September 20, 2000
Faculty Senate Minutes
September 20, 2000
Present: Mark Anderson, Bruce Barber, David Batuski, Paul Bauschatz, Hsiang-Tai Cheng, Richard Cook, Chris Cronan, Shirley Lee Davis, George Elliott, Bill Farthing, Ed Ferguson, Marc Girard, Michael Grillo, Diane Haslett, Knud Hermansen, Peter Hoff, Jim Horan, Dana Humphrey, Keith Hutchison, Richard Jagels, John Jemison, Melvin Johnson, Harvey Kail, Mel Kelley, Robert Kennedy, Carol Kim, Dennis King, Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Jan Kristo, Judy Kuhns-Hastings, John Maddaus, Chuck Maguire, Cynthia Mahmood, Kathleen March, Jim McClymer, Bruce Nicholson, Raymond O’Connor, Harlan Onsrud, Howard Patterson, Eric Peterson, Robert Rice, Jane Smith, Ione Hunt von Herbing, Anatole Wieck,
Absent: Phyl Brazee (sabbatical), Tom Byther, Steve Cohn, Daniel Dwyer, Rebecca Eilers, Ray Fort, Edward Jadallah, Richard Judd, Leonard Kass, Justin Kelleher, Phil Locke, Daniel Lux, Ivan Manev, Kyriacos Markides, Jim McConnon, Chris Moody, Paula Petrik, Glenn Reif, Thomas Sandford (sabbatical), Owen Smith, Roy Turner, Gloria Vollmers (excused), Judy Walker, James Wilson
I. Welcome and Introductions:
The meeting was called to order at 3:15.
Faculty Senate President Michael Grillo looks forward to working with students, faculty, and administrators in long term planning for the university and in determining the long range affects of current practices. He would also like to see the senate follow up on policies from past years.
Senators and all members of the gallery introduced themselves.
Special welcome to Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Robert Kennedy
Remarks by Robert Kennedy:
He is pleased to be here at the University of Maine, which is respected and held in high regard around the country. He feels excitement and exuberance, and has grand visions for this campus. In addition he wants to engage in discussion and dialogue with faculty and with the senate in particular, in looking at long-term issues as well as current problems.
II. Announcements:
The Faculty Senate web site can be found at It contains the constitution, composition of committees, news regarding motions. and upcoming calendar items. There is also a First Class presence with conferences for committees, upcoming motions, agendas, archives, and communications between the senate and President Hoff.
President Hoff has requested Dale McDonald to furnish names of administrators who are up for evaluation this year.
Motions can be put forward by any senator. Please turn proposed motions in to any member of the Executive Committee or to Michael Grillo at least one week before presentation on agenda. What are faculty ideas for Faculty Senate to address this year? Please extend this request for ideas to your constituencies.
James Patterson, director of the Belfast Center will address the senate in October or November. Please let M. Grillo know of any suggestions for other speakers.
The October 11, 2000, senate meeting will be in the Dexter Lounge.
Please confirm the contact information on the sheet that is being passed around the room.
Other announcements:
K. March: The Faculty Handbook Committee met today. A draft version in electronic form is up and ready. Senators will be a sounding board for the committee and are urged to respond to specific requests for feedback.
II. Questions to administrators:
Because the University of Maine is the research institution of the University of Maine System and because 2-year programs that are expensive and difficult to replicate elsewhere have been eliminated, K. Hermansen asked President Hoff how soon doctoral programs and the law school program will be moved to this campus from other UMS campuses. P. Hoff responded saying that there are no doctoral programs at other UMS campuses other than one in existence since 1982 and that there are no plans to move it or the JD to this campus.
P. Bauschatz asked for a progress report on resolving the moisture and bug problems in the Hudson Museum and the Maine Center for the Arts. P. Hoff replied that the problems turned out to be much more complex than expected and deferred to CFO Duringer for further information. R. Duringer responded that an extensive engineering analysis was requested and delivered one and a half months ago. There are problems involving bricks, bugs, and indoor air quality, and the bottom line recommends $2.3 million in renovations for which the university currently has only $400K budgeted. He will be meeting next week with John Patches and Elaine Albright. The first step would be to seal the roof and progress to other problems gradually. Some work would require closure for one year. The administration is working on it in good faith and has spent a lot of time and money. It now needs to figure out how to sequence the renovations and get them done.
P. Bauschatz also asked about the newly re-paved areas near the construction site for the addition to the Memorial Union. So far they don’t seem to follow foot traffic patterns: Will they be rethought once the project is completed? R. Duringer replied that these are only temporary and are intended for construction traffic. The straight-line pattern will be instituted upon completion of the project.
K. March asked if there would be more attention paid to repairs to the front of the library? P. Hoff and R. Duringer replied that this work was put out to bid and came in at 50% higher than the amount currently projected for this work, which includes repairs to ductwork, drainage, replacement of the front steps.
