December 10, 1997

Faculty Senate Minutes

December 10, 1997

PRESENT: John Alexander, Francois Amar, Steven Barkan, Tony Brinkley, Richard Brucher, Ryan Carnegie, Ted Coladarci, Steven Colbum, Lee Davis, Scott Delcourt, James Fastook, Ed Ferguson, Ivan Fernandez, Wginia Gibson, Mac Gray, Michael Greenwood, Tim Griffin, Michael Grillo, Jeffrey Hecker, Peter Hoff, James Horan, Dana Humphrey, Fred Irons, George Jacobson, Mel Johnson, Roger King, Peter Kieban, lrv Kornfield, Philip Locke, Chris McEvoy for Suzanne Moulton, Henry Metcalf, Scott Morelli, Jennifer Nelson, Tina Passman, Connie Perry, Steven Sader, Gary Schilmoeller, Howard Segal, Therese Shipps, Owen Smith, Kristin Sobolik, Mary Ellen Symanski, David Townsend, Mary Tyler, Gloria Volimers, Gail Werrbach

ABSENT: Mary Ellen Camire, Chnstopher Campbell, George Cnner, Daniel Dwyer, Max Egenhofer, Dan Harrison, James McConnon, Stephen Norton, Hemant Pendse, Alan Rosenwasser, Hayden Soule

President Dana Humphrey called the meeting to order at 3:17 p.m. The November 20 minutes were approved as distributed.

1. President Humphrey thanked the inauguration Committee for its hard work and an excellent inauguration

2. The ALANA telethon aimed at increasing diversity on campus will be held on January 14 and 15 (postponed until February 1st).

3. Former Dean of Engineering Norman Smith passed away recently. Formal recognition and a tribute to Dr. Smith’s contributions to the University will occur at the January Meeting.


Academic Affairs (Gloria Vollmers): A reworded resolution on the student attendance policy will be brought to the Senate in January. Nominations for the 1998-1999 class book are being solicited. Finance and Institutional Planning (Hank Metcalf): A draft of the proposals for the Campus Capital Plan was distributed. The Facilities and Campus Planning Committee will work at prioritizing the proposals with maintenance of the inside of buildings expected to be the 11 priority.

Research and Public Service (David Townsend): no report.

University Environment (Richard Brucher): Two committee meetings have been held in order to plan a work session on our academic climate. The committee is drafting responses to the gender equity reports and endorses the principles and spirit of the Year 2000 report There was agreement to endorse Provost Alexander’s idea for campus suggestion boxes.

Committee on Committees (Connie Perry): No report.

Constitution and Bylaws (Mary Ellen Symanski): At today’s meeting, the resolution on administrative membership will put to a Senate vote. Discussion of the voting membership for a representative from the Division of Lifelong Learning has continued.

Board of Trustees Representative (Ivan Fernandez): The Chancellor met with BOT faculty representatives to discuss the funding formula.

NCAA Representative (George Jacobson): The academic performance of student athletes continues to improve. Five teams ended the 1996-1997 year with the highest academic averages to date: soccer, footballl, baseball, swimming, and women’s basketball which was ranked nationally for academics (with 23% scholar-athletes). The scholar-athlete’s banquet will be held on February 8.

IV. OLD BUSINESS: The following constitutional amendment passed unanimously:

ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP, Section 3. Administrative Members. Administrative membership of the Senate shall consist of the following persons: Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Vice Provost for Research & Graduate Studies and one elected representative of the Deans’ Council.

V. NEW BUSINESS: The following resolution passed unanimously. [A copy of the remarks presented by Wesley Petteway, co-chair of the Black Student Union and treasurer of the Student Heritage Alliance Center is available from the Senate office).


Whereas the Faculty Senate of the University of Maine recognizes the importance of Dr. Martin Luther King Week celebrations and ceremonies in the life of this academic community;

and whereas the ideals of Dr. King continue to inspire individuals who desire a more just society; a society in which all individuals are accorded freedom, opportunity and equality;

and whereas the actions of Dr. King in lighting against racial discrimination forced Americans to confront

the reality that the founding principles of the Republic were not realized equally by all citizens;

and whereas the legacy of Dr. King is to establish ideals by which we may measure our beliefs and actions

as individuals arid as a society; and as the ideals of truth, freedom, and the improvement of the conditions

of humanity are at the core of our work as a faculty of this university;

The Faculty Senate of the University of Maine resolves that Martin Luther King Day be declared a permanent University holiday, symbolizing our commitment to Dr. King’s ideals. We further recommend

that the faculty and administration, working in cooperation with student organizations, develop activities, discussions, and educational seminars which commemorate the contributions of Dr. King to our society and further Dr. King’s ideals.

VI. Guest Speakers:

Patty Coleman, Charlie Slavin, and Bob Whelan (Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee) addressed the Senate and discussed the consultant’s report on Equal Opportunity.

Senate members may direct comments about the report to the EEO Advisory Committee and the Environment Committee. A copy of the report is available upon request at the Senate office. Dean of Enrollment Management John Beacon addressed the Senate and gave a progress report on enrollment issues including: a) plans for attracting out-of-state students, b) use of the Portland

Center for recruitment activities, C) improving print and media information about the University of Maine, and d) further identification of the university’s target audience.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Submitted by Gail B. Werrbach, Secretary

Next meeting January 28, 1998