December 18, 1996
Faculty Senate Minutes
December 18, 1996
Present: John Alexander, François Amar, Judi Bailey, Steven Barkan, Tony Brinkley, Richard Brucher, Mary Ellen Camire, Christopher Campbell, Steven Colburn, Daniel Dwyer, Max Egenhofer, Cathy Elliott, James Fastook, Ivan Fernandez, Michael Grillo Daniel Harrison, Dana Humphrey, Fred Hutchinson, Mel Johnson, Peter Kleban, Jean Lavigne, William Livingston, Philip Locke, James McConnon, Kathleen March, Henry Metcalf, Sean Murphy, Stephen Norton, Tina Passman, Hemant Pendse, Connie Perry, Howard Segal, Edmund Sheppard, Therese Shipps, Hayden Soule, William Soule, Owen Smith, Mary Ellen Symanski, Charles Tarr David Townsend, Mary Tyler, Gloria Vollmers
Absent: Richard Blake, George Criner, Jeffrey Hecker, George Jacobson, Ben Meiklejohn, Suzanne Moulton, Pamela Schutz, Gail Werrbach, William Whitaker
I. President March called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m. The November 20, 1996 minutes were approved with a
correction to the Environment Committee report: “The proposal includes pets to be permitted in university buildings
only in the case of assistance with disabilities.” (This is not an existing policy as was implied in the minutes.)
President Hutchinson announced that the Governor has included a I % increase for the UM system in his budget. While acknowledging the need for further lobbying, he views the development as positive. President March announced (1) presentations by Brenda Cook and Marisue Pickering are slated for a later meeting; (2) The Faculty Senate resolution indicating that future presidential search committees should include a graduate as well as an undergraduate student and increased faculty representation was received and acknowledged by the Chancellor’s office; (3) Athletic Advisory Board members have received copies of a document that outlines the Athletic Department budget.
ACADEMIC AFFAIRS (Tina Passman): At the request of members of A&H, the committee is examining the GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS in light of the current downsizing situation. Additional questions under study relate to the policy of not allowing exams to be scheduled in the week before finals week, the 72 hour turnaround time for submission of final grades, and abuses of the 10 week withdrawal policy in cases of students caught cheating. It was noted that any cheating problems are referred to the Judicial Affairs committee. FINANCE AND INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING (Jean Lavigne): The committee is analyzing implementation of the AFFIRM process. Several AFFIRM documents are in circulation. Copies will be available of the March 19, 1996 document which includes information about how the process relates to the entire university community not just academic departments.
RESEARCH & PUBLIC SERVICE (David Townsend): Topics discussed at the second meeting included issues related to insurance charged to grants and contracts, the fact that certain grants are charging fringe benefits for part-time employees who are not receiving such benefits, and innovative ways of conducting research and increasing grant funds.
UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT (Hank Metcalf): A meeting will be scheduled with Francois Amar and others to review concerns about the misuse of First Class e-mail system.
COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES (Gloria Vollmers): Ballots were distributed to faculty senators for the purpose of choosing three faculty members who will serve on the Presidential Search Committee. The ten members who receive the most votes will be notified and asked to submit short essays on their qualifications and why they wish to serve.
CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS (Dana Humphrey): The committee is examining the distribution of senators across colleges and guidelines for the composition of Senate committees in light of the new college structure. Further discussions on the proposal will be scheduled for the next elected members’ meeting. Board of Trustees’ Faculty Representative (Ivan Fernandez): No meeting since the last Senate meeting. Next meeting to be held in Orono – January, 1997.
Sean Murphy (graduate student representative): Karla Bossey was named as student representative for the Presidential Search committee.
‘i RESOLUTION: “The Faculty Senate acknowledges that the Class Book project shows promise for uniting the University of Maine campus in a common intellectual pursuit. We therefore recommend that the Class Book project be renewed for another five years, with a review by the Academic Affairs Committee in 2001. The Academic Affairs Committee, in consultation with the coordinator of college composition, shall continue the selection of the Class Book.” Harvey Kail spoke in favor of supporting the resolution. A motion to support the resolution was made, seconded and passed.
Tina Passman read a resolution with background related to the de facto elimination of the Merchandising program in SBS. Questions were asked about implementation of the policy in cases where program offerings may be in jeopardy if retiring faculty are not replaced. Judi Bailey said it is not her intent to bypass the program elimination process. After several friendly amendments it was moved and seconded to approve the following:
RESOLUTION:” The Faculty Senate reaffirms that the Program Elimination guidelines approved by the Faculty Senate, President Hutchinson, and the Academic Affairs arm of the University of Maine on March 25, 1992, will be followed. To bypass Faculty Senate hearings in the case of the B.S. in Merchandising and Consumer Resources was an exception, not a precedent; all parties involved agree that in the spirit of faculty governance, consideration for elimination of any academic program will follow the sequence and steps for program elimination as outlined in the document entitled, GUIDELINES FOR PROGRAM ELIMINATION.”
Resolution moved, seconded, amended and passed as follows:
a. The Faculty Senate supports the appropriate use and integration of technology in teaching, research, and program development. We see the employment of various technologies as forming an integral part of our Land-Grant and Sea-Grant Mission. It is therefore appropriate for the University of Maine to take a lead in developing integrated and appropriate technologies for use in teaching, research, program development, and outreach. We underscore that the academic integrity as defined by the faculty of each discipline will drive the defination of appropriate use and integration of this technology.
b. We recognize the system-wide need for a utility that will support the development and use of educational technologies, as initially provided by the Education Network of Maine. We support the concept of a system-wide utility to provide the transmission technology and hardware deemed appropriate to achieve quality distance education offerings to meet the needs identified by faculty and academic programs.
The Technology Task Force will continue to monitor developments in this area.
Provost Bailey distributed a document that outlined the numbers of faculty who availed themselves of the enhanced retirement package. She acknowledged the serious loss of faculty members. For immediate needs, the System office is making funds available as a no-interest loan for replacement needs for the coming fall. She distributed another document that lists the impact of position losses on individual units. Deans are identifying the priorities for filling positions and for non-salary operating needs. Another document was distributed on the topic of determining program needs. There may be some shifting of priorities as the new colleges begin working together. There will be additional opportunities for members of the campus community to provide input. Provost Bailey also indicated that she did not intend to permanently take the positions from the colleges. She took the positions to make the savings, and is now giving some positions back to the colleges.
Steve Norton asked to defer his presentation to a future meeting when there is more time. George Jacobson is talking with Elizabeth Mitchell in Augusta, advocating for grassroots lobbying of the legislature.
VI. Meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Next meeting January 29, 1997.
Submitted by Mary Ellen Symanski, substituting for Gail Werrbach, Secretary