P. Hoff offered a statement to quell rumors of his looking for another job. He looks forward to remaining president at the University of Maine.
IV. Memorials to Ken Hayes and Rex Pyles:
Memorial to Ken Hayes read by James Warhola, Professor of Political Science. The late Professor Hayes’ widow, Jackie, was present for the reading of the tribute.
Memorial to Rex Pyles, read by Kathleen March, Professor of Spanish.
A motion was made and unanimously passed to adopt both tributes as an appendix to the formal proceedings of the senate and to send a copy of the statements to the respective families with the senate’s deepest sympathies.
V. Committee Reports:
Academic Affairs (Paul Bauschatz): No report.
Subcommittee on General Education Requirements (J. Maddaus): This committee will meet next week.
University Environment (Judy Kuhns-Hastings):
This committee needs one member from Education. The first meeting will be called for the first week in October.
Research and Public Service (Harlan Onsrud):
This committee is full and will begin its work over the next week or so.
Financial and Institution Planning (Bob Rice):
There is no business pending at this time.
Committee on Committees (Jan Kristo):
Out of 23 vacancies for Committees of the Administration, 19 have been filled. The remaining four are listed below.
° 1 faculty member to serve on the Memorial Union Council
° 1 faculty member to serve on the Student Employment Advisory Committee
° 1 faculty member to serve on the Traffic and Safety Committee
° 1 faculty member to serve on the Environmental Health and Safety Committee
Constitution and By-Laws (John Maddaus):
Three Faculty Senate volunteers are needed to serve on this committee. There are no carry-over items from last year.
Board of Trustees Representative (Dana Humphrey):
The Board of Trustees met Sunday-Monday, September 17-18 and approved the budget request for the state legislature. Money is requested for two major categories: increase in monies for continuing to do what we’re currently doing (e.g. salaries, heat); and increase in student financial aid to support scholarships, R&D and Information Technology. The lion’s share will be used for hardware and digital content to allow greater access to library resources across the state. Some funding is to come from the legislature, some from other sources. The University is to provide $5.2 mil. and needs the support of its friendly senators. Page 2 of the budget request shows major capital requests: library addition and technology classroom/student center facility. R. Rice asked if R&D money is being requested as part of the base budget. P. Hoff responded stating that there will be a base appropriation of $5 mil allowing the university to raise its own funds which the annual $5 mil would pay back.
VI. New Business:
A.) Motion to Renew Senate Recommendation for Recovered Costs Distribution
was made H. Onsrud and seconded by K. Hermansen.
Last year, the Faculty Senate proposed a long-term plan for the redistribution of recovered costs, which the University of Maine Administration neither adopted nor responded to in detail. Instead, the Administration retained the earlier draught plan from which the Senate’s Committee on Research and Public Service had begun its deliberations. The Administration’s plan was viewed inadequate in addressing how the University of Maine distributes indirect cost charges generated through research grants back to sub-units of the University in a manner that provides sufficient incentives to the
university community to increase flows of indirect research funds to the University. The core substance of our previous Faculty Senate motion was not addressed.
Therefore, the Senate asks the Committee on Research and Public Service to renew their study to develop a plan that will distribute indirect cost charges generated through research grants back to sub-units of the University in a manner that provides sufficient
incentives to the university community to substantially increase flows of indirect research funds to the University. The Senate asks that the Committee on Research and Public Service report back by 13 December meeting.
Discussion: None
Motion passed as stated.
B.) Motion to Request Significant Participation in the Reassessment of Intellectual Property Rights Policies at the University of Maine System Level made by H. Onsrud and seconded by K. Hermansen.
Last spring, the Faculty Senate became apprised of a document issued by the University of Maine System Office that spelled out an Intellectual Property Rights Policy that affects the faculty directly. The committee creating this document had little input from the Orono campus, which, as the flagship campus of the system, produces the most research and originates the greatest number of distance education courses via the combination of ITV and the World-Wide Web.
Therefore, the Faculty Senate asks the Committee on Research and Public Service to study the question of Intellectual Property Rights, to explore creation of a policy document for the University of Maine that might be used as an exemplar for the University of Maine System policy, and to request significant representation on the University of Maine System committee writing the system-wide policy. The Senate
asks that the Committee on Research and Public Service report back by 13 December meeting.
Discussion: None
Motion passed as stated.
Motion to Assess and Explore Continuing the Class Book Project made by P. Bauschatz and seconded by K. Hermansen.
