February 24, 1998
Faculty Senate Minutes
February 24, 1998
PRESENT: John Alexander, Francois Amar, Steven Barkan, Richard Brucher, Ryan Carnegie, Ted Coladarci, Steven Colburn, Lee Davis, Scott Delcourt, James Fastook, Ed Ferguson, Ivan Fernandez, Virginia Gibson, Mac Gray, Michael Greenwood, Virginia Nees-Hatlen for Michael Gnllo, Jeffrey Hecker, James Koran, Dana Humphrey, Fred Irons, Susan Hunter for Leonard Kass, Roger King, Peter Kleban, Harold Dowse for Irv Kornfield, Philip Locke, Lyn McLaughlin, Scott Morelli, Stephen Norton, Tina Passman, Connie Perry, Steven Sader, Gary Schilmoeller, Howard Segal, Therese Shipps, Kristin Sobolik, Hayden Soule, Mary Ellen Symanski, Gloria Vollmers, Gail Werrbach
ABSENT: Tony Brinkley, Mary Ellen Camire, Christopher Campbell, George Criner, Daniel Dwyer, Max Egenhofer, Tim Griffin, Dan Harrison, Peter Hoff, George Jacobson, Mel Johnson, James McConnon, Suzanne Moulton, Henry Metcalf, Hemant Pendse, Alan Rosenwasser, Owen Smith, David Townsend
I. President Humphrey called the meeting to order at 320 p.m. The January 28 minutes were approved as distributed.
1. President Humphrey announced that Student Senate President Lyn McLaughlin is the new representative to the Senate. Vice President Scott Morelli returns to the Senate.
2. A draft of Bearworks: An Action P/an can be downloaded off First Class. President Hoff encourages the campus community to post comments and suggestions on First Class and to attend discussion meetings on March 30 (3:30-5:00) and April 3(12- 1:30) in 101 Neville.
3. It is anticipated that the announcement of candidates for Chief Financial Officer will occur in late March and early April.
4. The March 18 elected members’ meeting will be held in Sutton Lounge.
5. The ACAC is soliciting proposals for Technology Grant awards.
6. John Diamond encouraged Senate members to communicate with the state Appropriations Committee and legislative leadership regarding the Research and Development legislation.
Academic Affairs (Gloria Vollmers): Eight Class Book nominations have been received. Discussions have focused on changes in the academic calendar. One suggestion is to start the Spring Semester one week later and shift the semester up by one week. This would extend Winter Term to three weeks. Other discussion includes making spring break one week.
Finance and Institutional Planning (Hank Metcalf): No finance report. The Capital Plan Report is available. Research and Public Service (David Townsend): No report.
University Environment (Richard Brucher): The Vision 2000 and Survey of Academic Climate resolutions will be brought forward today. The resolution regarding the University Club did not make it out of committee. Pete Soule will be distributing a survey to faculty which pertains to interest in the Club. The committee met today and will meet again April 1 to discuss gender equity in athletics.
Committee on Committees (Connie Perry): no report
Constitution and Bylaws (Mary Ellen Symanski): An amendment to the bylaws regarding the addition of a standing library Advisory Committee will be brought forward.
BOT (Ivan Fernandez): no report.
IV. Old Business: None
1. The following resolution was approved: Vision 2000
The Faculty Senate endorses in principle the nine recommendations presented in ‘Vision 2000’:
• foster accountability
• base action plans on research results
• implement diversity initiatives
• promote family-friendly policies
• encourage women’s academic and career development
• correct inequities in hiring, promotion, tenure, compensation, and working conditions for women
• establish and support women’s centers
• end gender-bias and discrimination against women in the curriculum
• end sexual harassment and violence against women
Further, the Senate urges the use of these recommendations as a framework for discussing gender equity at the University of Maine. However, ‘Vision 2000″ is overly prescriptive in its particular visions for implementing equity practices. Consequently, the Senate believes the individual Land Grant Universities should negotiate with their own constituencies the most viable means for accomplishing the recommendations of Vision 2000’ on their campuses. The Faculty Senate asks the President of the University to report annually to the Faculty Senate and University community on the University’s progress towards achieving gender equity.
2. A change in the bylaws to add a Library Advisory Committee was submitted and discussed briefly.
3. Discussion on proposed changes to the starting and ending dates for the Spring Semester was postponed until the April 1 meeting.
4. The following resolution was unanimously approved: Student-Faculty Survey on Academic Climate The Senate requests that UM’s Office for Institutional Studies surveys a representative group of undergraduates and faculty on their perceptions of the academic climate at UM. An ad hoc committee of faculty and professionals from Institutional Studies will draft the survey questions, which will focus on allocations of effort and academic expectations. The Senate further requests that the ad hoc committee completes its survey in the Spring 1998 semester and reports survey results to the Senate, the President’s panel on student experience, and appropriate accreditation committees.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Submitted by Gail B. Werrbach, Secretary
The next meeting is April 1, 1998
- Dan Harrison
- Ted Coladarci
- Fred Irons
- Steven Colburn
- Tina Passman
- George Criner
- Gary Schilmoeller
- Michael Grillo
- Gloria Vollmers (chair)
- Hank Metcalf (chair)
- Douglas Gebnas (ax-officio)
- Mark Anderson (for C.F.O.)
- Charles Russ (ax-officio)
- Jennifer Nelson (student)
- Max Egeihofer Richard Brucher (chair)
- Tim Griffin Ted Coladarci
- Connie Perry Mac Gray
- Howard Segal Hayden Soule
- Therese Shipps Gail Werrbach
- David Townsend (chair) John Halstead (ex-officio)
- Dan Dwyer (ax-officio) student senator
- Francois Amar
- Steven Norton
- Michael Grillo
- Richard Brucher
- Connie Perry (chair)
- Hank Metcalf
- Mary Ellen Camire
- Howard Segat
- Mary Ellen Symanski (chair)
- Max Egenhofer
- Mary Tyler Parliamentarian
- James McConnon
- Gloria Vollmers
- Dana Humphrey President
- Mary Ellen Symanski Vice President/President-elect
- Gail Werrbach Secretary
- Gloria Vollmers Academic Affairs
- Hank Metcalf Finance and Institutional Planning
- David Townsend Research and Public Service
- Richard Brucher University Environment
- Connie Perry Committee on Committees
- Ivan Fernandez Faculty representative Board of Trustees