January 1997

Faculty Senate Minutes

PRESENT: John Alexander, Steven Barkan, Richard Brucher, Mary Ellen Camire, Ted Coladarci,Steven Colburn, George Cnner, Lee Davis, Scott Delcourt, Kate Beard for Max Egenhofer, Larry Latour for James Fastook, Ivan Fernandez, Ginny Gibson, Mac Gray, Michael Greenwood, Tim Gnffin, Michael Grillo, Peter Hoff, James Horan, Dana Humphrey, Fred Irons, Mel Johnson, Jane Herbing for lrv Kornfield, Philip Locke, James McConnon, Chris McEvoy, Henry Metcalf, Scott Morelli, Jennifer Nelson, Stephen Norton, Tina Passman, Hemant Pendse, Steven Sader, Howard Segal, Therese Shipps, Owen Smith, Hayden Soule, Mary Ellen Syrnanski, David Townsend, Gloria Vollmers

ABSENT: Francois Amar, Tony Brinkley, Christopher Campbell, Ryan Carnegie, Daniel Dwyer, Dan Harrison,Jeffrey Hecker, George Jacobson, Peter Kleban, Connie Perry, Mary Tyler, Gail Werrbach

I. President Dana Humphrey called the meeting to order. The minutes of April 23, 1997 were approved as distributed.


1. The Faculty Senate office has moved to 255 Aubert Hall.

2. There is a new interpretation of the Maine food tax. Faculty and staff will be charged tax on food purchased on campus unless the food is charged on a Maine Card.

3. The search committee for the new Chief Financial Officer has been appointed.

4. A Parliamentarian is needed for the Faculty Senate (need not be a member of the Senate).

5. There are several written reports available in the Senate office for interested faculty: !nterdisciplinary Minor in IntemationalAffairs; Telecommunications and Information Technology; UMAINE Course Evaluation Summary: A V 96-97 (all colleges).


Academic Affairs (Gloria Vollmers) A resolution to change the name of the Program Development and Curriculum Committee and another dealing with double majors and double degrees will be brought to the floor for a vote today. The committee members are gathering data about a backlog of students who have not yet fulfilled the “population and environment” component of the General Education Requirements. Copies of Student Course Evaluation summary data from 1996-1997 are available in the Senate office, and are on reserve in the library. The process of selecting the Class Book for the next two years is underway. This committee may be coordinating with an administrative committee on advising to issue guidelines on what constitutes good advising, and may propose a resolution on “advising responsibility.” Other requests have been made by various individuals and groups. For example the committee has been asked to address the practice of final exams being administered in the week before finals week, to look into how mid-term reports could be made more useful to advisors, and to determine the reasons why minors are not available in all departments.

Finance and Institutional Planning (Hank Metcalf) This committee will be looking at several issues including gender equity in athletics, financial concerns associated with the Fogler Library, and the revenue stream generated by student fees.

Research and Public Service (David Townsend) There will be a resolution generated by the committee on the topic of research professors. The goal of the resolution will be to promote research at the University of Maine. Committee members are studying publications on the role of research at a University, and the appropriate balance of research, teaching and service.

University Environment (Dick Brucher) is looking for an additional member from the College of Education and a student representative, The Pet Policy will be put to a vote today. Other issues being considered by the committee include the University Club, the use and abuse of the First Class computer system, the studying habits of students, and gender equity in athletics.

Constitution and Bylaws (Mary Ellen Symanski) needs one committee member from either the College of Education or the College of Natural Resources, Forestry and Agriculture. The Parliamentarian, when appointed, will also serve on this committee. The committee will consider a request from the Director of the Division of


Lifelong Learning for voting member status. The committee’s agenda also includes modification of the Constitution to reflect the elimination of the position of Dean of the Graduate School, and consideration of the need to adjust the apportionment of Faculty Senators in light of the reorganization of the Colleges. Faculty Representative Board of Trustees (Ivan Fernandez) All student and faculty representatives to the Board of Trustees met before the start of classes. Issues being addressed by the Board include a name change for the University of Maine at Augusta, administration of Libra Professorships, pay equity, and improved student dialogue with the Board of Trustees.


Pet Policy. Dick Brucher presented a summary of the policy, which is intended to be less restrictive than the original policy defeated by the Senate last year. A friendly amendment was added to #4: “Pets must not be left unattended while on University property, either in automobiles (for more than a few minutes), or tied outside of buildings.” An amendment was proposed by Michael Grillo: “lndividuals will be able to bring pets to campus but are expected to respect the needs of people with allergies or fears of animals. Thus, if a pet owner is asked not to bring the pet to a specific location on campus, he or she will cease to do so.” The amendment failed. Much discussion ensued about the amount of detail included in the policy, application of the policy to animals other than dogs, and enforcement of the policy. The main motion, to approve the original Pet Policy, carried by a substantial margin.


Bond Issue Referendum: John Diamond urged the Faculty Senate membership and the University community to promote passage of the University of Maine $10 million bond referendum which will be on the November ballot. The bond is to fund projects related to access, safety and independence for people with disabilities. $3.2 Million is earmarked for the University of Maine.

Accreditation: Doug Gelinas reported that an accreditation visit will take place in the Spring of 1999. Prior to the visit, an intensive self-study process will take place, resulting in a lengthy report. Kathleen March is the co-chair of the self-study committee, and there will be 14 subcommittees. President Hoff added that diversity will be an important issue addressed within the report, and educational outcomes will need to be documented.

Resolution: The Resolution Regarding Double Majors and Double Degree was approved as written.

The Faculty Senate of the University of Maine recommends that the proposed clarifications be adopted and included in the University Catalogue and the Student Handbook, replacing those now existing.

Resolution: Modification of the name and membership of the Program Development and Curriculum Committee was discussed. The resolution to change the name of the committee to the Undergraduate Program and Curriculum Committee was passed unanimously

The meeting adjourned at 4:35 PM. Next meeting October 22

Submitted by Mary Ellen Symanski, Secretary pro tern Gail Werrbach, Secretary