The Class Book Project of the University of Maine is presently in its ninth year. It will conclude in its tenth year, academic 2001-02. Since the project was initiated by a resolution of the Faculty Senate, it is appropriate that the project be evaluated by the senate prior to its conclusion, if the project is to be continued beyond the tenth year. Since books are regularly chosen two years before their utilization, the decision to continue or discontinue the project must be made in academic 2000-01. Propaedeutic to this decision, a consideration of the value of the project should be completed in the fall semester of 2000. To this end, IT IS MOVED that the Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate undertake an evaluation of the Class Book Project and make a recommendation to the full senate for termination or continuation before the end of Fall 2000.
Discussion: None
Motion passed as stated.
Motion to Request the Administration to Commit to Improving the DSIS System made by Judy Kuhns-Hastings and seconded by K. Hermansen .
Over the last year, the Administration and Faculty of the University of Maine have worked to improve student advising to increase student retention and student completion of their degree programs. Manually keeping record of each student’s progress through the multiple levels of requirements demanded by each program, each degree, and General
Education, make this task relatively onerous.
Therefore, the Faculty Senate asks that the University Environment Committee study and make recommendations on facilitating keeping track of each student’s fulfillment of program, degree, and General Education requirements through readily accessible electronic means such as the current DSIS system. The Senate asks that the University
Environment Committee reports back by 13 December meeting.
J. McClymer has other concerns to add as friendly amendment. Make DSIS more useful by starring out the SS# of faculty, enabling faculty to take class lists directly off the system and copy them to a spread sheet, and giving faculty the ability to copy a student’s schedule.
K. Hermansen proposed simply that DSIS be reviewed.
The friendly amendment was accepted and the amended motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane S. Smith, Secretary
Professor Emeritus of Political Science
(1934 – 2000)
On behalf of the Department of Political Science, and on behalf of the family and many friends of Dr. Kenneth P. Hayes, I wish to thank the Faculty Senate for the opportunity to offer this tribute to him. Those familiar with Ken’s life and work will recognize that no brief statement could adequately summarize his many activities connected with the University of Maine, and with his involvement in public life at the local, state, and national levels. For those convinced of the virtues of an active public life and its salutary effects upon oneself and one’s community, Ken Hayes’ life and work were, and remain, truly exemplary. We also wish to recognize that Dr. Hayes was posthumously awarded the title of Professor Emeritus of Political Science earlier this year.
Ken Hayes graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine in 1960. He went on to receive an M.A. from Yale University and a Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts (1969). In 1965 Ken joined the faculty of the University of Maine, which remained his academic home until his early retirement in 1996.
During his 31 years of service to the University of Maine, Ken served in numerous capacities. He was first and foremost a teacher, and one thoroughly dedicated to his students. Emblematic of that dedication is his record of service to many student organizations. A partial list includes his activities over the years as faculty advisor to the Student Senate; the Student Issues Coalition; Upward Bound; and the National Political Science Honor Society, Pi Sigma Alpha. As Director of the Boys State program, he also involved himself with outreach to Maine youth, many of whom doubtless came to the University of Maine in part because of his efforts on their behalf
The list of Ken’s many activities on behalf of his colleagues on the faculty is also quite long. A few examples will suffice to illustrate the nature and the consistency of his engagement with campus life in attempting to improve the quality of life for all of us within the University community — students, faculty members, professional staff and administration. Ken served on the Faculty Senate, and within this body, chaired the Institutional Development Committee; he also served several terms on the Council of Colleges, the body which preceded the Faculty Senate. Ken was an active member of AFUM, serving a term each as Vice-President and President; he served also on the University’s Honors Committee, chaired the Employee’s Assistance Council, served as President of the Beta Theta Pi Alumni Association, acted as University of Maine representative to the University of Michigan Inter-University Consortium, and served likewise with the New England Board of Higher Education. He was also consistently active in the Department of Political Science, serving in many intra-departmental capacities, including chairing the Department from 1989 until 1994 and chairing the Peer Committee.
Ken’s involvement in public life was extensive, reflecting his passion and commitment to the development of a more civil and just community for all citizens. That involvement took the form of numerous activities at the national level, here in the state of Maine, and in his home community. Here also a partial list should suffice to convey a sense of the breadth of Ken’s work. At the national level, Ken was involved with the National Conference of State Legislatures, the Education Commission of the States, the Committee on Arts, Tourism, and Cultural Restoration, and the Advisory Group to the President and the Executive Committee of the National Education Association. Ken also acted as a representative of the National Education Association before the U. S. Congress’ Sub-Committee on Post-Secondary Education.
Ken’s activities in Maine were also extensive, including chairing the Maine chapter of the public service organization Common Cause; membership in the Maine Community Foundation; service on the Board of Directors of the Maine Civil Liberties Commission; and one term as a State Senator representing District #26, during which time he chaired several Senate committees, including the Joint Standing Committee on Education. Also in his capacity as state senator, Ken was awarded the “Legislator of the Year” by the
Maine State Education Association and “Friend of Education” by the Maine Teacher’s
Association. He was also a member of the state’s Commission to Implement Education
Ken also engaged his concern with public life within his community of Veazie, chairing the Veazie Council, the Budget Committee, the Charter Commission, the Recreation Committee, and others. He also served as Vice-Chair of the Penobscot County Democratic Party.
