September 25, 1996
Faculty Senate Minutes
September 25, 1996
PRESENT: John Alexander, Francois Amar, Judi Bailey, Steven Barkan, Richard Blake, Tony Brinkley, Richard Brucher, Christopher Campbell, Steven Colbum, Mary Ellen Camire, George Criner, Daniel Dwyer, Max Egenhofer, Larry Latour for James Fastook, Michael GnIlo, Daniel Harrison, Jeffrey Hecker, George Jacobson, Mel Johnson, Jean Lavigne, William Livingston, Philip Locke, James McConnon, Kathleen March, Ben Meiklejohn, Henry Metcalf, Sean Murphy, Stephen Norton, Tina Passman, Hemant Pendse, Howard Segal, Edmund Sheppard,Therese Shipps, Hayden Soule, William Soule, Owen Smith, Mary Ellen Symanski, Charles Tarr, David Townsend,Mary Tyler, Gloria Volimers, Gail Werrbach, William Whitaker
ABSENT: Dusty Doherty, Cathy Elliott, Ivan Fernandez, Dana Humphrey,Fred Hutchinson, Suzanne Moutton,Pamela Schutz
I. President March called the meeting to order at 3:16 p.m. The May 8 and May 22, 1996 minutes were approved as distributed.
II. President March requested a moment of silence in memory of our former colleagues, Richard C. Bowers, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Guvenc G. Alpander, Nicholas Salgo Professor of Business Administration. She read the following memorial:
Today we remember two of our most respected and honored colleagues:
Richard Bowers was a kind, decent and gentle man who always treated everyone with great deference. The University was his highest priority. His was the Chemistry of institutional excellence.
Guvenc A!pander Salgo Professor of Business Administration, was an energetic, enthusiastic scholar with a positive approach to every student. An inspiring educator, he never refused to take on additional responsibility for his college or the University, but his real Business was truly his students.
1. The University of Maine has a new Chief Financial Officer, Lawrence Kelley, who is coming here from Kent State University. His appointment will begin on Nov. 1, 1996, pending Board approval at the September meeting.
2. The Executive Committee forwarded names to Provost Bailey for two search committees: Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Director of Instructional Technology, and a member for the International Education Committee.
3. President March will serve on the Child Care Committee which will report to President Hutchinson by Nov. 1, 1996
4. Letters to Chancellor McTaggart and UMS Board President Sally Vamvakias were sent inviting them to a meeting of the Faculty Senate (preferably this fall).
To honor the retirement of Professor of History Stewart Doty, Howard Segal recognized his outstanding contributions to the University of Maine. Professor Doty is a distinguished scholar, former chair of the Council of Colleges (1981 -82), faculty representative to the Board of Trustees, and was active in the organization of the union. We wish him well in his retirement in New Mexico.
Ben Meiklejohn, President of Student Government announced that the Student Government has supported the collective bargaining agreement.
Academic Affairs (Tina Passman) is looking for representatives from Sciences and Education, as well as a
student representative. Dana Humphrey has agreed to continue on this committee as a representative to the
Athletics Department. Terry Shipps will be the liaison to the International Education Committee. Tina Passman urged members to review the report from the UMS Task Force on Technology. This Task Force will be holding open forums for faculty and staff.
Finance and Institutional Planning (Jean Lavigne) is looking for representatives from Sciences and Education.
Research and Public Service (David Townsend) is also looking for faculty representatives. University Environment (Henry Metcalf) needs representatives from Education, Sciences and Arts & Humanities. The committee will put the issue of the closing of the credit union branch office at the top of the agenda.
Committee on Committees (Gloria Vollmers) requests faculty representation on several administrative committees.
Follow-up of the AFFIRM plan to cut the 2-year Horticultural Landscape program: An articulation agreement between he University of Maine and the University of Maine at Augusta has been formalized so that Augusta would offer the 2 year AA degree in Horticultural Landscape and Orono would offer the 4 year program. Two-year program students would be registered through UMA, but would take some of their courses at Orono. Those who wished to continue in the 4-year program would be able to transfer based on the articulation agreement.
Provost Bailey discussed four matters of concern in Academic Affairs:
1. Recruitment, retention and enrollment management issues: Provost Bailey reported preliminary enrollment figures as of 9/25/96: 7,380 undergraduates; 2000 graduate students; 20% out-of-state students. Work continues on the development of recommendations for improvement in recruitment, retention and enrollment management.
2. Academic leadership: She reported on the status of search committees for academic leadership positions. Ginny Gibson, Chair, Director of Instructional Technology; Connie Perry, Chair, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education; Laurie Hicks, Chair, Dean of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
3. AFFIRM transitions: Provost Bailey has asked Dean Gordon Kulberg to be the lead Dean for the transition to the new college of Liberal Arts and Sciences. College transitions are underway with the scheduling of new college faculty meetings.
4. International education: Provost Bailey and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Pickering will be visiting the University of Angers (France) in October to continue development of international initiatives for students and faculty. They will also be visiting AUBG at that time.
Director of Athletics Suzanne Tyler addressed the Senate, stating that she wants athletics to be totally integrated into the campus community. She reviewed changes in the Department of Athletics, including centralized travel, reorganization of the business office, and review of the mission of athletics. She introduced the new baseball coach, Paul Kostacopoulos. The new basketball coach, John Giannini, was unable to attend. A senator asked about the source of funding for the $541,000 NCAA appeal. Director Tyler referred the question to John Diamond who related that the $280,000 for the investigation was funded through private sources. A senator asked about the use of corporate billboards at athletic events. Director Tyler stated that 50% of the athletic budget is corporate sponsorship and that they are trying to develop relationships with local corporate sponsors who are committed to the program. A senator asked about the projected rates for loss of positions within athletics, as compared to academics. Director Tyler did not anticipate any tosses in positions, assuming that the department maintains its current level of athletic participation. A senator asked about the benefits and losses of having the Blue Ox baseball team play at the University of Maine. Director Tyler stated that the University received the benefit of ongoing TV coverage, but athletics lost several thousand dollars.
John Diamond, Director of Public Affairs, described the Advocacy Project, an effort to make the University of Maine more visible, with the goal to raise and maintain public support, and to increase State financial support for the University of Maine. The General Alumni Association is funding all of these advocacy activities, such as sending fact sheets to state legislators and planning on-campus meetings with legislative candidates. Director Diamond distributed materials about the Advocacy Project and indicated the document would be sent to all faculty senators.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m.
Submitted by Gail B. Werrbach, Secretary