October 22, 1997

Faculty Senate Minutes

October 22, 1997

PRESENT: John Alexander, Francois Amar, Steven Barkan, Richard Brucher, Mary Ellen Camire, Ryan Carnegie, Ted Coladarci,Steven Colbum, Scott Delcourt, James Fastook, Ed Ferguson, Ivan Fernandez, Virginia Gibson, Mac Gray, Tim Griffin, Michael Grillo, Jeffrey Hecker, Peter Hoff, James Horan, Dana Humphrey, Fred irons, Mel Johnson, Roger King, Peter Kleban, fry Kornfield, Philip Locke, Henry Metcalf, William Flender for Scott Morelli, Suzanne Moulton, Melissa St. Peter for Jennifer Nelson, Stephen Norton, Tina Passman, Connie Perry, Alan Rosenwasser, Steven Sader, Therese Shipps, Owen Smith, Kristin Sobolik, Hayden Soute, Mary Ellen Symanski, David Townsend, Mary Tyler, Gloria Vollmers, Gail Werrbach

ABSENT: Tony Brinkley, Christopher Campbell, George Cnner, Lee Davis, Daniel Dwyer, Max Egenhofer, Michael Greenwood, Dan Harrison, George Jacobson, James McConnon, Hemant Pendse, Gary Schilmoeller, Howard Segal

I. President Humphrey called the meeting to order at 3:16 p.m. The September 27 minutes were approved as distributed.


1. The new members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are Ed Ferguson, Roger King, Alan Rosenwasser, and Kristen Sobolik.

2. Nancy MacKnight will chair the Ad hoc committee to recommend policies on the operation of First Class and other University networks.

3. Francois Amar will be the University liaison to the system advisory panel on educational technology.

4. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to publicize the upcoming Bond issue.

5. Dana Humphrey will be the UMaine liaison to the committee formed to discuss the UMA request for a name change.

6. The Faculty Senate resolutions concerning the pet policy, double degree major, and name change of the undergraduate curriculum committee have been approved by President Hoff.

7. Elaine Albright, and Jim Patten will be guest speakers at the next Faculty Senate meeting on November 19.


Academic Affairs (Gloria Vollmers): Jen Nelson and Gary Schilmoeller are new committee members. At the October 8th meeting, Al Kezis discussed the number of seats available for students to meet the GEN ED requirement for Population and Environment Issues. The committee is satisfied that enough seats are available for students to meet this GEN ED requirement. The committee will not open the topic of exams in the last week of classes without additional feedback.

Finance and Institutional Planning (Hank Metcalf): At the October 8th meeting Elaine Albright discussed the financial concerns of the library. The committee plans to examine issues about library acquisitions. The chairs of the Environment and Finance Committees met with Dino Mattessich to discuss athletic finance and adherence to Title IX. The budget presented last spring for women’s ice hockey remains the same with no anticipated changes. As representative to Facilities and Campus Planning, Hank Metcalf reported that plans are proceeding for an alumni center to be located on College Avenue. Research and Public Service (David Townsend): At the first meeting on October 3rd, the committee discussed the resolution tabled at the final Senate meeting last year. The committee will entertain comments and recommended changes regarding the resolution.

University Environment (Richard Brucher): Jim Patten and Mike Scott met with the committee on Oct. 21 to discuss the increased demands for Instructional Technology and the problems in Corbett 111 at the start of the semester. A resolution will be forthcoming asking the President and Provost to form a study of the adequacy of the technology budgets, and issues related to overlapping services, missions, and administration. The future of the University Club was discussed. The Environment and Finance Committees will work together on library funding and gender equity issues. Future discussions will address the Residential Life Survey that reported student study habits.

Committee on Committees (Connie Perry): Need any faculty volunteers for openings on administrative committees: Instructional Development Committee, Memorial Union Committee, Environmental Committee, and University Facilities Committee.

Constitutions and Bylaws (Mary Ellen Symanski): The committee will bring forward a resolution on the administrative membership of the Senate. The resolution will combine the seat formerly held by the Dean of the Graduate School with the seat formerly held by the Vice President for Research into a single seat now held by the slice President for Research and Graduate Study. Robert White, Director of the Division of Lifelong Learning, will meet with the committee on Nov. 7.

Board of Trustees Representative (Ivan Fernandez): The BOT will meet on November 9. Anticipated discussion issues include fiscal matters, student affairs, enrollment report, and UMA name change.

IV. Guest Speakers

1. President Peter Hoff addressed the Senate and asked for comments and questions on three issues:

The comprehensive examination of the University of Maine: The President stated that the comprehensive self-study of the University will culminate with the visiting accreditation team in spring 1999, and emphasized the need to increase enrollment without sacrificing quality of students.

• The academic climate: President Hoff has been approached by the academic community regarding the academic climate. Some professors have expressed concern about student attitudes towards academic studies (e.g cutting classes, putting less time into academic work). The President asked the Senate to examine the academic climate, and make recommendations for future plans.

• Personnel actions: The search for a new Chief Financial Officer continues and the President expects to till the position this year. He has asked the Interim Director of EEO, Evelyn Silver to continue in the position through the academic year. The President has appointed Interim Provost John Alexander as Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost through the academic year 1998-1999, after which a national search will be conducted to fill the position.

2. Provost John Alexander addressed the Senate:

• University Budget: Provost Alexander stressed the need for passage of the research initiative through the legislature. Increasing student enrollment is critical to the budget. The Provost indicated optimism with changes in enrollment management which includes a Dean of Enrollment, John Beacon; development of an overall marketing plan; streamlining of admissions’ paperwork; and making the entire process more “student friendly.”

• Retention: The Provost highlighted the role of the faculty for increasing student retention. Associate Vice-President for Undergraduate Education, Doug Gelinas, has instituted a Student Academic Service Center, and faculty are encouraged to help our students utilize these services. There was a lengthy discussion regarding student satisfaction with advising and the role of faculty and students. Faculty requested a representative sample of both on and off-campus students for future survey of student use and satisfaction with advisors.

• Faculty Development: Provost Alexander encouraged all faculty to reexamine the way they teach, and stated a committee has begun looking at a revision of the form for student evaluation of teaching.

VI. OLD BUSINESS: No old business.

VII. NEW BUSINESS: A resolution to change the membership structure of the Undergraduate Program and Curriculum Committee was unanimously accepted.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Submitted by Gail B. Werrbach, Secretary

Next meeting is November 19, 1997