public and private – have policies that allow faculty to stop the tenure clock for the birth or adoption of a child. These include the University of Delaware, the University of Michigan, the University of California at Berkeley, MIT, Stanford, Duke, the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Virginia Tech, and the University of Connecticut.
* Such a policy will bring the University into line with the rapidly increasing numbers of institutions which offer such adjustments to the tenure clock; will support our tripartite mission of teaching, research and service; will enhance our ability to recruit and retain excellent faculty; and will promote our diversity goals.
We recommend that the administration of the University of Maine adopt a more flexible policy for granting requests for extensions to the years allowed before promotion and tenure decisions. This policy would normally include, but are not limited to, extensions for reasons such as:
- Illness or physical condition (including but not limited to pregnancy) which seriously affects scholarship, creative activity or teaching performance.
- Death or incapacitating illness of a partner or a child.
- The need to assume substantial responsibility for the care of a newborn child, newly-adopted child, or disabled dependent (including elder care).
- Failure by the University to implement documented commitments for critical equipment, facilities, and/or support within a previously agreed timetable.
- Failure of contracted or cooperating third parties to fulfill their commitments to joint projects critical to the faculty member’s scholarship.
Motion passed, 34 for, 1 opposed, none abstained.
Amendment to the Bylaws for the Appointment of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Constitution & Bylaws Committee
(Only the affected paragraphs in the Bylaws have been included here, with changes underlined and highlighted)
The following changes in the wording of the Bylaws is proposed for the purpose of:
- Formalizing in code the process of appointment of the Board of Trustees Representative;
- Formalizing in code the inclusion of the Parliamentarian to the Executive Committee and the process of appointment.
ARTICLE I. ELECTION OF SENATE OFFICERS At the March meeting, the Committee on Committees shall present at least two candidates for Vice President/ President‑ elect, at least one candidate for Secretary and Board of Trustees Representative and at least one candidate for each position on the committee on Committees. The agenda for the April meeting shall include the names of those nominated. There shall be an opportunity for nominations from the floor at the time of the election in April. Each office shall be voted on separately by secret ballot, where there is a contest, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary for election. In the event that no candidate receives a majority, a second vote shall be taken between the two highest candidates. In the event the Vice President ‘s office becomes vacant prior to the expiration of the term, the Senate shall hold a special election. At a regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate, the President shall inform the members of the vacancy, ask the Committee on Committees to secure nominations, and set the time for the election at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the full Senate. At the time of election, the procedure shall be as outlined in the paragraph‑ above. In the event the Secretary’s office becomes vacant prior to the expiration of the term, the President shall in consultation with the Executive Committee, appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the term.
ARTICLE II. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The new President of the Senate shall designate the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees. The Committee on Committees, except as otherwise noted, shall make recommendations to the President of the Senate for all faculty members of each standing committee. The President shall appoint the members of each standing committee, and parliamentarian, and designate the chairperson who serves at the pleasure of the President. Except in unusual circumstances, a faculty member may serve concurrently on only one standing committee. Ex officio members, where specified in the composition of a committee, shall have all rights of membership. The President shall be an ex officio member of each standing committee. To insure that each College is represented on the Executive Committee, the President may appoint members to serve “at large” on the Executive Committee.
A. Function. The Executive Committee has broad responsibility for planning and facilitating the activities of the Senate. This committee assigns, coordinates and reviews the work of the committees of the Faculty Senate. The Executive Committee conducts the business of the Senate on a temporary basis, if in its judgment, an emergency exists.
B. Membership. The members of the Executive Committee are the President of the Senate, the Vice President/President‑elect, the Secretary, the Chairpersons of the Committee on Academic Affairs, Committee on University Environment, Committee on Finance and Institutional Planning, Committee on Committees, Committee on Research and Public Service, Parliamentarian and Representative to the Board of Trustees.
Leonard Kass introduced and explained the reasons for the motion. There was considerable discussion regarding the motion.
An amendment was suggested regarding Article II that the third sentence “The President shall appoint the members of each standing committee, and designate the chairperson who serves at the pleasure of the President.” Be changed to include “The President shall appoint the members of each standing committee, and parliamentarian, and the chair of each committee, who serves at the pleasure of the President.”
A vote was taken on the amendment to the motion. 27 for, none against, two abstained.
A vote was taken on the amended motion.
25 for, 2 against, 1 abstained. The motion passed.
Discussion – Division of Research & Public Service Committee
Dr. Ruthven, Chair of the Research & Public Service Committee, opened the discussion by stating he has no preference whatsoever whether the committee is divided into two sections, Research, and Public Service. He doesn’t feel as though the senate needs another standing committee. Kathleen March stated that the reason she wanted this issue discussed was that the Public Service aspect of the committee normally takes a back seat to the Research aspect of the committee. Because Public Service is part of what faculty does, and is sometimes figured into tenure decisions, she feel that more emphasis should be placed on this. We should be promotion our outreach efforts across the state. President Patterson suggested that an ad hoc committee be formed for Public Service next year and see how it develops. Dana Humphrey pointed out that it was late in the year to form another committee.
Dr. Ruthven then gave an update on the Evaluation of Research Draft Report his committee has been preparing. Someone said that the comments received from faculty regarding input into the report should be released for all to read. Dr. Ruthven disagreed, as the report is not yet finished. There ensued considerable discussion about the report. Dr. Ruthven once again stated that until the report is finished in committee, it will not be brought forward.
Someone then pointed out that the March meeting is the meeting where nominees are presented for the following year. Jim Horan explained that normally there are no more than one name nominated for each office. Vice President Marie Hayes suggested that anyone willing to nominate someone, should contact the chair of the Committee on Committees. The elections will be held at the April Faculty Senate meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:50 pm.