March 26, 1997

Faculty Senate Minutes

March 26, 1997

PRESENT: John Alexander, Francois Amar, Judi Bailey, Steven Barkan, John Battick, Richard Brucher, Mary Ellen Camire, Steven Colburn, Daniel Dwyer, James Fastook, Michael Grillo Daniel Harrison, Dana Humphrey, Fred Hutchinson, George Jacobson, Mel Johnson, Peter Kieban, James Horan for Jean Lavigne, William Livingston, Philip Locke, James McConnon, Kathleen March, Henry Metcalf, Scott Morelli, Sean Murphy, Jennifer Nelson, Tina Passman, Connie Perry, Alan Rosenwasser, Howard Segal, Edmund Sheppard, Therese Shipps, Hayden Soule, Owen Smith, Mary Ellen Symanski, Charles Tarr, John Ringo for Mary Tyler, Gloria Volmers, Gail Werrbach

ABSENT: Richard Blake, Tony Brinkley, Christopher Campbell, George Criner, Max Egenhofer, Cathy Elliott, Ivan Fernandez, Suzanne Moulton, Stephen Norton, Hemant Pendse, Brenda Power, David Townsend

I. President March called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m. The February 26, 1997 minutes were approved. The President introduced John Battick who has agreed to serve as parliamentarian.


1. President Hutchinson announced that the 2%-3% funding for the University of Maine System was approved by the legislature. He expressed great thanks to Representative Cassie Stevens, Senator Mary Cathcart, and all faculty, students, and staff who came together to work for the University of Maine.

2. Provost Bailey announced that Rebecca E. Eilers has been offered the position of Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The search for the Director of Instructional Technologies continues with a visit by the third candidate next week. The search committee is beginning review of applicants for the Dean of Enrollment Management Recommendations from the Search Committee for the Director of the Honors Program will be forthcoming.

3. Howard Segal announced that the Presidential Search Committee met for the third time last week in order to narrow the pool for the April 1 meeting. It is anticipated that final candidates will be on campus before the semester ends.

4. Provost Bailey provided information about how tuition waivers are apportioned. The total pool for tuition waivers is $6 million; 8.8% of this pool is for athletic waivers.

5. President March announced that the new College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is making progress on its College mission statement.

6. Robert White, Director of the Division of Life-Long Learning has requested representation on Faculty Senate with liaison status.


Academic Affairs (Tina Passman): Three resolutions were offered. Resolution #1: The Faculty Senate of the University of Maine endorses and approves the University of Maine Transfer Policy, including changes brought forward by the Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate. The resolution PASSED. Resolution #2: That the Faculty Oversight Committee be continued for another three years, to be reviewed and evaluated in 2000. The resolution PASSED. Resolution #3: The Faculty Senate of the University of Maine recommends that the proposed changes in the University of Maine Student Handbook be adopted as policy on academic integrity and the academic appeals process. The resolution PASSED.

Finance and Institutional Planning (Henry Metcalf reported for Jean Lavigne): The committee reviewed the chart of accounts which specifically categorize various operations. The University of Maine FY ‘97 actual budget consists of: Unrestricted E & G ($1 11.7 million); Auxiliary Enterprises ($24.9 million), Designated ($2.2 million), and Restricted ($43.6 million) for a total of $182.3 million. Lawrence Kelley, Chief Financial Officer and ex-officio member of the committee visualizes that next year will be stable financially. CFO Kelley is very willing to address the Senate early next fall. Research and Public Service (David Townsend): no report University Environment (Henry Metcalf): The following resolution was presented:

The Faculty Senate acknowledges the outstanding performance of the University of Maine Women’s Basketball Team and recognizes the pride and honor the team has brought to the University.

The resolution PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. In addition, the committee made the following recommendation: The Senate create an ad hoc advisory committee to recommend policies on the operation of First Class (and possibly other University networks). Issues include, but are not limited to, acceptable behavior in chat groups, Web -page designs, network capacity, freedom of speech, settling disputes, and disciplinary actions. we suggest the committee be made up of members representing the library, IT, graduate students, undergraduate students, CAPS, Judicial Affairs, ACAC, System Administration Group, as well as faculty from various disciplines. Committee on Committees (Gloria Vollmers): no report

Constitution and Bylaws (Dana Humphrey): The Faculty Senate approved the following amendment to the

Constitution: In the event of changes in the composition of colleges, or distribution of faculty across colleges, the executive committee of the Senate shall formulate a plan to phase in the adjustments to appointment resulting from such changes. Such a plan must include the provision that elected senators shall have the option to complete their term even if the resulting number of total senators is temporary greater than 40. This will be sent to all faculty for a vote.


Faculty Retreat/Advance: Administrative support has been received for the Faculty Retreat, and could be an annual event. The retreat will be on Maine Day (April 30) from 9am-4pm in the Dexter Lounge at Alfond Arena. An invitation will be sent to all faculty to attend this event. President March asked that faculty members return surveys indicating their interest in attending this event as the lunch is being catered.

Pet Policy: The Pet Policy has been referred to the University Environment Committee for additional study.


Director of Academic Support for Student Athletes, Tnna Kucilacek, described her role as the interlace between athletics and academics. The program offers academic counselors (not academic advisors) and three tutorial programs. In the Mentoring program, student athletes receive help with time management, study skills, and test taking strategies. The supplemental instruction program provides tutoring for at risk students (this is not a replacement for class attendance). She presented information about student athletes: SAT scores for incoming student athletes are 1032, for the non-athlete the SAT is 1089. The University spends $128 per student athlete for academic support services. In response to an inquiry, the administration indicated that if it were financially feasible ($2.2 million necessary), the University would like to duplicate this program for non-student athletes.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Submitted by Gail B. Werrbach, Secretary

Next meeting April 26, 1997



LUNCH 12:00-1:00



1. Shifting demographics of students

2. Shift in full-time to part-time faculty.

3. Implicit and explicit expectations: measures of productivity.

4. Professional development support.

5. Faculty role in recruiting new students.

6. Collegiality/community at UM