Chemistry Minor
A minor in Chemistry is intended to broaden the academic base of students who already have a solid scientific background in areas such as biology, microbiology, biochemistry, and engineering. The curriculum exposes students to the first 2 years of introductory chemistry and provides additional knowledge at a more advanced level in an area of the student’s choice. Students must take a minimum of 24 credits from the following list, including at least one advanced (400 level) chemistry course. At least 14 credits must be taken at UMaine.
A 500 level chemistry course can be used to fulfill the minor requirement by obtaining permission from the course instructor and academic advisor. No grade below a C- will be accepted toward these requirements.
- CHY 121 – General Chemistry I Credits: 3
- CHY 122 – General Chemistry II Credits: 3
- CHY 123 – General Chemistry Laboratory I Credits: 1
- CHY 124 – General Chemistry Laboratory II Credits: 1
- CHY 251 – Organic Chemistry I Credits: 3
- CHY 252 – Organic Chemistry II Credits: 3
- CHY 253 – Organic Chemistry Laboratory I Credits: 2
- CHY 254 – Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Credits: 2
- CHY 261 – Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry Credits: 3
- CHY 342 – Principles of Quantitative Analysis and Solution Equilibria Credits: 5
- CHY 423 – Introductory Polymer Chemistry Credits: 3
- CHY 425 – Physical Chemistry of Polymers Credits: 3
- CHY 431 – Structure and Mechanism in Biological Chemistry Credits: 3
- CHY 461 – Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I Credits: 3
- CHY 462 – Organometallic Chemistry Credits: 3
- CHY 471 – Physical Chemistry I Credits: 3
- CHY 472 – Physical Chemistry II Credits: 3
- CHY 475 – Physical Chemistry III Credits: 3
- CHY 483 – Introductory Wood Chemistry Credits: 3