November 20, 1996
Faculty Senate Minutes
November 20, 1996
PRESENT: John Alexander, Francois Amar, Judi Bailey, Dorothy Croall for Richard Blake, Tony Brinkley, Pat Burnes for Richard Brucher, Mary Ellen Camire, Christopher Campbell, Steven Colbum, George Criner, Dusty Doherty, Daniel Dwyer, James Fastook, Ivan Fernandez, Michael Grillo Daniel Harrison, Jeffrey Hecker, Dana Humphrey, George Jacobson, Mel Johnson, Peter Kieban, Jean Lavigne, William Livingston, Philip Locke, James McConnon, Kathleen March, Ben Meiklejohn, Henry Metcalf, Suzanne Moulton, Sean Murphy, Stephen Norton, Tina Passman, Connie Perry, Howard Segal, Pam Schutz, Edmund Sheppard, Therese Shipps, Hayden Soule, William Soule, Owen Smith, Mary Ellen Symanski Scott Delcourt for Charles Tarr, David Townsend, Gloria Vollmers, Gail Werrbach, William Whitaker
ABSENT: Steven Barkan, Max Egenhofer, Cathy Elliott, Fred Hutchinson, Hemant Pendse, Mary Tyler
I. President March called the meeting to order at 3:16 p.m. The October 23, 1996 minutes were approved as distributed. President March read the following history of faculty governance at the university:
At the end of World War II, there were 200 faculty members and 5,000 students. President Arthur Hauck met with the faculty once each semester. A committee was created to devise a plan for better communication. The Faculty Council, a faculty group representing the four colleges (with six members from each college) would meet monthly with the president and other administrators to voice concerns. The meetings were held in the president’s office (he presided) and were intimidating. Faculty decided to meet separately as a group but continued to meet with the president and his staff. In the late 60’s (for a short period) the name was changed to University Council but there was a strong need for a faculty organization with its own constitution and bylaws and committees. The Council of Colleges was formed in 1969. In the mid 80’s a revision of the constitution and bylaws established the Faculty Senate with responsibility for curriculum and all matters of academic policy – the calendar, grading standards and graduation requirements. The Faculty Senate makes policy recommendations to the President concerning university policy such as the organizational structure of the university-the quality of university environment and the allocation of financial and other resources within the university. Currently there are 40 faculty members and the President (non-voting), Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Research, Dean of the Graduate School, Deans’ Council representative, two undergraduate students, 1 graduate student, and liaison members from other organizations on campus (non-voting).
1. Director of Corporate Relations, Brenda Cook has been invited to the December meeting.
2. The Task Force on Technology hearings were held on Nov. 4th and 5th..
3. Enrollment Management conversations have been in progress. There will be two more conversations on Nov. 6th and 8th. Vice President Bailey encourages faculty to participate.
4. Karen Boucias, Director of International Programs, announced that starting in 1997 there will be changes in the application procedures for international students due to changes in visa and US immigration laws..
5. President March announced that George Jacobson’s term as representative to the NCAA is expiring. Faculty Senate must submit three nominees. George is willing to be nominated. She asked that two additional names be forwarded by November 27. The term is five years.
Academic Affairs (Tina Passman): Program elimination guidelines have been distributed and discussion will occur at the next members’ meeting. The Chair thanked staff, students and faculty for attending the Teaching and Technology Task Force meetings. The Committee will bring a draft of a resolution regarding teaching and technology to the elected members’ meeting. The Committee will present a resolution at the next meeting regarding continuation of the Class Book. Finance and Institutional Planning (Jean Lavigne): The current year budget is expected to be available in the library after Thanksgiving. The Committee will meet with Jim Breece for a briefing regarding University finances.
Research and Public Service (David Townsend): Several issues have been identified for future work: looking at how the fringe benefits are charged for part-time positions on grants and finding innovative ways to promote University of Maine research. S
University Environment (Henry Metcalf): The members met on Nov. 8th and reviewed the decision by the University credit union to close the Memorial Union branch office. They met with the President and Vice-President of the credit union, who reviewed the reasons for closing the branch office. The decision to close was based on uncertainty regarding space at the Union and economic considerations. The Credit Union has 112 ATM’S in 60 cities and towns in Maine, including Memorial Union. There Is a 24 hour automated telephone service for many specific services. The Committee believes that closing the Union branch is a non-issues. The Committee met with Dale MacDonald regarding the pet policy and will be forwarding this item to the Senate. Pets are currently permitted in University buildings only in the case of service related disabilities. The current Dog Endowment Policy at Dartmouth College is being investigated.
Committee on Commtttees (Gloria Vollmers): no report.
Constitutions and Bylaws (Dana Humphrey) The committee is discussing how reducing the colleges affects Senate Constitution and Bylaws, including committee membership, and the status of part-time faculty members which currently is not addressed in the constitution.
BOT (Ivan Fernandez): The BOT met in Augusta The mission statement was approved. Discussion focused on statistics relevant to enrollment management.
George Jacobson: NCAA Representative, distributed the list of student athletes by major and college.
Sean Murphy (Graduate Student representative): no report.
Ben MelkleJohn (Student Government representative): Professors will be receiving their evaluations from the student evaluation project.
Enrollment management: Alison Cox, Director of Student Records, provided a framework for understanding the functions of enrollment management. The current focus of enrollment management is the development and implementation of a new student information system (to replace ISIS). ISIS is very difficult to use and is also not capable of handling the year 2000, Enrollment management wants to bring in a system that can carry out multiple functions: e.g., faculty workload analysis, electronic gradebook, class lists, good advising information, degree audit (real and simulated), student schedules, transfer credit, etc. Faculty asked about the decision to let students register without advisor signatures. Director Cox related that students appreciate having some access and control, and as a way to reduce the workload of support staff.
Transforming the role of the faculty: President March announced that the Faculty Senate Executive Committee met to discuss ways to create a forum for discussion of the role of the faculty. The Executive Committee suggested that the
Senate organize a one day retreat /advance. The tentative date is for the end of January and President March is looking for
3-4 volunteers for the planning committee.
Chancellor MacTaggart and BOT Chair Sally Vamvakias addressed the Senate. Chancellor Maclaggatt distributed an overview of the University of Maine System 96-97 goals and initiatives, and provided a discussion of the main points. BOT Chair Vamvakias discussed plans for the search for the next president of the University. The search committee Will consist of 11 members, including three BOT trustees. James Caron will chair the search committee. James Mullen and George Wood wilt be the other BOT trustees on the committee. She hopes that the search committee Will be in place by January. Faculty Senate will forward the names of the three faculty members.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Submitted by Gail B. Werrbach, Secretary
Next meeting December 18. 1996