Ken Hayes was a scholar, having received numerous academic honors in the process of achieving his formal education. His studies focused on American politics, particularly at the state and local level, and issued in a number of published works. His co-authored book, The Legislative Process in Maine, was the first book devoted to the study of the operation of the Maine legislature.
More frequently, however, Ken’s scholarship manifested itself in the active engagement of his knowledge with concrete political and social problems. The list of public service projects in which Ken was involved is considerable. A few examples will suffice to illustrate their scope: Ken was involved in studies of health education in Maine; of the status of the elderly in Maine; of the evolving continuing education needs in Maine; of the impact upon the local population of the closing of Loring Air Force Base; of housing needs in Maine, and numerous others. The common thread running through this conjunction of scholarship and public service was a passionate concern for the well-being of his community, his country, and most of all, his fellow citizens. Above all, however, Ken’s scholarship directly affected the careers, and the character, of his students.
We all miss Ken’s presence on campus and in the larger community. His courageous struggle against a fatal illness well reflects Ken’s character and determination. But we also remember with happiness Ken’s contributions, his personal warmth and friendliness, and his earnest desire to build a better community, and world, for everyone. Thank you again for this opportunity to offer tribute to our friend and colleague, the late Professor Emeritus Kenneth P. Hayes.
Rex Pyles, Assistant Professor of Russian in the Department of Modern Languages & Classics, died on August 27. He had been employed at the University of Maine since 1964. He had a BA in Russian language & literature from the University of Miami in Coral Gables and an MA in Slavic linguistics for the U of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He had also studied in West Virginia, Santiago de Chile and Moscow State University.
During his career, Rex Pyles was a member of the New England Slavic Association, the MLA, the American Association of Teachers of Slavic & East European Languages, the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Canadian Slavic associations, the American Council of Teachers of Russian, and the American Society of Linguistics. He is survived by two daughters, Laura and Erica, and a son, David, as well as a son-in-fact, Anthony.
At UMaine Rex taught ALL the Russian language courses, at all levels, as well as Russian literature in translation and had volunteered for LAS 100, for the first-year experience of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.. One of his recent endeavors was Madmen & Misfits in Russian Literature and Film, cross-listed with English.
We were saddened to hear last spring of Rex Pyles’ illness, which precipitated his retirement a few weeks later. Nobody really thought he would be retiring, because his life and his work were so integrated. He was awarded Emeritus status shortly following retirement. Soon after that, we were even more saddened to hear that Rex had passed away in late August.
I would like to cite a few words written by my colleague William Small from German:
“It is impossible to summarize in a few words the essence of a teaching career that spans thirty-five years, or of the enormous impact those years of commitment and dedication had on the hundreds and even thousands of students who passed through Rex’s classrooms over such a long period of time. I first met Rex 34 years ago, when as a young man I arrived in Orono to begin teaching German language and literature. He was by then a seasoned one-year veteran in the Dept, brimming over as only Rex could with excitement, bursting with ideas and enthusiasm for his work and always filled with a sense of awe in facing the daunting responsibility he felt to touch the lives and expand the horizons of those young people in the classroom. His enthusiasm was absolutely contagious, and as a group of newly arrived young colleagues we were always ready to try anything to make a dent in what we viewed as the often provincial attitudes of rural Maine students through our teaching of foreign languages and cultures. Rex was always in the forefront, always interested in innovation and new techniques, always supportive of other colleagues, and always willing to give a hand when needed, be it in his own field of Slavic Studies and linguistics or in support of others.
Rex was a teacher and friend who ‘made a difference’ in the lives and education of so many. Even many years after graduating and leaving the university, students have continued to express their love and respect for the man and professor who was such a positive influence on their young lives.”
Even those of us who have not been here quite as long can echo the sentiments of Bill Small. Rex was a person who cared deeply about the students, teaching, his family, and his colleagues. He was the sort of person who would volunteer to take you to the airport any time he sensed you needed a lift. He would guide people through the off-campus internet connection process, would volunteer for extra teaching because he felt Russian and other cultures were important, and he would warm cold winter days with a greeting and a cup of coffee. Some of us greatly appreciated his ongoing mini-lessons in the Russian language, when he would inform us that “in Russian they have a phrase for it” and would proceed to give both the Russian and the English equivalents, leaving us smiling at the Slavic wit, but also more aware of how to look at things from another angle.
In essence, Rex Pyles was always willing to give something to those around him, always striving to put his positive contribution on the community collection plate. We will all miss his gentle, generous nature and his intellectual curiosity